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User:Bocajpj/The Second International Portfolio of Artists Photography

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File:2nd portfolio.JPG

The International Portfolio of Artists Photography was an assembling book project launched by John P. Jacob in 1983. The project was conceived to integrate mail art, book art, and photography. Following the model of Richard Kostelanetz' Assembling Press,[1] Jacob invited potential contributors to submit seventy-five copies of an original photograph, and these were alphabetically assembled into books. Contributions were solicited through the mail art community, in particular Judith Hoffberg's Umbrella. The First Portfolio included works by thirty-seven artists from fourteen nations, bound into a tri-fold muslin folio that Jacob designed and hand-sewed. Two sets of prints were used to create exhibition copies that traveled to venues in Europe, Asia, and in the US during 1983 and '84. The "Notes" accompanying it announce the project as a ten-year effort, with subsequent volumes focusing on photography from specific geographical regions, to appear biennially. The Second Portfolio, scheduled for 1985, would focus on the Soviet Bloc countries of Eastern Europe; the Third on South America; the Fourth on Asia; and the Fifth, like the First, would be "open to artists throughout the world."[2] Only the First International Portfolio of Artists Photography and the Second Portfolio were completed.

Participants (by country):

Bulgaria: Guillermo Deisler

Czechoslovakia: Karel Bartonicek; J.K. Celis; Helena Hátleová; Miroslav Klivar; Milan Knìzák; Pavel Mara; Silos Sejn; Dezider Toth.

East Germany: BERM/Wolfgang Eigendorf; Michael Brendel; Martina & Steffan Giersch; Michael Groschopp; Joseph W. Huber; Steffen Jacob; Karsten Matthes & Petra Grund; Birger Jesch; Andreas Münstermann; W.W. Neumann; Hans Praefke; Karla Sachse; Jurgen Schöberl; Joachim Stange.

Hungary: Artpool/Galantái; András Lengyel; Atilla Pácser; László Beke; Péter Bokros & Inconnu; Péter Forgács; Flesch Bálint; Aljona Frankl; István Halas; János Sugár; M. Detvay Jenö; László 2. Hegedüs; Szilágyi Lenke; László Lugosi-Lugo; Géza Perneczky; ; Róbert Swierkiewicz; Soós Tamas; Gábor Tóth; Tibor Várnagy; Zoltán Bógdandy; Zsigmond Károlyi; Tibor Zátonyi; Anna Kárpáti.

Poland: Anna Bohdziewicz; Jacek Józwiak; Piotr Kowalski; Ir Kulik; Andrzej Kwietniewski; Natalia LL; Miklos Novottny; Zdlislaw Pacholski; Kuba Pajewski; Józef Robakowski; Piotr Rypson; Zygmunt Rytka; Tomasz Sikorski; Janusz Szczucki; Tomasz Szmosiontek; Krystyna Ziach.

Romania: Cálin Beloescu; Ioan Bunus; Florin Maxa; Veres Pavel; Iosif Eiraly.

Yugoslavia: Dobrica Kampereelic; Janez Pipan; Predag Sidanin; Jaroslav Supek; Andrej Tisma.

USSR: Rimma & Valeriy Gerlovin; Igor Makarevich; Vagrich Bakhchanyan.

Exhibition Venues: Liget Galeria & Galeria 11, Budapest, Hungary.


  1. ^ Kostelanetz, Richard. "Assembling Press". Richard Kostelanetz. Retrieved 27 January 2014.
  2. ^ Jacob, John (1983). First International Portfolio of Artists Photography. New York: Riding Beggar Press.

Books Category:Book arts Category:Photography Category:Photography exhibitions Category:1985 in art