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User:Benjiboi/LGBT image quest

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File:Queer liberation banners, Philadelphia 1972.jpg



Roma pride


A Latino transgender person in festive attire on a float at the Roma Pride 2007 event held 16 June 2007

Body morphology


An image from the Body morphology project shows the chest area of a 38 years old intersex transgender who is untreated (no surgery or hormones) for Klinefelter's 46,XY/47,XXY mosaic, which was diagnosed at age 19.

Drag king


All the Kings Men drag king performance troupe readies for a photo shoot and likely a show as well.



From San Francisco, Sister Sistah, Sister Dana Van Iquity and Sister Kitty Catalyst O.C.P. at the Names Project Quilt gallery working on the Sister's Nuns of The Above memorial quilt for the NAMES Project AIDS Memorial Quilt.

Hot lesbo action


Asian Lesbian Film




Allegorical statues of rivers in the front of the Parliament in Vienna.



Istanbul - Museo archeologico - Testa colossale di Saffo. Copia romana, del secolo II d.C., di originale ellenistico.

Josephine Baker


Josephine Baker circa 1928

Gertrude Stein


Portrait of Gertrude Stein, with American flag as backdrop, circa 1935

Dykes on Bikes


Dykes on Bikes Icelandic Gay Pride, August 2004 \n Photo taken in Rekykjavik





gaypride 2006 in Reykjavik, Iceland newly wed same sex couple



One of four newly wedded same-sex couples in a public wedding at Taiwan Pride 2006.



Photo from a WBC picket in Topeka, KS on December 2, 2005

Hot military action


Boston Museum of Fine Arts.]]

World War 1 Ivory Soap ad with homosexual undertones

Pink Triangle


The Homomonument in Amsterdam, devoted to the homosexual victims of the Nazi period.





Flogging demonstration at Folsom Street Fair 2004

Society of Janus


Society of Janus Booth at the 2004 Folsom Street Fair



Guys fucking

male prostitute

Annie Sprinkle


Annie Sprinkle as "The Neo Sacred Prostitute"

Carol Queen


Carol Queen, sexologist, American author. Taken at "Perverts Put Out", CounterPULSE!, San Fransisco, California.

Troy Perry


Troy Perry (born July 27, 1940) founded the Metropolitan Community Church, a Christian denomination with a special affirming ministry to the lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender communities.

Cole Porter


File:Cole Porter.jpg mention Anything Goes musical