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Rita Zeidner. (Nov 2009) Handle with Care. Retrieve from http://eds.b.ebscohost.com/eds/pdfviewer/pdfviewer?sid=6b380e78-8028-475b-a4f8-c3b3a366adef%40sessionmgr101&vid=7&hid=113

In this article it mentions in a section that a father got denied same parental allowance as what his wife was getting. Some work places there will be time where people who are parents will run into legal problems. The father was denied family leave to care for his newborn and wife. It is not fair that fathers are not allowed to leave for family or medical care reason this is an issue in the work-life in the United States; in some jobs men cannot balance their father and husbands’ role because of their workplace will not allow them to. Fathers should have the right in workplaces to leave work for family care to attend his family. It is understandable if family leave for males and females are denied such as (not getting paid for it after working comp time) because the economy is in bad shape but the government needs to address this problem for family reasons   

Safety Compliance Letter. Safety Management Clinic. (July 1, 2009) Workplace Programs and Policies for Improving Worker Health and Well-Being. Retrieve from  http://eds.b.ebscohost.com/eds/pdfviewer/pdfviewer?sid=6b380e78-8028-475b-a4f8-c3b3a366adef%40sessionmgr101&vid=2&hid=113

Many people die at young ages because of stress related to work. It is important for oneself to distress them self at a work place environment by being allowed to take an extra 15minute break be relieved by the stress they have from work. When the economy is good and going up work places allow an hour of fitness and wellness but there is a disadvange to it the employers can participate in the fitness program during their lunch break. When the economy goes down the fitness program at a work place will be the first thing to go. It is unhealthy for one to take work home with them constantly because that will cut into their personal life whether it be family or friend time a person social life is important and socializing can relieve stress.  

Simmons, Kenna, Georgia Trend (Date) What Women Want. Retrieve from http://eds.b.ebscohost.com/eds/detail/detail?vid=4&sid=7597c0fd-18ec-48ba-b2a2-61afde7972ad%40sessionmgr101&hid=113&bdata=JnNpdGU9ZWRzLWxpdmUmc2NvcGU9c2l0ZQ%3d%3d#AN=8862482&db=f6h

Many women appreciate their husbands coming home from work and still giving energy to spend time with their family. In this article it mentions how many of the males take advantage of the HR program; many men are on flexible work arrangements. The article also mentions and supports the idea of if you burn them out or they're not happy, they're not going to be productive. Many companies and business do not allow or support the idea of flexible work arrangement for both female and male because it is difficult to maintain and schedule. In Kenna view commutation is the key for both the employer and employee to make the flexible schedule work to maintain both their work and personal life.

West, Elizabeth A., Potentials. (Nov 2009) Beat the Clock Retrieve from http://eds.b.ebscohost.com/eds/detail/detail?sid=7597c0fd-18ec-48ba-b2a2-61afde7972ad%40sessionmgr101&vid=8&hid=113&bdata=JnNpdGU9ZWRzLWxpdmUmc2NvcGU9c2l0ZQ%3d%3d#AN=11081904&db=bth 

In this article companies have taken important steps to help their employees find a better balance, offering flextime and telecommuting, elder care and daycare, on-site gyms or subsidized gym memberships and other benefits. They are also looking for more expected work life balance opportunities, some companies have also begun looking into household services as a way to help their employees manage their off work hours. It is a unique and different way they are giving time back to their employers. About 40 percent of Americans work up to 50 hours a week. This idea of giving back time to their employees seems fair, according to this article this company is on low key about giving time back to their employees to see how it works out in the long run. 

Work-Life Newsbrief & Trend Report (July 1, 2009) Catalyst shines a light on what is and what’s needed  Retrieve From http://eds.b.ebscohost.com/eds/pdfviewer/pdfviewer?vid=1&sid=7597c0fd-18ec-48ba-b2a2-61afde7972ad%40sessionmgr101&hid=113  

This article supports the idea of how men need work life support to in a work environment. Back in the 1990s about 41 percent of men we not offered unpaid leave related to family reasons. The article also supports in having a world where workplaces are so inclusive and supportive that both men and women can thrive at work and do anything they want. It also mentions a little bit about gender equity. It is also mentioned that many men are still viewing how work life is just a women issue.  

Article evaluation: Work–life balance in the United States


Most of the article was proven with evidence of reliable sources and references. There were many references such many law acts in agencies, company’s and small business they have to follow. There is a lot of history to the article and how it all started and begun with pay and hourly wages. There was nothing to distract me that was not related to the article. There were many facts in the article and everything the text stated in the article had strong evidence. Most of the article was neutral. A big part of the article was history, how people would work sixty plus hours within a week and how now it went down to forty hours a week including one day off. There were a couple brief but every informational section of laws and acts. Most of the information the article had was from five sources which none were biased. Two out of five resources were actually found, the other three resources were not founded from government websites. This article has to be up-to-date and edited with new resources. Three resources came from government website; one from a law firm website and the last resources comes from a library resource. The viewpoints were neutral I would agree with what most of the text says. I actually learned a lot from the article I was not familiarly with the acts and laws the government has require companies and small business to follow and provided to their employees such as sick leave, family emergency or vacation time. What needs to be added is more about the modern day work-life balance. Most of the links work and can be found expect for most of the resources. There was nothing in the article that was paraphrased or plagiarism. Everything had cited and strong based evidence. Most of the links work like the laws, the resources do not all work because the website are not found anymore. I think the websites they reference are reliable at the time it was edited. I think those were strong resources coming from governmental websites but only three of the resources cannot be found. More information can be included in the article such as how can working people their personal life after work. How do they balance their work-life and personal life? When are they able to spend time with their friends and loved ones? Also how many workaholics are there, let’s not forget there are many people that just like to work for a living maybe they do not have a live outside of work.