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Constitution of The Associated Students of Santa Clara High School

Constitution Of The Associated Students Of Santa Clara High School



We, the associated students of Santa Clara High School, in order to establish leadership, promote school spirit, maintain high ideals of scholarship, foster cooperation between faculty and students, and to foster responsibility as citizens of both the school and the community, do ordain to establish this constitution.

Article 1 Name, Mascot, Colors

  1. The name of this organization shall be the Associated Student Body of Santa Clara High School.
  2. The official mascot of this organization shall be the Bruin.
  3. The colors of this organization shall be royal blue, bright gold, and complimentary white.

Article 2 Membership

  1. All the regularly enrolled students of Santa Clara High School shall be associated members of the student body.  They may hold student body offices, participate in athletic programs, join chartered clubs, and vote in all student body elections.
  2. Any adult approved by three-fourths (¾) vote of Student Council shall be considered an honorary member of the student body. They may not, however, participate in any activities as specified in Article 2.1.

Article 3 Elected Student Body Offices

  1. The elected offices of the student body shall be President, Vice President, Secretary, Treasure, Election Clerk, Communications Commissioner, Spirit Commissioner, Entertainment Commissioner, Athletic Commissioner, and one Board Representative.

Article 4 General Qualifications for All Student Body Offices

  1. All candidates for student body offices must have attended Santa Clara High School for one full semester prior to running for office.  Any student who has not attended Santa Clara High School for one full semester, shall upon presentation of a petition of 100 valid signatures of Santa Clara High School students, be accepted as a candidate.
  2. All A.S.B office candidates, with the exception of President and Vice President must have maintained an overall G.P.A of 2.0

Article 5 Special Qualifications for the Office of A.S.B President and Vice President

  1. Candidates for the office of A.S.B President and Vice President must be at least a junior in the year which that person shall hold office.
  2. Candidates for the office of President must have completed at least one year of experience in Student Council at Santa Clara High School.
  3. Candidates for the office of President and Vice President must have maintainedan overall G.P.A of 2.5 cumulative points as per California Guidance Report.

Article 6 Duties of Elected Officers


6.1 Duties of the A.S.B. President

  1. The A.S.B President shall see that the student government is functioning properly.
  2. The A.S.B President shall preside over all Student Council and the student body meetings. The A.S.B President shall be empowered with authority to maintain proper conduct as deemed necessary.
  3. The A.S.B President shall call special meetings of the student body when presented with a petition signed by at least 50 members of the student body. 
  4. The A.S.B President shall call for special meetings for the Student Council upon the request of five (5) member of the council.
  5. The A.S.B President shall receive visitors to Santa Clara High School as the official representative of the student body.
  6. The A.S.B President shall assign supplemental tasks, functions, and responsibilities to other members of Student Council as is deemed necessary to the proper function of the student government.

6.2 Duties of the Vice President

    1. The A.S.B Vice President shall assume the duties of A.S.B President when the A.S.B President is incapable of executing them properly.
    2. The A.S.B Vice President shall be the parliamentarian at all Student Council meetings.
    3. The A.S.B Vice President shall organize club promotion.
    4. The A.S.B Vice President shall see that the clubs are operating according to their charters.
    5. The A.S.B Vice President shall care for and be responsible for all properties of the student body not otherwise provided for in this constitution.

6.3 The Duties of the Offices of A.S.B Secretary and A.S.B Treasurer

    1. The A.S.B Secretary shall keep an accurate record of all business transacted by the student body and the Student Council. The A.S.B Secretary shall have minutes of the immediate previous meetings available at all the Student Body meetings.
    2. The A.S.B Secretary shall hold in trust all books, papers, and documents belonging to the office of A.S.B Secretary and transmit them to the succeeding A.S.B Secretary.
    3. The A.S.B Secretary shall be responsible for all Student Body correspondence.
    4. The A.S.B Secretary shall take roll at Student Council Meetings.    
    5. The A.S.B Secretary shall have minutes available for any member of the student body upon request during the current year.
    6. The A.S.B Treasurer shall keep an accurate account of Student Body receipts and expenditures and present such records to both Student Council and Student Body regularly or when requested by the President.

6.4 The Duties of the Athletic Commissioner

    1. The Athletic Commissioner shall keep records of all sports awards presented to athletes.
    2. The Athletic Commissioner shall be in charge of all athletic awards activities.

6.5 The Duties of the Election Clerk

    1. The Election Clerk shall be responsible for all the Student Body and Class elections.
    2. The Elections Clerk shall post accurate results of all elections.

6.6 The Duties of the Communications Commissioner

    1. The Communications Commissioner shall direct and supervise all communications relevant to the student body.
    2. The Communications Commissioner shall read the morning announcements over the loudspeaker every normal schedule school day.

6.7 The Duties of the Entertainment Commissioner

    1. The Entertainment Commissioner shall facilitate the entertainment requirements of the student body.
    2. The Entertainment Commissioner shall coordinate lunch time music.

6.8 The Duties of the Spirit Commissioner

    1. The Spirit Commissioner shall direct and supervise all spirit activities of the student body.
    2. The Spirit Commissioner shall report current activities at each council meeting.

Article 7 Election and Term of Office

  1. Election for all offices shall be held in May.
  2. Elections shall be by Australian ballot. The candidate receiving the most number of votes shall be elected.
  3.   A nominating convention may be held when a sufficient number of candidates indicate their intent to run.
  4. Candidates wishing to run for Student Body Offices must file Intent to Run form with the Election Clerk by a specified date prior to the election.
  5. Each candidate must be given an opportunity to present themselves and their platforms to the general student body.
  6. The term of office for all newly elected Student Body Officers shall begin at the close of the school year in which the election is held and run to the close of the following year.

Article 8 Class Officers

  1. Each class shall elect one president, one vice president, one secretary/treasurer, one spirit representative and one class council representative.
  2. Elections for class officers shall be held in May.
  3. Elections shall be by Australian ballot. The candidate receiving the most number of votes shall be elected.
  4.  Each class shall be responsible for its activities and keep its own treasury as it progresses from freshman to senior year.
  5.   The Freshman Class shall elect five representatives from the middle schools. Representation shall be based upon a percentage of the enrollment from each school. The representatives shall choose their officers no later than Oct 1st. This shall be with the approval of Student Council.

Article 9 Suspension and Recall

  1.  On petition of 15% of the members of the student body, an elected officer must appear before student council on accusation of failure to fulfill the duties of the office, or for conduct unbecoming to the office. Student Council shall then hold a public hearing for the accused official, providing the opportunity to present the case. If the accused is found guilty, by a ¾ vote of the council, a suspension shall be invoked against the officer and a recall election may be authorized. An officer shall be recalled if a majority vote so determines.
  2. Upon request of any class officer, Student Council may hear any complaint registered against a class officer regarding the failure to properly execute the duties of that office. The council, with a majority vote, may suspend the class officer after an open council hearing has been conducted.
  3.  Any Student Council member having three unexcused absences from Student Council shall receive a warning from Student Council. For four unexcused absences, the officer will be subject to suspension by a 2/3 majority vote of the entire Student Council.
  4. The normal duties of a suspended Student Council member shall be forfeited while suspension is in effect.

Article 10 Council Make-Up

  1. The council shall consist of the A.S.B President, A.S.B Vice President, Secretary, Treasurer, Athletic Commissioner, Election Clerk, Communications Commissioner, Spirit Commissioner, Entertainment Commissioner, one Board Representative, the class presidents, all class representatives, Community Service Coordinator, Technology Representative, four (4) School Site Council Representatives, and one or more of the following positions: historian, Renaissance Representatives, and Publicity Representatives, as needed.
  2. Each person shall have one vote, except the A.S.B President who shall vote only in case of a tie.
  3. No person shall hold more than one elected Student Council office or class office at concurrent times.

Article 11 Duties and Responsibilities

  1. Student Council shall make all legislation concerning the student body.
  2. Student Council shall supervise student activities.
  3. Student Council shall pass bills, vote on expenditures, and supervise the financial structure of Student Body accounts.
  4. Student Council shall make recommendations to the student body in matters concerning general welfare.
  5. Student Council shall advise faculty on all matters concerning the general welfare of the student body.
  6. Student Council may provide for annual homecoming activities.
  7.  Student Council shall fill all vacancies which may occur.

Article 12 Council Meeting

  1. The council shall hold a meeting every regular school day. Special meetings may be called by the A.S.B. President as necessary or upon the request of five members of the councils.
  2. All meetings minutes shall be held available to the student body. Student Council may hold restricted meetings on matters concerning personnel.

Article 13 Spirit Leaders

  1.  Spirit leaders shall consist of Cheerleaders, Song Girls and/or Letter Girls.
  2. All Spirit Leaders must have and maintain an overall G.P.A of 2.0
  3.  Selection of Spirit Leaders shall be based on criteria that includes teacher recommendation for grades and citizenships, workshop attendance, and performance judging by Spirit Association judges.     
  4. Spirit Leaders shall carry out all duties and requirements as listed in the Santa Clara High School Spirit Leaders contract.
  5. The role of the Spirit Leaders shall be to create and encourage school spirit and assist in the preparation of rallies.
  6. A Head Cheerleader, a Head Song Girl and a Head Letter Girl shall be elected by each group, granted the group is active on campus.
  7. A Spirit Commissioner shall be voted upon by the entire student body using Australian Ballot voting. The Spirit Commissioner must be at least a Junior during his or her time of office.
  8. The Spirit Commissioner shall act as a liaison between the Spirit Leaders, Student Council, and the Advisor.      
  9.  The Spirit Commissioner shall coordinate activities and keep spirit records and information.

Article 14 Clubs

  1. All clubs shall have enrollment with no restriction on race, color, national origin, or sex. Clubs may restrict by sex if other equal memberships are available.
  2. All clubs shall have a faculty member as an advisor.
  3. All clubs shall have a charter approved by Student Council.
  4. All club charters and activities shall be reviewed annually. Student Council shall, by a majority vote, discontinue a club’s charter if it is inactive or its activities are determined to be of no value to the general welfare of the student body.

Article 15 Amendments

  1. Amendments to this constitution may either be proposed by a written petition signed by a majority of the student council or by any 100 members of the student body.      
  2.   A proposed amendment to the constitution must be presented to the Student Council and then posted on the bulletin board five school days before the election may take place. Copies of the proposal amendment shall be placed in the library.
  3. A ¾ majority of all votes cast shall be required to pass an amendment.
  4. Any constitutional amendment shall be held in conjunction with voting at the May election.

Article 16 New Programs

  1. Student Council shall reserve the right to initiate new programs as determined by a majority vote of the council for a period of one year. After one year, the program shall either be presented as an amendment or discontinued.