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Asymmetric synthesis, APD




Asymmetric synthesis

  • Asymmetric synthesis
  • Natural molecules are chiral and enantiopure, so enantiomers have different biological effects
    • Limonene's R enantiomer smells of orange, whereas the S enantiomer smells of lemon
    • Aspartame is very sweet, but its enantiomer and all its diastereomers are bitter
  • Unsymmetrical ketones (e.g. acetophenone) have Re and Si enantiotopic faces, so reduction with NaBH4 leads to a racemic mixture of S and R alcohols, respectively (due to enantiomeric transition states, which must have equal energy)
    • Can make one enantiomer at a greater rate but using a chiral analogue of BH4 (transition states now diastereomeric, thus not equal in energy)
    • Often an unsuitable solution, as the chiral reagent can be large and expensive, and possibly only slightly enantioselective

Enantiomeric excess

  • Simplest measure of enantiopurity is enantiomeric ratio (e.r.): the ratio of major to minor enantiomers.
  • However, almost universally used in enantiomeric excess (e.e.): the percentage of one enantiomer minus the percentage of the other
    • If the e.r. is 9:1, the e.e. is 90% − 10% = 80%
    • if the e.r. is 99:1, the e.e. is 99% − 1% = 98%
  • Analogously, mixtures of diastereomers are characterised by diastereomeric ratio (d.r.) and diastereomeric excess (d.e.)
  • Can determine e.e. by derivatisation
  • A chiral derivatizing agent converts enantiomers to diastereomers, which have different physical properties
  • The diastereomeric derivatives can then be separated by HPLC or GC, or quantified by integration of 1H or 19F NMR spectra
  • Mosher's acid chloride is a common, but expensive, derivatising reagent for NMR - makes Mosher esters from alcohols
    • Its chiral carbon is quaternary, so cannot epimerise
    • Its methoxy group gives a singlet in 1H, while its trifluoromethyl group gives a singlet in 19F NMR
    • Can get misleading results if derivatisation reaction goes faster for one enantiomer
  • Can also use chiral NMR shift reagents, which form hydrogen bonds with analyte molecules, generating diastereomeric complexes
  • Chiral stationary phases for chromatography are available

Resolution of enantiomers

  • Chiral resolution
  • From a racemic mixture, convert the enantiomers to diastereomers, separate them, then discard the unwanted diastereomer
  • Simple but wasteful, 50% of the racemic product is discarded
  • Commonly convert to diastereomers with a mandelic acid derivative, (R)-2-methoxy-2-phenylacetyl chloride
  • Crystallization is the most convenient resolution method

Chiral pool

  • Dipping into the chiral pool means starting from an enantiopure chiral compound from nature
    • Effective but may involve many steps

Chiral auxiliaries

  • Chiral auxiliary – a chiral molecule temporarily added to a substrate. With the auxiliary attached, the substrate undergoes a diastereoselective reaction to form mostly one of two possible diastereomers. Subsequent removal of the auxiliary leaves enantiomeric products, hopefully with one enantiomer in great excess.
  • Evans' chiral auxiliary
    • Control conformation of Evans-derivatized substrate in Diels-Alder reaction with Et2AlCl, forming a chelate with the two carbonyl groups
  • 8-Phenylmenthol
    • Used by Corey in enantioselective prostaglandin synthesis
    • Synthesised from the (S) enantiomer of the natural product pulegone
    • Its OH group reacts with acyl chlorides to form 8-phenylmenthyl esters
    • 8-Phenylmenthyl acrylate esters can undergo asymmetric Diels-Alder reactions with achiral cyclopentadienes in the initial stages of the syntheses of several prostaglandins

Chiral reagents and catalysts


Asymmetric reduction


Asymmetric reduction of ketones


Homogeneous catalytic hydrogenation of ketones and alkenes


Asymmetric oxidation


Sharpless asymmetric dihydroxylation


Sharpless epoxidation


Jacobsen epoxidation




Enzymatic transformations

  • Enzymes are highly efficient chiral catalysts that generate enantiopure products. However...
    • Enzymes have evolved to use substrates found in biological systems, so won't operate on most organic molecules
    • Enzymes often require stoichiometric reagents (co-factors) such as NADH
    • Enzymes have evolved in aqueous biological systems, often limiting us to using them in water (but lipases work well in nonpolar solvents)
    • These problems can often be overcome, so certain enzymes are very useful for certain transformations in asymmetric synthesis


  • Dehydrogenases need a cofactor, so just use the whole organism: yeast
    • Converts ketones to secondary alcohols

Lactate dehydrogenase





  • Esterases that act on lipids are termed lipases
  • Lipases work well in nonpolar solvents
  • Can use lipases to effect transesterification, acetylating an alcohol with vinyl acetate, a high energy acyl donor
  • Candida lipase with vinyl acetate will enantiospecifically acetylate one of the two OH groups in the meso compound cis-4-cyclopentene-1,3-diol (CAS # 29783-26-4)
  • The other enantiomer of the product can be made by acetylating both OH groups with acetic anhydride, then enantiospecifically hydrolysing one of them with Candida lipase and water