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Tourism in Shterpca

Shtërpcë 2006

The municipality of Shterpca covers a surface of 247.36 square kilometers[1]. It is located in the north-eastern side of Sharri Mountains, also known as the valley of Sirink which is the upper surface of the Lepenc river basin.The total population living in the territory of this municipality is about 13.812. Of these,10.451 are Kosovo serbs and 3.341 are albanian,while 20 are roma[2] The population density is 50 people for square kilometer. The municipality is surrounded by high mountains, where the highest peak reaches 2500 m (the peak of Luboten). These mountains are new, with tough ranges and ridges. It is recognized as an appropriate place for the development of tourism .

Brezovica ski center

photo from Brezovica
Photo of Brezovica

The Brezovica ski center is a popular center which lies in the north-western side of the Sharr Mountains. Its distance from Prishtina Airport is 60 km.With its alpine nature and high mountainous environment, Brezovica and its surroundings remind you of most European and worldwide renown touristic centers. Brezovica's surroundings cover different natural characteristics as the valley of Lepenc muzhica blateshtica, its ridges reaching the height of 900 km to 2.600 m. The lower zone of the tourism complex reaches a height of 900 to 980 m above the sea level and is wide slope covering the Lepenc [3]. The Ormed village of this valley is called Brezovica whose primary function of tourism is in offering fine hotel accommodations such as: Narcio,Breza,Junior and other fine restaurants.The middle zone is surrounded by the Muzhica mountains reaching a height of around 900-1300 m above sea level; it also presents a strong connection of skiing slopes. This zone is known as a weekend skiing line. The upper zone reaches the mountain height of 1700 m whose slopes descend from Muzhica's mountain bed. This port of ridge is known as Sfojk's house or "skiing center". This port of the mountain is surrounded by many hotels such as: Molika,Kameni Dom, SC Sharri. The Brezovica skiing center consists of 5 ski lifts, the majority of which are out of order, which unable you to reach the skiing slope of 3.000 m . In Brezovica you can perform many skiing activities because it fulfills the capacities of 5000 ski men an ski women. The snowfall structure offers you a fast and safe skiing experience. Many national and inter skiing contests have been held in Brezovica which have contributed to its continual prosperity. Different sports teams perform their yearly training in Brezovica because it offers ideal working circumstances. During the summer season, Brezovica offers a great pleasure to its visitors, who can hike, hunt, fish and visit its historic monuments. This center is available during the whole year for seminars, symposiums and conference presentations.

Sharr Mountain National Park

Sharri Mountain - Malet e Sharrit

Sharr Mountain National Park was established in 1986, covering a surface of 39.000 hectars. [4] Restricted presentations of the Sharr's nature are: mixed fresh woods lying on rocky fields of Rasemca garage. The birthplace of the bolcavic owl bind. As melting and flowing on wavy shapes, the gantwalls of Monica valley , many iceberg lakes and many other shapes of glacial relief. The Sharr mountain presents a real museum under the upper part of Kosova. The Sharr mountain is also a field with flora and fauna diversity. The environment of Sharr has more than 112 species, starting from three species, bushes, herbs, animals etc. The Sharr mountain is also famous among many European beauties because it has over 147 butterfly species and 200 bird species . Among special poultices are: bradon eagle,golden eagle,grey eagle etc. On the upper zones of Sharr, you can see even wild cats, owls, wild bears, dear families, does and wild cats. The natural and cultural wolves (UNESCO)protection as a result of preserving its natural beauties.

Natural lakes

Jazhince lake
Natural lake of Brezovica Gjoli

Traditionally they belong to the Shterpca municipality formed as a result of Iceberg erosions. The people of Shterpca know them as "mountains eyes" thanks to their beauty. Depending on the weather conditions, these lakes are covered with snow from November to May. It consists of lakes: Livadiqko lake, Mountain Vir lake, small Jazinaqko lake etc. Ladiviqko lake. The inhabitants of Shterpca still call it Shterbaqko lake. It covers wide plains and deep circle land the peak of Livadica 2491 m reaching the height of 2.173 and its width of 220-124 m [5].The sea shore length is 685 m. The lake's depth is various, starting from 6.50-8.60 m depending on weather conditions. The visibility of the lakes' water is clear and its bottom can be seen.The surface is filled with water from main falls, snowfalls and snow melting and a great number of underwater springs. In this lake the brown trout also lives, but as a result of tough weather and water conditions it cannot be inseminated.


  1. ^ Sadik Ymeri,Arsimi te Shqiptaret e Komunes se Shterrpces 1915-2006-Monografi,Prizeren:"Berati".2007
  2. ^ Unioni Evropian SPARK,strategjia per zhvillim te ndermarrjeve te vogla dhe te mesme dhe ndermarresise ne komunen e Shterpces per periudhen 2011-1016,Prishtin 2011,pg 5
  3. ^ Dimitrije Racecovic and others,Guidebook,Komuna e Shterrpces,Prishtine,2012,pg.28
  4. ^ ^ Dimitrije Racecovic and others,Guidebook,Komuna e Shterrpces,Prishtine,2012,pg.33
  5. ^ ^ Dimitrije Racecovic and others,Guidebook,Komuna e Shterrpces,Prishtine,2012,pg.30


  • Dimitrije Racecovic and others,Guidebook,Komuna e Shterrpces,Prishtin,2012
  • Sadik Ymeri, Arsimi te Shqiptaret e Komunes se Shterrpces 1915-2006 -Monografi,Prizeren : "Berati",2007
  • Unioni Evropian per zhvillim te ndermarrjeve te vogal dhe te mesme dhe ndermarrsise ne komunen e Shterpces per periudhen 2011-2016,Prishtin 2011