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Bhartiya Khadya Nigam Karamchari Sangh(BKNKS)

Introduction: It is an “All India recognised union” of Food Corporation of India which came into existence in mid- 1975. In its starting years BKNK sangh was known by different names in different regions all over India, then in 2002 all employees of this union came under a single banner when this union has registered itself by BKNK Sangh name with 2217/ND registration number. Among other unions , this union has established itself most powerfully and again achieved its recognition at all India level in 2019. The secret ballot method is used in Food corporation of India of conduction of trade unions election. Presently M.C Tyagi and J.S Duggal are holding the positions of General President and National Secretary of BKNK Sangh .

Raison d’etre- BKNK Sangh

BKNK Sangh continues to serve the same purpose for which it is originally meant. Fundamental objectives of BKNK lies in-

• Represent FCI workers interest in various forums and continuously working for improving working at the workplace and also improving their living conditions to deal with skyrocketing expenses of the times.

• Spur for strengthening and expansion of FCI organisation.

• Covering all FCI objectives, it also aims at balancing and improving the relations between management and workers.

• Effective collective bargaining.

• To co-operate workers in understanding their rights and underlying issues related to them.

• Undiscriminated environment and workplace for women employees.

In nutshell, it can be said that the objectives of BKNK union is to protect, maintain and improve the economic and social interests of the member employees. However, they should not be viewed merely as organisations meant for maintaining and improving the social and economic interest and welfare of its members, but their role as also valuable in keeping the harmonious relations between workers and the management, which is a pre-requisite for the continuity and economic progress of an industrial concern. And here comes the principle of- Collective bargaining, which is the ‘Heart of the Industrial Relations’, for it is through collective bargaining that terms and conditions are determined under which two parties work together. In this process negotiations and discussions take place between employer and employee in respect to working conditions.Refusing to bargain collectively is an illegal trade practice. Collective bargaining helps to resolve the issues of workers. Collective Bargaining is the foundation of the movement and it is in the interest of labour that statutory recognition has been accorded to Trade Union and their capacity to represent workmen.An exemplary example of BKNKs collective bargaining strength was well seen during negotiations of wage revisions from 2017 to 2019 which culminated into the best wages hike amongst all corporations and various sectors of India.