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Nice works. I love Erik G. Plott palm trees guy or Moringa king as he is known for. CLICK “Who is E.G.Plott” to begin the Thought Profess read.

Keep it up I would love to see more of the Black Sun Baby information explained into words like he does in the videos he has. Thousands of his works were taken down and filtered out into virtual tumbleweeds as he was reaching many millions of people. Like over 120 million per year or something. Not bad for an individual Independant poet or writer as well he does all his videos works and even is a musician. What can’t Erik Geoffrey Leonard Plott do? And it is pretty good at just about all of it. I find it all interesting and entertaining.


Who is ~E.G.Plott~?


On The topic of the Black Hole Sun, no one single expert knows best other than a Harvard Researcher, from the Midwest and Lives in Central America as Mr.Erik Geoffrey Leonard Plott, who has claimed to witness and experience this Black Sun, which came to his surprise as he never heard of a Black Sun, until he personally saw with his own eyes a Black Spinning Vortex of What he called Cryptic Electro Magnetic DiElectric Accelerating Aether Power. He then went on to research further after he claimed this energy zapped him esoteric information that he never knew before and he felt a connection and protection with this Goddess of all creative energy.

WATCH VIEW FULL BLACK SUN BABY MOVIE HERE https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zejIqaP1mFI

Set apart from the Racist Nazi Occult who also knew about this entity's "VRIL" Energy is said secrets from the Occult knew about it, and how to harness its amazing unlimited energy source at the North Pole, in this Cellular Concave Earth Cosmology we actually live in side the earth, and the Black Celestrial Sphere is above to what looks like a sky ( as it is called) but is also Below. LEARN MORE ABOUT THIS WATCH THIS VIDEO HERE https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fqaNYGHCK4w

The Jesuits and Kabbalists know this as well, have coined the phrase "As Is Above is Below and So within is so without"...Most don't innerstand this statement until you realize and figure out we had been lied to about residing on a spinning ball globe, we are not flat earthers Erik Plott would explain, and break down we are actually in a 5th-dimensional reality simulation matrix world and have been trying to measure our existence with words, titles and labels for science and religion, but it is impossible to express the 5th dimension in this manner. The 4th dimension is time and space which controls us, if we allow it to with material conscious money or wealth and power; however, if we look deeper we can look past this Time Space and enter into what is called Hyperborea. The 5th dimension Realm is where time and space and light and void become one singularity again as where we came from.. This Aether Void is the Creator maker who holds the light, this light-bringer has always been known as SOPHIA, or Lilith aka Lucifer or Morning Star.

This Morning star is the AIN SOPH AUR Architect who made reality from her subconscious void and manifested a sun through the Queen Aurah Borealis (Bored Alice in wonderland, the Alice word means TRUTH- Sophia was bored and went down the rabbit hole to overcome all her fears and create her greatest desires, by finding herself; which is your self or highest self when divinely found)

There is so much more about this subject and over 5 fan pages had been taken down by ~E.G.Plott~ The finder researcher who actually rediscovered GOD if you will and even goes as far to say we are all #BlackSunBABY s and we are BEYOND GODS, that we can manifest our reality from Subconscious dream state and intent desires can manifest into the CONSCIOUS Light or Sun above. Learn about what Light is on his Podcast called Black Sun King012 True Truth Podcast. https://anchor.fm/eric-plott/episodes/Erik-Plott-Thought-Profess-Expression-FULL-CONUNDRUM-RESPONSE--to-BASHAR-et6q73



Over 12 years worth of this man's work and over 233 videos on Vimeo, thousands of videos, content and photos have been removed and permanently banned from Facebook, Youtube, and Many other social media groups, with efforts to censor or filter out his Thought Profess Message of the Black Dark Sun Goddess of the Void, which very few information is available, which most gatekeeping shills looking to vilify this truth by making it look like a Nazi Racist symbol or group; when in reality it is truly the most powerful entity or infinite source in existence, making this Matrix Simulation Illusion Seem much more real than it truly is.

• When People get close to this Black Sun, which is everything and nothing all at the same time, people have been known during moments of "almost death" To experience extreme DMT Release from the Pineal Gland and they see part fractals of the afterlife mixed with your greatest fears, guilt shame, and regret which can manifest a HELL LOOP, if you will, or if you have been set free, you may experience heavenly Hyperborea or Heaven serenity instead. Either way, your mind is interpreting your reality, and this is why many get scared and fear the time of their death and they manifest things they relate to in their life such as Demons or Possibly Angels and or UFO's and Aliens, etc, it all whatever the observer wishes to believe and then think they know, and it becomes. So had they never knew the idea or thought of the ideas of god or angels and aliens, from our shadow reflection archons, then we never would have manifested that we have faith in them or that they are actually real. What they are really experiencing is getting close to the Black Hole Sun, which brings into consciousness whatever belonging you wish to have as a desired reality. This is why it is best to BE LIFE, to BE REAL, and this is BE WISE, as Erik Plott would say. Meaning to LET GO of all thoughts and instead feel this aether energy, allow it in, let go of all fear. guilt, shame, and regret; then visualize and see a heavenly reality for yourself, and what you feel then you know, this when left alone then manifest automatically overtime. As if you merely planted a spiritual seed that sowed from conscious desire self now, and then spiraled into existence over your life from your highest self guiding it as you move forward thoughtless and selflessly, much like a flowing nature river that just knows what it is supposed to be doing if we merely stopped getting in our own ways with conscious thoughts, we then could experience the best most enlightened life ever. Conscious thoughts get in our way and create scared-mongering worrisome feelings that we classify with words, titles, and labels from other groups that wish to create illusions of Dogmatic Religious bias or belief systems and divide all archons into political groupings or whatnot. We are all LIVING SOLS and Nothing less, you are the Beyond god manifesting all your reality, until you realize this however you live the lies of the illusions you created from your default Shadow reflections, what Erik Called "ARCHON AI SOULLESS BEINGS", however, he rather just consider to love them and say they are energy vampires that you create as obstacle challenges to overcome and become stronger with their poison darts and toxic challenges. Just let it go and be set free from the tension of their fear-mongering ways.

Your life will all the sudden blossom amazing blessings and what Plott calls "Euphoric Singular Bliss" which is favor from your highest self, when you just allow it to take care of everything. Overcome dwelling thoughts or doubts, let us stop believing in things other archon men have told us or wrote down in some book, or stop having faith in speculation and superstitious things that you never personally experienced nor desired. Find who you are, and you uwill find this what they call "GOD" or True Truth and all solutions are answers are found within, the heart core center. The Heart Truly is where the HOME IS.

Also Check out Devin Madgy on Youtube as well, he is a Thought Professors who teaches a similar message with great visuals and videos that break down our actual existence in an artful manner. NOS BOOK OF RESSURECTION Breaks down some of this information on the portal of the divine feminine energy manifest with sacred masculine singular balance here click video https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_1yeD-hL5-8

YOUTUBE #BLACKSUNBABY PLAYLIST OF CRAZY WILD VIDEOS, IF YOU CAN FIND OR IT MAY BE BANNED. SOME Groups are working to get all the top videos that were permanently banned for too much Absolute true truth at the new channel at https://worldtruthvideos.org/@BlackSunKing012 Add us and we will add you back https://www.worldtruth.online/BlackSun/

WATCH VIEW FULL BLACK SUN BABY MOVIE HERE https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zejIqaP1mFI