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User:Baaleos/Ark of Truth StoryLine

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StarGate - Ark of Truth StoryLine


The Story begins with SG-1 in search for the Ark of Truth, an ancient artifact which is believed to hold the power to convince anyone who gazes at it of whatever truth is programmed into it. They're search has taken them to the ruins of Dakara and they have just finished excavating what they believe to be the Ark, when they become surrounded by Ori Troops.

The Ori Troops are lead by Tomin, and the Prior from Ver Eger, although SG-1 have surrenderd, the Prior orders their execution, which Tomin is reluctant to follow through on. The Prior attempts to take the Ori Staff Weapon, and fire it himself, when he is shot instead by Cameron who has freed himself and taken a staff weapon. The Ori Soldiers are surprised to see a Prior killed, and are shown the Anti-prior Device which was responsible for the Prior's lack of power.

Tomin surrenders to SG-1, and return to earth. SG-1 treat him respectfully, as a guest, however, a Representitive of the IOA has arrived, and oversees the interogation of Tomin, as an Prisoner of War, and taunts him for the Attrocities he has committed in the name of the Ori. Vala who still has feelings for Tomin cannot bare to watch.

It is then revealed that the Ark was not on Dakara, it was infact left in the Ori Galaxy by the Original Alteran's, it is also revealed that Daniel remembers the Ark's Existance from the Memories left to him from Merlin. The description of the Ark's resting place being a 'mountain that explodes' is enough to remind Tomin of a place described in the Book of Origin as the "Birth-place of Evil".

Carter is busy briefing the General on the latest plan to destroy the Supergate by utilizing several powerful Nukes, positioned among the stargate Segments, essentially using the stargates power when being dialed against itself. Daniel interupts the meeting saying "We still need the Supergate".

After being briefed about the Ark being in the Ori Galaxy, Landry and the IOA sign off on the mission, and they leave for the Odyssey.

They use the Supergate, and enter the Ori Galaxy, they quickly make contact with the Anti-Ori underground, and discover that the Flames of Enlightenment in Solestus have been dark for quite some time, possibly due to the Ori being destroyed. The Contact from the Anti-Ori underground is shown the view of his world from orbit and agrees to lead them to the "Birthplace of Evil". They're search takes them to the mountains over the Planes of Solestus.

Meanwhile, the IOA representitive, unhappy that Cameron isnt obeying his orders to destroy the Ori Ships, or the Ori Supergate, uses the Asgard Core, an action on its own that can alert the Ori to their location. He instructs the machine to build something virtually, the design of which came from a crystal he inserted into the Core. SG-1 quickly gain control of the Core room, and find that that which he has instructed the core to create, is a "Replicator". They attempt to destroy it quickly with their Anti-Replicator weapons, however, that vulnerability was programmed out of this particular version.

The Replicator escapes, and quickly amasses an army, the IOA representitive hints that a self destruct code is hidden in the Programming of the Replicators, as a fail safe against attack to earth. He is confined to the brig.

Back on the planet, Daniel, having what he believes to be another vision, of Merlin, finds the Ark of Truth. Ori Soldiers appear, and take them, and the Ark into custody. Teal'c is shot, and presumed dead.

The Ori Troops return the prisoners to Solestus, where they are kept within Cells, tortured by Priors using their Powers, Daniels torture is overseen by the Doci himself. Chants, and phrases from the Book of Origin are recited during this torture. Vala is removed from the torture, and taken to what appears to be a throne room of sorts. She bears witness to Adria, who had previously Ascended, taking on Human form from a wall of Flame.

Adria, now Ascended, engulfed in a flaming aura, explains how she is happy that SG-1 destroyed the Ori, because now she has all their power, for herself. She also goes on to explain that the Ark of Truth cannot be used by her to make the people of the Milky Way galaxy believe in Origin. Vala realizes that the reason for this is because it can only be programmed to make people believe in what is true, and since Origin is based on a lie, it would not work. Adria's attention is attracted elsewhere, and she leaves in a billow of Flames. A soft murmer sound comes from the Ark, and reveals that seven symbols on the Ark are glowing. Vala catches a glympse of this.

On the planes of Solestus, a dying Teal'c collapses, he has marched, solemly over mountain and plane alike, to find his friends. He is about to dye, when the hand of an Asceneded being appears, and heals him, he instantly returns to strength, and Runs accross the planes to the city.

Daniel has all but lost hope, and converses with what appears to be the Ascended Merlin, however, he sees through the deception. "Other Ascended beings can see through you're disguise, I know I can, I just don't know why you would bother." The being is revealed to be Ganos Lal, also known as Morgan La Fey, she reveals to Daniel that she cannot help more than she has, and that she is not powerful enough to succeed in a confrontation with "her". It dawns on Daniel that the "her" in question is Adria, and that she has taken on the full powers of the Ori. Morgan goes further to instruct Daniel to use the Ark on a Prior, one Prior is all it will take, since they are linked through their Staff Crystals.

Just as he begins to gain hope, he is distubed by a cloaked figure, and Morgan dissappears. Expecting more torture, he is pleasently surprised to find it is Teal'c.

Back on the Odyssey, Cameron has found the Queen Replicator, however, he has found that the Replicators have actually infected the IOA representitive, essentially building 'into' him. They have taken control of his body, giving him incredible strength. On the brink of being killed by the Repli-Rep, he detonates the C4 which he placed near the queen. An Explosion that does kill the Representitive, and the Queen, but leaving the replicator blocks within his body alive, a replicator block skeleton emerges from the carcass. Cameron, bloodied and too weak to fight back, fears death, when the Skeleton and the other spider Replicators fall apart. Carter had just found the Destruct Code hidden on the other side of the crystal.

Teal'c, Daniel, Vala and Tomin make it to the Throne room, they argue over what symbols appeared, and Daniel attempts to guess the correct combination. Starting with the word "Truth" in ancient. They hear someone coming, and to their dismay, it is the Doci. Teal'c is thrown aside after letting loose a blast with his staff. Adria appears in a burst of Flames, and the Doci kneels before his goddess.

Vala, under prompt by Daniel, distracts Adria long enough for him to try the combination of "Origin" in ancient. The code works, and arms the device. Adria notices, and telekinetically throws him against a wall. Teal'c shoots out the leg of the table, causing the Ark to fall to the ground, and open. A hugh beam of Light emerges, ascending through the windows into the sky above. The Doci looks into the Ark, and is shown the True Origin's of the Ori. This information is communed to all Priors in the Galaxy by the Priors Staff's. "You can't take my Power!" exclaimes Adria. "I think... we just did." Responds Vala.

Ganos Lal appears, before Adria can take action against SG-1, and engages Adria in a battle. It is unknown if Adira and Ganos are detroyed, or if they are in constant battle as is Anubis and Oma D'sala. One thing is certain, the Ori Movement has been crushed in its own home galaxy. The Doci mumbles in Ancient words to the effect 'Mercy, I was blind, but now I see'.

The Ark is returned to Earth, and shown to a Prior who had come to earth earlyer in an attempt to accept Earths Surrender. He is shown the Truth, and as such, all Priors in the Milky Way are also shown the Truth. Daniel is dismayed to find that the Ark is being taken to Area51, a place that has constantly been a source of Alien Technology being misused by Humans. Daniel believes the Ark is too powerful to be kept.

The Last Scene is of SG-1, going through the gate, once again on a mission of exploration.