Wikipedia Draft Outline - Bet-Hedging Jimshad, Miranda, Roxanne, Jamie
0. Summary of Bet-hedging
I. Bet-hedging overview
-Definition of Bet-hedging:
*Define bet-hedging both colloquially and scientifically
-Categories of Bet-hedging:
*Introduce the different categories of bet-hedging
-Theories behind Bet-hedging:
*History of theoretical development
*Explanation of the basic theory behind bet-hedging and how it arises in a population (similar to the current ‘The evolution of bet hedging’ section), mention it being tied in to unstable environments
*Mathematical justification behind bet-hedging
II. Examples of Bet-hedging in various taxa
-Prokarya: Bet-hedging during bacterial diauxic shift, bacterial persistence, Rhizobia, P. falciparum, S. pneumoniae
***Invertebrates: Diaptomus sanguineus, Argulus coregoni, Bombus terrestris, Linyphia litigiosa (multiple paternity)
***Vertebrates: Periparus ater
**Plantae: Germination time across various species of desert annuals, Carlina vulgaris
**Fungi: S. cerevisiae ([GAR+], Tsl1), evolution of bet-hedging in Neurospora crassa