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FlexCit is a blueprint for the process of UK withdrawal from the EU written by Richard A. E. North in 2013. North was one of seventeen shortlisted entrants invited to submit a full submission to the Institute of Economic Affairs's 2013 Brexit Prize competition. 'FLexCit', proposed that Britain should rejoin the European Free Trade Association via membership of the European Economic Area. Under the proposal, Britain would initially adopt the community acquis of the European Union, the accumulated legislation, legal acts, and court decisions which constitute the body of European Union law. North argues that under this approach to EU exit there would be be very little visible consequence of Britain's change in status, either for the better or the worse. Further renegotiation of trade and governance would become a longer term option.

Though not a finalist in the contest, North continues to develop the Flexcit plan in cooperation with readers of the EUReferendum blog, and others. It was referenced by Dominic Cummings,



