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User:AshLin/Resource Plant Details

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This document is under preparation, incomplete, has errors but improving :-). AshLin

Document No 2 This is an old consolidated knowledge base prepared by Ashwin Baindur for purposes of indexing and collation. Consists of the specific details of each plant used by Indian Papilionid butterflies for larval food-plant, nectar, or as any other other resource, as recorded in literature as well as those observed by me. Last amended on May 27, 1996 at Virar.

This is a raw database put up for perusal of by wiki-aurelians. It will form the basis for wikipages on Indian food plants used by butterflies in the not so near future.

A companion document on the List of Foodplants used by Indian Papilionid Butterflies is also under preparation.

Alphabetical List of Food-Plants



  • Annona discolor
  • Annona elegans
  • Annona lawii
  • Annona muriacata
  • Annona reticulata
  • Annona squamosa
  • Annona zeylanica
  • Polyalthia cerasoides
  • Polyalthia longifolia
  • Saccopetalum tomentosum,syn of 47
  • Saccopetalum gaultheria
  • Uvaria species
  • Miliusa tomentosa


  • Trachelospermum asiaticum


  • Aristolochia elegans
  • Aristolochia griffithi
  • Aristolochia indica
  • Aristolochia kaempferi
  • Aristolochia shimadai
  • Aristolochia tagala
  • Garden var of Aristolochia
  • Bragantia wallichii



Arnebia benthamii


  • Aster species
  • Senecio species
  • Taraxacum species



Sedum species


  • Alseodaphne semicarpifolia
  • Cinnamomum zeylanicum
  • Persea oderatissima
  • Geijera salicifolia
  • Litsea chinensis
  • Litsea sebifera
  • Litsea tomentosa
  • Machilus micrantha
  • Machilus oderatissima
  • Camphora officinalis


  • Magnolia grandiflora
  • Magnolia pumila
  • Michelia champaca
  • Michelia doltospa


  • Nepenthes species


  • Primula denticulata
  • Primula minutissima


  • Acronychia laurifolia
  • Aegle marmelos
  • Atalantia species,syn of Limonia
  • Zanthoxylum alatum,syn of Zanthxylum armatum
  • Zanthoxylum rhetsa
  • Chloroxylon swietenia
  • Citrus decumana
  • Citrus medica
  • Limonia acidissima
  • Evodia roxburghiana
  • Glycosmis pentaphylla
  • Murraya koenigii
  • Ruta graveolus


  • Saxifraga pulvinaria


  • Daphne


  • Cortia depressa
  • Daucus species
  • Foeniculum vulgare
  • Heracleum species

Unclassified to date

  • Hunteria zeylanica  ?
  • Thottea wallichi  ?
  • Thottea seliquoia  ?
  • Androsace sarmentosa  ?

Detailed Information regarding the foodplants species-wise


Acronychia laurifolia Blume (Rutaceae)


Foodplant of- Nectar plant of- Essential oil of bark used in ulcers.MM. Syn of Acronychia pedunculata Miq.Nepali=Paolay.Assamese=Laojan.Tamil & Malayalam=Mutta-nari. Root & bark used in external applications for sores and ulcers.Bark tonic used in scabies.Also for caulking boats.Roots used as fish poison.Leaves have flavour of cummin(Jeera).Used in salads and as a condiment. Jambol fruit edible. Wood used for carving,poles and house construction.Good for charcoal,preferred by goldsmiths. UPI. A small tree.Distributed in Assam hills,West Bengal,Eastern & Western Ghats,Andamans and Khasi hills. Leaves yield an essential oil and tender ones used as condiment.EPI.

Aegle marmelos Correa ex Roxburgh (Rutaceae)


Nectar plant of- English=Bael.Hindi=Bel,Bilva. A medium sized thorny deciduous tree found in the plains and sub-montane regions (sub Him & Burma MM) of India and also cultivated. Sweet aromatic pulp of fruit is edible.Fruit rind yields tannin. Mucilaginous substance around seeds used for varnishes, cementing mixtures and adhesives. Fruits constitute the drug called Bel used in chronic diarrhoea/dysentery. Sherbets, prepared from fruit pulp,soothe the intestines of patients. Pulp of ripe fruit aromatic, cooling,laxative. Half ripe fruit astringent, used for stomach. Wood pulp suitable for wrapping paper.EPI. Sanskrit=Bilva. Tamil,Malayalam=Vilvam. Kannada=Vilpatre/Belapatre MM. Telugu=Maredu. Guj=Bil. Mar=Bel. Marmelosin active constituent of fruit.Diuretic.Cardiac depressant in strong doses.Dried fruits freed from pulp used as pill-boxes.UPI. Root decoction for fever. Leaves poultice for inflamed parts. Leaves yellow-green oil on distillation giving marmelosin.Sans=Shriphal(sri=Goddess of abundance). Guj=Biliva-phal. Tel=Bilva-pandu,Bilvamu. Mar,Beng=Bela. Sindhi=Katori. Mal=Koovalam.MM. Eng=Bengal Quince. Hin=Bili. Small med sized tree with axillary,straight,strong,one-inch thorns. Ht 9-12m.Bark soft, thick,light grey, corky,exfoliating in irregular flakes.Leaves trifoliate,alternate.Flowers 3cms dia,greenish-white,sweet scented on long slender pedicels,forming axillary racemes. Woody,globose,sometimes pyriform fruits, 5-13cms dia,grey or yellow.Seeds numerous,oblong,wooly, in thick aromatic,orange pulp.Flowers in May;fruits in rainy season;sheds leaves in Mar-Apr,new foliage after summer.Wild in Guj,NDeccan;throughout India in dry places wild/cultivated.East from Jhelum to Burma.In 0SIndia flowers distilled for scented water,leaves give small qty essential oil on distillation.Yellow dyue from fruit rind. Unripe rind used with myrabolans for calico-printing.Stem yields a good gum,occurring in tears like gum arabic or fragmented like coarse brown sugar.From the seeds mucus fluid is secreted within the cells of the fruit,which hardens into a tasteless gummy substance.When mixed with lime acts as good cement for mending porcelain. Cooling sherbet made from pulp. Twigs and leaves eaten by cattle.Trifoliate leaf considered to represent Hindu trinity.Used as patri in worship of Shiva.In Smritisar Granth it is ordered that twigs of this tree used as tooth-brushes since they contain colorless sap.More ibid.MG3.

Alseodaphne semicarpifolia Nees (Lauraceae)


An evergreen tree from Western Ghats.Wood useful for plywood tea chests. EPI. Foodplant of- Nectar plant of-

Annona muriacata (Annonaceae)


Foodplant of- Nectar plant of- English=Sour sop. Guanabana. Hin/M(MG3)=Mamphal. Small evergreen tree native of West Indies grown in Assam,Maha,SIndia for its fruit.EPI. Fruits fibrous,juicy aromatic,30 cms long. Considered anti-scorbutic. Tender fruits used as veg. Fruits used in sherbets,pulp consumed with wine/cognac.Leaves,flowers used in kidney trouble.Green bark purgative.UPI. A small shrubby tree.Kidney-shaped to ovoid fruits,covered with soft green prickles,White-woolly pulp sweet-acid and juicy.MG3.

Annona reticulata (Annonaceae)


Foodplant of- Nectar plant of- Eng=Bullock's heart. Custard apple. Hindi/Mar(MG3)=Ramphal, Lavniannona. Native of West Indies grown in Bengal,Assam,Khasi hills and SIndia for edible fruit. Seed oil used for insecticide & soap-making.EPI. Beng=Nona.Unripe fruits considered antihelminthic.Bark powerful astringent.Leaves insecticidal also.UPI. A small tree of spreading habit.Oblong-lanceolate leaves.Greenish flowers in clusters of 2-4.Fairly large fruits,heart shaped,yellowish,muddy tinged when ripe. Pulp white, acidic,soft like butter, seeds black.Cultivated in gardens throughout the nation,wild near watery places in Konkan and Deccan. S American origin. Young twigs give good fibre.MG3.

Annona squamosa (Annonaceae)


Foodplant of- Nectar plant of- Eng=Custard apple. Hin=Sharifa. Others=Sitaphal. Fruits edible with juicy white,delicate flavoured,sweet flesh. Used for drinks,fermented liquor. Roots purgative. Seeds abortifacient. Seeds yield fatty oil. UPI. Eng=Sugar Apple,Sweet Sop. A shrub or small tree,native of 0SAmerica and WIndies. Green leaves yield essential oil. Powdered seeds,leaves have insecticidal properties. EPI.Guj=Anuram,Sitaphal. Kan=Amritphal,Sitaphal. Mar=Sitaphal. Small tree mostly cultivated. Growing wild in forests,etc in Maha,Guj. Three var,green,yellow,red. MG3.

Annona zeylanica (Annonaceae)


Foodplant of- Nectar plant of- Also see A.cherimolia Hanumanphal/Lakshmanphal(Hin),A.diversifolia in EPI. Also see A.glabra,A.montana and A.senegalensis.


  • MM - Materia medica. Third ed.1976. Popular Prakashan. Bombay. Two vols,pp i-lxxii,1-1319,1-968.
  • MG3 - Gazetteer of India. Maharashtra state. Botany(Revised edition). Part III- Miscellaneous plants. 1961. Maharashtra State Govt. Bombay.pp 1-692,i-xxxiii.
  • BR - Some Beautiful Indian Climbers and Shrubs. Second ed. Bor NL,Raizada MB. 1982. BNHS. Bombay.pp 1-321.
  • UPI - The Useful Plants of India. Ed Ambasta SP. 1986. CSIR. New Delhi. pp 1-918.
  • EPI - Dictionary of Economic Plants in India. Second ed. Umrao Singh,Wadhwani AM,Joshi BM. 1986. ICAR. New Delhi. pp 1-288.