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User:Axxter99/List of University of Cape Town residential halls

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First tier accommodation

Image Residential halls Remarks Coördinates
Smuts Hall Smuts Hall is located on the upper campus, and provides housing for around 240 students. On 10 November 1950, the name "Smuts Hall" was formally adopted, named after Field Marshal The Rt. Hon. Jan Smuts. The hall was constructed as part of the first phase of the University of Cape Town's Groote Schuur Campus. The other buildings included Jameson Hall, the Arts Block, the Mathematics Building and the women's residence Fuller Hall. The group of buildings have been declared national monuments. The residents of Smuts Hall have come to be known as the "Smutsmen".[1]
Fuller Hall
Graca Machel Hall

Baxter Hall
Leo Marquard Hall
Tugwell Hall
Clarinus Village (Incorporating Clarendon and Carinus)

Second tier accommodation

Image Residential halls Notes
Woolsack Residence

Third tier accommodation



  1. ^ "Smuts Hall Est. 1928". University of Cape Town. Retrieved 5 May 2016.