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User:Ashley Y/Userboxes/Religion/Science and religion

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Science and religion


These userboxes exhibit convictions regarding scientific topics. For parodies such as "Flying Spaghetti Monsterism" which are based on such views, see below.

Code Result
{{User:Ashley Y/Userboxes/bigbang}}
This user believes that the Universe began with a bang.
{{user qss}} {{user qss}}
{{user staticinfinite}} {{user staticinfinite}}
{{user illusion}}
{{user creationist}} {{user creationist}}
{{user progressive creationism}}
This user believes in the premise of theistic evolution.
{{user theistic evolution2}}
This user understands biological evolution.
{{user evolution2}}
{{user evol-0}}
{{user evol-1}}
{{user evol-2}} {{user evol-2}}
{{user evol-3}}
{{user evol-4}}
{{User:UBX/flat earth}}
This user believes in a flat Earth, not a spherical solid or hollow one.
{{User:UBX/hollow earth}}
This user believes in a spherical hollow Earth, not a flat or solid one.
{{User:UBX/spherical earth}}
This user believes in a solid oblate spheroid Earth, not a flat or hollow one.
{{User:UBX/Medieval spherical earth}}
This user realizes that people from the Middle Ages already thought that the Earth was spherical.
{{User:UBX/Spheroidal earth}}
This user believes in a solid oblate spheroid-shaped Earth, not a flat, hollow, nor spherical one.
{{User:UBX/Nonspheroidal earth}}
This user realizes that the Earth isn't an oblate spheroid, but rather a close approximation of one.
{{User:UBX/Whatever earth}}
This user honestly just doesn't care anymore about what shape the Earth is. Let it go, man.