Mathahalli (ಮತ್ತಹಳ್ಳಿ)
Village in Huskur Grama Panchayat, Yelahanka Constituency, Bangalore North District. Has total geographical area of 249.62 Hectares. As per 2019 stats, Mathahalli villages comes under Yelahanka assembly & Chikkballapur parliamentary constituency. Nelamangala is nearest town to Mathahalli which is approximately 8km away. The pincode of this area is 562123. The Mathahalli Gram Panchayat consists of 940+ votes.
Post office, School which is used as polling booth at election times, stage (ಬಯಲು ರಂಗಮಂದಿರ), KMF milk diary, Ration Store.
Grama Devatha temple, Anjaneya Swami Temple, Maramma Temple, Basavanna temple, Photo of Sri.Shivakumara Swamiji.
Famous Personalities
M.B.Dayanand, President - Janavikasa Souhardha Credit Co-operative Ltd. Is basically from this village. The branch of the same is also in Mathahalli. Sri Rambapuri Jagadguru along with other Swamiji's inaugurated had this branch on 4th April 2021.