#!/usr/bin/perl -w -C use strict; use encoding "utf8"; use Perlwikipedia; use Encode; my $user = 'Bikabot'; my $pass = '***'; my $editor = Perlwikipedia->new($user); $editor->{debug} = 1; $editor->login($user,$pass); my $template = "Template:Infobox animanga/Header"; my @articles = $editor->what_links_here($template); my $count; my $countmax; my $counttotal = scalar(@articles); $| = 1; my $test = 0; # whether the current run is a dry run $countmax = $test? 75 : $counttotal; my $trial = 1; # whether the current run is a trial run my $edits; my $editsmax; $editsmax = $trial? 100 : $counttotal; my $waittime = 10; my $logpage = "User:Bikabot/Pass1" . ($test? "Test" : ($trial? "Trial" : "")) . "Log"; my %success; my %notag; my $report_several_headers; my $report_several_tags; my $report_unparsable_tag; my $report_unparsable_mangabox; my $report_correct; my $report_footer; sub commit_delay { my $wait = $waittime; print "Waiting $wait seconds"; while( $wait-- ) { sleep 1; print "."; } print "\n"; } sub commit_text { my $title = shift; my $text = encode_utf8( shift ); if( $test ) { return if rand(100) > 3; $title = "User:Bikabot/$title"; $report_footer = "== Results committed to userspace ==\n" unless $report_footer; $report_footer .= "* [[$title]].\n"; } #$title = "User:Bikabot/$title" if $trial; #FIXME my $r = $editor->edit( $title, $text, "Bikabot Pass 1: fixing demographic tags. " . "See [[User:Bikabot]] for details." ); print "Committing to $title. "; print $r->status_line; print "\n\n"; $edits++; commit_delay(); } sub commit_log { my @keys; my $report_success; my $report_notag; @keys = sort {$a <=> $b} keys %success; foreach my $c ( @keys ) { $report_success .= "\n=== Demographic tag copied to $c manga box(es) ===\n"; $report_success .= join '', @{ $success{$c} }; } @keys = sort {$a <=> $b} keys %notag; foreach my $c ( @keys ) { $report_notag .= "\n=== Empty demographic tag added to $c manga box(es) ===\n"; $report_notag .= join '', @{ $notag{$c} }; } my $dry = $test? ' (dry run)' : ($trial? ' (trial run)' : ''); my $report = <<"EOF"; '''Bikabot pass 1 report'''$dry. Total number of relevant pages: $counttotal pages.<br /> Done: $count/$countmax pages and $edits edits ($editsmax allowed). == Success == $report_success == No action required == $report_notag === Already in correct format === $report_correct == Attention required == === Pages with more than one animanga header === $report_several_headers === Pages with more than one demographic tags === $report_several_tags === Pages with possibly unparsable demographic tag === $report_unparsable_tag === Pages with unparsable mangabox === $report_unparsable_mangabox $report_footer EOF $report = encode_utf8( $report ); my $r = $editor->edit( $logpage, $report, "[[User:Bikabot|Bikabot]] pass 1 log$dry." ); print "Logging. "; print $r->status_line; print "\n\n"; } sub change_mangaboxes { my $textref = shift; my $line = shift; my $logentries = shift; my $logline = shift; if( $$textref =~ s/ ^({{Infobox\ animanga\/Manga.*?) (\|\s*serialized) /<!--mangaboxdone-->$1$line$2/msxg ) { my $mangaboxes; while( $$textref =~ m/<!--mangaboxdone-->/g ) { $mangaboxes++ } push @{ $logentries->{$mangaboxes} }, $logline; $$textref =~ s/<!--mangaboxdone-->//sg; return $mangaboxes; } else { if( $$textref =~ m/{{Infobox animanga\/Manga/ ) { $report_unparsable_mangabox .= $logline; return -1; } else { push @{ $logentries->{'no'} }, $logline; return 0; } } } for my $hash (@articles) { last if ++$count > $countmax; last if $edits >= $editsmax; my %hash = %{$hash}; next unless ( $hash{'type'} eq 'transclusion' ); my $commit = 0; my $title = $hash{'title'}; my $text = $editor->get_text($title); my $reportline = "* [[$title]].\n"; my $infoboxes = 0; while( $text =~ m/{{Infobox animanga\/Header/g ) { $infoboxes++; } if( $infoboxes > 1 ) { $report_several_headers .= $reportline; } elsif( $text =~ s/ ({{Infobox\ animanga\/Header.*?) (\|\s*demographic\s*=\s*([^\n]+)\n\s*) (?=\|)/$1/sx ) { my $demographicline = $2; my $demographic = $3; $reportline .= ":''Demographics:'' $demographic.\n"; if( ($demographic =~ tr/[//) > 2 ) { $report_several_tags .= $reportline; } elsif( $1 =~ m/{{Infobox animanga\/Manga/s ) { $report_correct .= $reportline; } else { $commit = change_mangaboxes( \$text, $demographicline, \%success, $reportline) >= 0; } } elsif( $text =~ m/demographic\s*=/ ) { $report_unparsable_tag .= $reportline; } else { $commit = change_mangaboxes( \$text, "| demographic = \n", \%notag, $reportline) > 0; } print $reportline; commit_text( $title, $text ) if $commit; commit_log() unless ( $count%50 ); } $count--; commit_log();