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An Authority Problem is a problem in which people struggle with having to handle someone who has control over them. In our world, a substantial number of people are dealing with an Authority Problem on a day to day basis. The children and adolescents groups have the highest percentage of problems with authority. Every human being that lives and breathes can have an authority problem because humans have human emotions and through human emotions are authority problems created.

Children & Adolescents


Today, children and adolescents from all over the world are constantly troubled with the trials needed to be learned in order to grow up. The only people who bare the responsibility of helping a teenager grow up is the parents. When they became parents they were given a position of authority over their kids, but when the child begins to grow they tend to dislike the authority that the parents have. Even when the parents are only telling them what to do in order to help them. Some parents force their children and some don't when they really should. So many teens go into gangs because they don't have guidance in their life from their parents. When the parents feel as if they have "tried everything" for their child, the teenager is left with only a decision of simply succeeding or failing (Troubled Teens). That teen, being full of ignorance will eventually give up and choose to fail.

Adults & Authority


It's not only the children and adolescents that can get an Authority Problem but so do adults. Although adults have a position of authority over the younger kids, not all of them have authority over other people in high positions of auhtority. There is always a boss, manager, king, queen, president, ect. that will be the one to tell people what to do. Not all thetime people in an Authority position will have good judgment and if anyone is not close to a position like that, then they can't do nothing but listen and obey. So many adults feel that they shouldn't have to listen to no one but themselves. When adults have an authority problem, it's always because they believe they are the author of themselves and project themselves delusional onto others. Then they percieve the situation as one in which others are literally fighting themselves for other people's "authorship" (Judgement & AP). In America, everyone is always saying, "The law is the law. We must enforce the law," it is the fundamental excuse some adults will use. Whether the law is good or evil it's never even taken into consideration. Many southern bigots spoke these same words countless times to Martin Luther King (Franklin). It was becuase they did not want to listen to other people who they believed were not speaking what they believed to be right.

Causes of Authority Problems


There could be a plethora amount of ways to get an authority problem, sometimes it might just happen to a person and sometimes its something thats developed from childhood. Sometimes at a young age a person could struggle with a sense of entitlement, the type of environment they are around, or with an issue that is triggering inappropriate reactions. Its like a circle, if generations before could have had issues with people who could tell them what to do and therefore pass the reactions towards that type of authority, causing each child when they get older to repeat the process to their friend and children.



To avoid an Authority Problem, parents need to force positive things and teach the kids at a very young age to respect others and to respect themselves (Delgado). They could also be taken at a young age to a Boarding School Invention in order to prevent the Authority Problem.

Works Cited

  • Woodbury, Carol. “Is this an Authority Problem”? TechTarget. 22 July 2002. 5 July

2008. <http://search400.techtarget.com/loginMembersOnly>.