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Gaia Democratic Republic
Flag of Gaia
The Greek letter Omega. Upper case (left) used for official government seals, lower case (right) for general purpose.
Coat of arms
Motto: |"Ex cinere, novus ordo" (Latin)
"From the ashes, a new order"
Anthem: "The Internationale"
Approximant territorial area of the GDR
Approximant territorial area of the GDR
and largest city
37°46′39″N 122°24′59″W / 37.77750°N 122.41639°W / 37.77750; -122.41639
Official languageEnglish
  • 71% unaffiliated
  • 7% other religion
  • 2% Judaism
GovernmentUnitary democratic socialist presidential republic
• President of Earth
Tyler J. Harty-Rollins
• Chief Justice of the Supreme Court of Earth
Matthew Vaughn
LegislatureGeneral Assembly of the Gaian Democratic Republic
Declaration of Constitutional Principles of Humanity
• Declaration of Constitutional Principles of Humanity
January 1, 2055 (2055-01-01)
• First meeting of the General Assembly
March 1, 2055 (2055-03-01)
• Last amendment ratified
January 1, 2077 (2077-01-01)
• Total area
26,390 km2 (10,190 sq mi)
• Water (%)
• 2090 estimate
Increase 9,020,000
• 2090 census
Increase 9,003,245
• Density
883.12/sq mi (341.0/km2)
Date formatdd/mm/yyyy
Drives onright
Calling code+1
Today part of

The Gaia Democratic Republic, commonly known the GDR or just Gaia, is a country located in North America. It is unitary state consisting of fourteen municipal districts, three special economic zones (SEZs) and the military outpost of Washington Island. The capital city of the GDR is California. The country is the last known place of habitable land that humans reside following the conclusion of the Sino-American War. As of the 2090 GDR Census, the population of the GDR was 9,003,245.

Prior to the Sino-American War and the mass loss of life associated with the conflict, the land of the modern-day GDR was occupied by the U.S. State of California. California was one of the most culturally and linguistically diverse areas in pre-Columbian North America. European exploration in the 16th and 17th centuries led to the colonization by the Spanish Empire. The area became a part of Mexico in 1821, following its successful war for independence, but was ceded to the United States in 1848 after the Mexican–American War. The California Gold Rush started in 1848 and led to social and demographic changes, including depopulation of indigenous peoples in the California genocide. The western portion of Alta California was then organized and admitted as the 31st state in 1850, as a free state, following the Compromise of 1850. California served as the economic and cultural center of the United States following the Second World War, leading as the nation's most populous state and most economically active state until the nation's collapse in the Sino-American War. The GDR was proclaimed out of a necessity for organized society following the collapse of social and economic structures in the 2040s.

The GDR is a unitary presidential socialist republic. The Declaration of Constitutional Principles of Humanity establishes the GDR's national government, which comprises of three cooperative branches. Legislative power is vested in the General Assembly of the Gaia Democratic Republic, a unicameral legislature comprising of five hundred elected assembly members. The Assembly nominates and elects the President of Earth, the chief executive office of the GDR. The Assembly also facilitates the sortition Judicial Lottery, which selects members of the Supreme Court of Earth. A socialist society, the GDR national government facilitates all industry and education, democratically establishing the means of production and rules of ownership.

As of 2090, the GDR is the only known place of human habitation following the Sino-American nuclear war. The GDR remains the world's sole superpower, civilization, and organized society.



The word "Gaia" originates from the Greek word for Earth. After the collapse of United States and much of the world's other governments, the founders of the GDR sought to establish their new order as being one in service to humanity, rather than old-world principles like ideology or nationhood.


The Twin Towers in New York City during the September 11 attacks of 2001. The attacks marked a rise of anxiety regarding the United State's placement in the world.
Warships like the USS Ronald Reagan (pictured) in the Pacific Ocean was a major cause of the war.

Sino-American Cold War and Rising Domestic Tensions


Starting in the mid 2000s, the United States and China began to confront one another more aggressively, especially in trade and technology. The American-led War on Terror had increased global opposition to the United States' status as the world's sole superpower following the Dissolution of the Soviet Union. Due to increased urbanization, technological advancement, and a maturation of the population, China had also begun to more aggressively assert itself on the world stage. The accession of Donald Trump to the presidency in 2016 had also contributed to further American aggression globally. Deteriorating conditions of the American working class, the COVID-19 pandemic, and COVID-19 recession also contributed to increased anxiety over American stability. The Chinese government capitalized on a decrease of American support, particularly in Southeast Asian and African nations. Troubles in the European world, the United States' primary center of foreign allies, also contributed to increased American anxiety.

By 2030, the United States and China were producing twenty nuclear warheads every year. Failed interventions by the United Nations to ease tensions between the United States and China eventually led to the organization's dissolving. Open hostilities between nations in the Korean peninsula, Caucasus, and rare instances of American and Chinese navy ships exchanging fire between 2034-2041 led to a complete collapse of Sino-American relations and a state of near constant military preparation between the two states.

Sino-American War


On 18 June 2044, a miscommunication incident between the USS George H.W. Bush and Chinese Type 003 Fujian resulted in the launching of a nuclear missile from the Bush. People's Liberation Army missile defense system in the South China Sea promoted the Chinese combined nuclear arsenal to attack the United States. Promptly, incumbent president of the United States Michael Maroney launched the combined American arsenal bound for China and Russia In less than forty-eight hours, over 2,499 nuclear warheads had struck the United States, China, Russia, and much of Asia and North Africa.

Remnants of Washington D.C. following the war.
East Liberty City in 2067, showcasing the collectivist principles of the GDR via modern railway systems and space-aware building management.

By 21 June 2044, both Washington, D.C. and Beijing (alongside most other PLA and the US government's holdouts) had been completely destroyed. President Maroney issued their last address to the nation, presuming that almost all of the American population was unable to be contacted or had been killed due to nuclear attacks. Historians disagree on the estimated American causalities during the war, but some 300,000,000 people were killed by nuclear strikes and other means of conventional warfare. Bands of humans competed for control of small areas of natural resources both during and after the war; it's estimated that by 2047, the largest organization of humans on the American continent was a band of 2,400 people in East Texas.

Survivors located along the San Francisco Bay Area were largely untouched by nuclear radiation, primarily due to Chinese reluctance to attack the large Chinese American population in the region and the success of American missile defense systems. This gave surviving Americans the unique opportunity to largely resume life in the Bay Area, with political instability being safeguarded by the necessity of survival.

Pre-establishment Era


From 2045 to 2054, small bands of communes sprung up around the Bay Area, relying on the scavenging of pre-war commodities and primitive agriculture to survive. Early political movements focused on cooperation and survival, with complex government systems taking a back seat to the fiscal needs of survivors.

The lack of centralized leadership became an issue as society reformed back to a pre-war level. Lawlessness, and a fear of militarism, eventually led to calls to create an organized government. California, the primarily intellectual and industrial capital of the region, alongside other loosely organized societies convened in Washington Island to create a unified government. The framers of the government sought to replace the previous American system with one that emphasized egalitarianism and a accessible, modern government. Initially, the issue of federalism became the major issue of the meeting. Supporters of a federal system argued that a federal organization would provide more equal access to independent regions of the Bay, while supporters of a unitary government argued that it would simply be more accessible and inexpensive to operate a single unitary government. This argument carried the day as a bicameral legislature was also agreed to be formed by the new government. Most of the representatives were socialists, and blamed authoritarian capitalism as the primary cause of the war.

Establishment-era politics derived mostly from whether or not a organized state along the Bay Area should be formed at all. Many of the most energetic supporters of left-wing politics were against the idea of a uniformed state, allowing reactionaries to have a disproportionate amount of political power in the establishment of the GDR. Even before the adoption of any constitution, political parties formed over the status of the economic and political system of the new republic. The Democratic Party, following a mostly conservative and classically liberal ideology, formed in opposition to the proposed socialist system supported by the powerful Communist Party. Other left-wing groups formed with varying extremities on the issues of the early republic. The Agriculture Party, based on a more primitivist thinking of socialism; the Social Democrats, following democratic socialism, and the People's Party, a loosely populist political organization.

By 2054, the Union of Progressive Californians (UPC) formed a coalition voting bloc within the provisional Bay Area Congress. The bloc outnumbered the sole opposition movement to socialism, the Democrats, 245 delegates to 101. Therefore, they proposed the Declaration of Constitutional Principles of Humanity, which embodied socialist principles like the elimination of currency, the formation of worked-owned businesses, and the establishment of a unitary legislature to propose and pass all laws.

Due to the economic instability of the Bay Area in 2054, Democratic and general opposition to the formation of the Republic was muted. Most historians agree that the average citizen was thankful for the formation of a government after the chaos of the war and the hopeful return of normal life. On 1 January 2055, the Congress approved the Constitutional Principles.

Early Republic


The first general Gaian Democratic Republic elections (2055) were conducted between 1 February to the 15 February 2055. The Communists won a simple majority, and begun to enact socialistic economic changes, establishing important government bodies like the Bureau of Labor and the SEZs of the government. Communist assembly members like James Alexander, Lillian Wilson, and Horatio Saito are credited with generating the high recovery following the GDR's establishment. Collectivist beliefs were reinforced through selective rationing of the limited GDR economic output, specifically food and clothing. Government agencies overseeing education, the armed forces, and employment were also established during this era. The first Assembly session (1 March 2055 to 31 December 2059) oversaw many landmark reforms, like the equal distribution of wages, the establishment of universal primary, secondary, and tertiary education (bar only the requirement of a selective employment entering tertiary education), and the establishment of universal health care.

The first political crisis started in late 2056 over conscription. As a part of the many compromises of the Bay Area Congress, the Progressive bloc ceded a constitutional clause requiring all men to serve for two years in the armed forces following turning age eighteen. While the Communists never campaigned in the first elections on eliminating this clause, many conservatives feared that they would do so following their majority in the first election. Progressive-aligned judges in the municipal courts ruled the clause unconstitutional in cases like Korematsu v. Liberty City Employment Office (2055) and Reagan v. GDR Bureau of Defense (2056). Conservative assembly members, already angered by these rulings, threatened to walk out of the first session if the Communists and other left-wing parties did not promise and agree to not touch the conscription clause and to punish the municipal judges ruling against the constitutionality of the clause. GCP representatives refused to agree to the punishment of municipal judges, citing the separation of powers between the judiciary and legislature. As a result, conservative assembly members walked out on 5 July 2056, only returning in 1 December of the same year due to being unable to provide opposition to the GCP's widespread reforms.

Gaian culture and art experienced an upheaval during the early republic era, reviving classical American, Japanese, and Chinese culture. Democratic artwork also saw a popular revival, with pieces inspiring themes of universal suffrage, the reestablishment of Athenian democracy, and American democracy.

Between the 2030 and 2060 Census, the GDR government estimated the population had increased from 7,000,000 to 8,500,000 people, first levels of growth since the fallout of the Sino-American War. Early republican Romanticism would long influence the political culture of the GDR and societal attitudes about previously controversial beliefs like Socialism and pure democracy.



The GDR political scene of the 2080s and 2090s has been marked by optimism about the rebounding of human society following the war but a dissatisfaction with the GDR's place in the world. Starting in the 2080s, a large debate over whether the military should continue to either exist and or explore other parts of the world has continued to be fought. Communists and other left-wing parties have argued that the GDR should remain isolationist, fearing that contact with other survivors may inspire armed conflict, the spreading of diseases, and that domestic reforms need to be focused on rather than international concerns. Conservatives and agriculture voters have continued to support measures that would allocate more money to defense and attempt to establish an expeditionary division of the Gaian Armed Forces. Despite this controversy, contemporary Gaian politics is largely characterized by the continued establishment rule of the Communist Party, adjustments to the early-republican land and wealth reforms, and continued measures supporting the equitization of societal commodities.

The Gaian economy has also been thriving in the 2080s and 90s due to increased support for technological research and the revitalization of pre-war technologies, primarily nuclear power. Currently, the Bureau of the Gaia Special Nuclear Zone employs over 150,000 people, most of which being nuclear engineers and scientist. Consumer technologies like personal computers, televisions, and smartphones have also sparked further employment and economic development. While still a socialist society, the popularity of consumer devices has brought some elements of capitalism, marked with certain socialist characteristics. For example, development corporations are still owned by the government, however, people still independently invest via the election of workers' council members that support specific technologies.

The GDR remains the sole established society on Earth following the Sino-American War, and is celebrated by its citizens as the bastion of human achievement and survivability.



The Gaian Democratic Republic is comprised of fourteen municipal districts, three special economic zones (SEZs), and a special military instillation on Washington Island. The West Coast of the Pacific Ocean gives the GDR a Mediterranean climate, fostering high agricultural output and low, cool temperatures.

The GDR is bordered by the Central Valley to the east, the Pacific Ocean to the west, and parts of Northern and Southern California marked by nuclear radiation. The Los Angeles area in particular is plagued by radiation due to the war, and marks the southernmost boundary of the GDR.



The GDR has high levels of air quality and within its jurisdiction low levels of nuclear radiation. The area's exception from nuclear strikes during the Sino-American War makes it one of the few places left in the world to not be made uninhabitable due to nuclear radiation.

The GDR is remarkably safe from many natural disasters, with the only existential threat to the GDR being nuclear fallout from the Sierra Nevada and the potential for nuclear disaster in the nuclear energy SEZ.

Biodiversity and conservation

A bald eagle
A nuclear power plant in Northern Gaia

The GDR is home to many of the world's last species unaffected by nuclear radiation. An estimated 17,000 species of animal exist within it's borders unaffected, with only 2,000 being affected.

The primary energy source for the GDR is nuclear energy, specifically nuclear power plants that are directly operated by the GDR government. GDR nuclear policy is operated with the pretense of continued support for solutions to radioactive waste, measures against nuclear disaster, and the management of education and employment on secure jobs.

Government and politics

The Gaia Democratic Republic capitol building
The Supreme Court of Earth answers all legal and constitutional questions.

The GDR is a unitary republic consisting of fourteen municipal districts, three special economic zones (SEZs), and a special military district. The GDR national government has supreme authority over all territory, however, some powers are delegated and shared with municipal governments and the worker's bureaus who maintain the SEZs. It is a socialist representative democracy, with all bills and decisions in the legislature decided by a simple majority vote (two hundred and fifty-one). The Declaration of the Constitutional Principles of Humanity serves as the nation's supreme legal document, also securing the special rights and privilege's of Gaian citizens.

National government


The national government comprises of three cooperative branches, all of which submit to the authority of the legislature.

  • The Gaian General Assembly, a unicameral legislature, makes all laws, proposes all bills of revenue, appoints the President of Earth, and maintains the Judicial Lottery. It is made up of five hundred elected seats. In Assembly elections, voters assign their vote to a political party, where the percentage of votes a political party receives being distributed into seats in the Assembly. Political party leaders are responsible for assigning and recommending who is seated in the Assembly during the assignment process. Assembly members must be registered with a political party, between the age of eighteen to sixty-five years old, and have not served in the Assembly, ever, for more than twenty years.
  • The President of Earth is the commander-in-chief of the Gaian Armed Forces, appoints members of the executive departments, and enforces all laws passed by the Assembly. They are also a member of the Assembly, with the rest of the Assembly nominating and electing them to serve as President. The President serves as the chief executive and head of state of the GDR. The fifteen-member of the executive cabinet manages the day-to-day operations of the government. The President serves their delegated term as an Assembly member (five years), cannot vote on bills in the Assembly, and can be recalled anytime by the legislature.
  • The judiciary remains more independent of the Assembly than the president. Each municipal district elects a three-person judge panel, which answers both criminal and civil trials. Municipal judges serve ten-year terms, must be between the ages of eighteen to sixty-five, and can serve an unlimited amount of terms. Appeals are heard by the municipal courts of appeals, which are comprised of one judge, appointed by the Assembly. Further appeals can be made by the Supreme Court of Earth, the supreme judicial body in the GDR. GDR membership is chosen by the Judicial Lottery every twenty-years, however, members of the Court can be recalled by a national referendum, which can be proposed by the Assembly at any time.

Political parties


The GDR's constitution recommends parties use the assignment system, but does not list any specific parties or party loyalty. Political parties are listed on ballots in general elections, rather than political canadines. Currently, there are five political parties in the Assembly: the communist big tent Communist Party of Gaia (CPG), the conservative liberal big tent Democratic Party of Gaia (DPG), the agrarian Agriculture Party of Gaia (APG), the populist People's Action (PA), and the transhumanist Forward Union (FU).

Foreign relations


Despite being the sole known inhabited society, the GDR maintains a military and holds frequent debates on the exploration of other parts of the world. The first, and currently only contact with foreign peoples was in 2077, when a radio signal, eventually believed to be from a People's Liberation Army outpost in the Pacific Ocean, attempted to contact Gaian receivers. The Assembly voted to not respond the signal.


Washington Island Military Installation

The President is the commander-in-chief of the Gaian Armed Forces and appoints its leaders, the Minister of Defense and the Joint Chiefs of Staff. The Bureau of Defense oversees three offices or "branches" of the GAF: the Gaian Army, the Gaian Navy, and the Gaian Combined Rocketry and Air Command. Military affairs are centralized on Washington Island, which is directly owned and operated by the Bureau.

Law enforcement and crime

Liberty City Peace Corps (LCPC) officer at a traffic stop in Downtown Liberty City

There are currently seventeen police agencies in the GDR, with only one, the Gaian State Police (GSP), an agency of the Bureau of Justice, existing at the national level. Each municipal district, the SEZs, and a military police battalion in each respective branch of the armed forces.

The municipal police agencies are branded as "peace corps" and are forbidden from carrying firearms or similar high-grade weapons. Peace corps members are responsible for answering crime calls, enforcing all laws, and providing limited defense from suspected insurrections.

Three levels exist in the GDR judiciary: the municipal courts, which oversee all levels of crime (bar treason or corruption, which are solely conducted in the Supreme Court), appeals courts, which oversee appeals from the municipal courts, and the Supreme Court of Earth, which sees final decision on all legal questions. A civil law system, judges are mandates to execute the law as written. The GDR constitution grantees all citizens to the right to a fair trial, specifically the right to legal counsel, the right to a jury, and the right to remain silent.


see caption
A California (city) dockyard. The GDR is home to a large marine culture, specifically fishing
Semiconductors (pictured) make up a large portion of manufactured goods

The Gaian Democratic Republic is a socialist society, with every citizen having a right to a home, food, healthcare, and basic goods like literature and consumer technology. Partially a planned economy, production is guided by both workers and the national government. Employment is conducted by the Bureau of Labor, which assigns employment based on a required form for all citizens to complete by age sixteen. Education fosters early aspirations of assigned employment, with all citizens having a right to challenge their assignment and hold a request for specific jobs. Students who attend a university or trade school hold a special privilege in this system. It is estimated that only 2% of the Gaian workforce (those ages sixteen to sixty) are unemployed. All industries are owned and operated into two focuses: the Combined Workers' Council (CWC), which votes in half of the national representatives, typically a minister of the Bureau of Labor. These two bodies must reach a legally binding agreement each economic semester (March-August, September-February).

Currently, the most active industries in the GDR are manufacturing, research and development, nuclear power, and consumer electronics. The GDR also fosters a large agricultural economy, with over 200,000 people being employed by the Bureau of the Gaia Special Agricultural Zone.

While the GDR’s welfare system ensures that no citizens are deprived of necessities, like water, food, and shelter, a high economic score allows for purchasing luxuries. GDR citizens are entitled to the full rights and responsibilities of citizenship upon birth, anywhere within the GDR’s jurisdiction. Parents hold autonomy over their children’s rights until they reach the age of sixteen years old, which then they can apply for independent citizenship. Parents withhold two major responsibilities over their children: determining their education/career and providing traditional parenting avenues. Children from ages four to twelve are educated in state-funded and administered Colleges, which educate children on the most basic principles and facets of fields from astronomy, philosophy, physics, and history. Upon graduation, children are required to fill out a legally binding form that connects them to a career (for economic score upon graduating from university or trade school). This form is reversible; however, doing so too many times limits economic score and may restrict opportunities for education or employment. Once completing their career form, children are educated from ages twelve to sixteen in universities or trade schools (universities focus on disciplines like science and humanities while trade schools on manufacturing and construction).

Science and technology

The University of Liberty City public library has preserved most of the works from the Internet Archive into physical and digital collections.

The GDR has been a leader in technological innovation and revitalization since the 2060s, leading in fields of Internet technology and nuclear energy. Mass-production techniques adopted from American and Japanese economic traditions has created an atmosphere for the romanticism of consumer goods, specifically technology. The national university system has preserved most of the world's knowledge on history and science following the collapse of civilization.


The Graple-Gaia Special Agricultural Zone (GPAZ) connection "Blue Line" (Gaia Rail 757 Forerunner pictured) connects citizens from the metropolitan areas of the West Bay to employment at farms.

Personal transportation in the Gaian Democratic Republic is dominated by trains, all of which are owned and directly operated by the Bureau of Transportation. Other modes of transportation exist, chiefly ferries (which are mostly used for economic transportation), however rail dominates all transport connections. Approximately 4,000,000 people ride rail services every day. Cargo goods are also largely managed by rail.

The Gaian Rapid Transport System (GRTS) or "Grits" is responsible for connecting citizens to employment and housing. Currently, there are four main lines, all of which connect the furthest most municipal areas and SEZ to one another. California, the capital city, is home to the largest rail connection in the GDR.

The Port of California and Port of Liberty City and roughly tied for imported goods, most of which come from the SEZs and from each other.




Chinese people make up the second largest ethnic group in the GDR, most of which being the descendants of Chinese Americans and veterans of the Sino-American War.

The 2090 Census reported 9,003,425 people are living in the Gaia Democratic Republic as of 31 December 2089. According the the Bureau's population click, by 2095, the Gaian population will reach 10,000,000. Approximately 864 people die every day, while 994 are born. In 2090, 79% of Gaians over the age of eighteen were married, 10% were widowed, and 11% were divorced or have never married. In 2090, the total fertility rate for the GDR stood at 1.7 children per woman. As of 2090, the five most populous cities in the nation are California (0.9 million), Liberty City (0.8 million), Lincoln (0.6 million), Ho Chi Mihn City (0.5 million), and Confucius (0.4 million).

The GDR has a diverse population; around 11 ancestry groups have more than 1,000 members. White Americans, with ancestry from the United States and Europe, form the largest racial and ethnic group at 43.44% of the population. Chinese people make up the second largest ethnic group, comprising of 39.1% of the population. Other Asian American groups, most notably Japanese and Korean Americans make up a large portion of the population as well. 8.73% of the population is African American, 5% is Hispanic or Latino American, and the final 3.73% is made up of various groups, the largest being Jews.


Students learning Mandarin in a required second language course at a state-college

English is the national and most spoken language in the Gaia Democratic Republic. All government documents are written and printed in English and English is the "default" language taught in mandatory education.

Other linguistic communities exist, however. Mandarin Chinese and Japanese remain the two largest native languages while other European languages are taught at universities for research purposes.



The Second Amendment to the Declaration of Principles of Humanity guarantees the free exercise of religion and forbids the General Assembly from passing any law respecting the establishment of religion. Over 70% of Gaians are irreligious, selecting "Atheist, non-theist, nonreligious, or non-spiritual" on the 2090 Census. 20% are various Christian groups, with Catholicism being slightly more popular than Protestantism. Jews, Muslims, and Mormons also make up other large religious groups.

The GDR is a largely irreligious society, with religion being treated as a study, rather than a holistic belief system.



Almost all Gaian citizens live within an urban environment, with an estimated 89% of Gaians living within one of the nation's fourteen municipal districts. Metropolitan cities like California and Liberty City comprise of the nation's most active economic and cultural centers, being the hub of transportation and industry.



Primary and secondary education in the Gaia Democratic Republic are conducted through a mandatory education through the nation's "college system." The college system provides complex and basic understandings of fields in four major categories: mathematics, science, language arts, and humanities. Children ages four to twelve are required to complete eight years of education, and earn a diploma certifying they meet basic citizenship and educational understandings. Upon completion of the eighth and attaining the age of twelve, children are required to complete a Form 41, which states there post educational aspirations. Form 41 asks whether the child plans on attending a state university, a trade school, or the armed forces. Completion of either of these avenues is required for a Bureau of Labor employment certificate and state-benefits in services and citizenship (voting rights, trial rights, etc.).

The university and trade school system regulates students to service in a six-year educational program which attempts to master them at their eventual career. For example, the School of Nuclear Sciences at California GDR University trains students who seek to become nuclear engineers on how to preform their eventually assigned job. The university degree system and trade school certificate system credits students on being adequately trained for their job description in one of the government's many labor programs.

All levels of education are directly funded by the GDR national government and are directed by the Bureau of Education. Currently, the Assembly agenda, which sets out the Assembly's goals for the 2090-2095 term, lists developing education as "the primary goal of this legislation term."

Culture and society


Gaians celebrate a culture characterized by equality before the law, democracy, socialism, and the government as a organ of hard power. Belief in altruism and collectivism also dominate Gaian culture.

Nearly all present Gaians share relationships with ancestors from the United States, China, Canada, Mexico, and the Pacific Islands. Mainstream Gaian culture is deeply influenced by popular American and Asian culture, primarily the culture of California between 2020-2040. The GDR has been described as a melting pot for cultures around the globe, attempting to subdue racist attitudes of the "old order."

The GDR has safeguards protecting freedom of speech, political expression, and demonstration under the Declaration of Constitutional Principles of Humanity. The GDR guarantees protections for minority groups, LGBT peoples, and religious minorities.



The Gaia Democratic Republic borrows much of its literary culture from prewar American and Chinese literary customs. Before the Sino-American War, political novels and writing were generally the most popular, with a popular online book culture being harbored among the American intellectual class. American literary themes that have crossed into the present day include naturalism and idealism.

Presently, the GDR has adopted many Marxist literary and cultural attitudes, particularly in historical writing. Themes of the eternal revolution, struggle for equality, and the power of the proletariat dominate Gaian literature.

Mass media


Media is entirely uncensored in the GDR, with all online and telecommunication channels being owned by the national government but free to be used by public and individual broadcasters. Media is primarily consumed via the Internet, specifically the World Wide Web. Information is hosted typically by private hosts, university libraries, or government offices maintained by bureaucratic employees.

The GDR maintains a powerful Internet culture which dominates communications and education. Culture has been largely shaped by the distribution of online video and messages, many of which continue to dominate Gaian culture today. Websites like YouTube and Reddit are frequently used and are examples of surviving prewar technologies.

Visual arts


Popular artistic movements in the Gaia Democratic Republic include realism and American modernism. Many works from the prewar era continue to be reproduced via the Internet; popular recreations include the Mona Lisa, The Great Wave off Kanagawa, and Dogs Playing Poker have all been reproduced by university institutions.



Gaian music culture borrows from American music culture, with popular genres being those established during the early twenty-first century.



Like visual artwork and music, much of the Gaian film culture originates from works produced in the prewar United States, with a sizeable Japanese cinematic influence as well. The works of Hollywood and Anime productions continue to be widely popular in Gaian society.

Currently, the Gaian film industry is still in its infancy, with most audiences preferring the highly developed and historically relevant productions of American, Japanese, and Chinese cinema from the prewar era.



Main article: American cuisine, Chinese cuisine, Japanese cuisine

Most cuisine was adopted from the survivors of the Sino-American War who inhabited the Bay Area following the United States' collapse. American cuisine, in particular, dominates Gaian culinary culture, with an emphasis on foods like chicken, bread, and noodles.

Characteristically Gaian dishes that have been adopted from American, Chinese, and Japanese food traditions include: hamburgers, chicken sandwiches, sushi, noodles, pastas, macaroni and cheese, pies, sesame oil based foods, and corn.

The Gaian restaurant industry is primarily operated through the Small Establishments Agency of the Bureau of Labor. Restaurants feature international cuisines that have been preserved, with popular cuisines including Italian and Korean cuisines.



The most popular Gaian sports are those that have been adopted by prewar American culture, including American football, basketball, baseball, and association football. Children are required to play in games of typically these four institutions while in school and many professional teams are organized around each sport, usually representing their metropolitan area. For example, the current World Series champion for baseball is the California Mustangs. Baseball is consistently the most popular sport in the GDR, with the last World Series game (previously mentioned) attaining 1.6 million concurrent viewers.
