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From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

I'm a mom first and foremost, a disability advocate second, and all else follows. See www.elaiproject.org for more information.

I find Wikipedia to be sexist, racist and able-ist. I use it for research when all else fails or I need a quick synopsis, but only in areas where Wikipedia is likely to be accurate. Otherwise I utilize electronic journals. I have worked on Wikipedia projects and was banned from the Strategic Taskforce for advocating for Americans with Disabilities Act compliance in the project. I wanted Wikipedia to use software that accommodated various disabilities. I was told to put up and shut up and use what was given me. This has given me pause in participating in any way on Wikipedia.

The irony was that Sue Gardner posted that the Board wasn't going to implement the recommendations of the task forces anyway. So why was Wikipedia taking up people's time to craft recommendations?

I believe that Wikipedia's attitude towards disabilities mirrors its attitude towards women. It's the old "catch up and shut up" instead of "let's teach you how to interact in this particular world." Fortunately, federal law protects disabled people on Wikipedia. One day someone will file a lawsuit and Wikipedia will grow up.

Have faith, things usually work out.