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The Policies and Achievements of the Government and Regeneration of the Filipino


Philippines former president Manuel L. Quezon stated “I want our people to grow and be like the molave” in his speech. He wants people to be strong, resilient, and confident in their own strengths. He wants to mold these traits into his citizens and pass them on to new generations. Teamwork and hard work are important for us to improve and help our country be better.

A molave tree is also known as Vitex parviflora. It is valued in the Philippines for its dense, durable wood, which was once widely used in furniture, boats, utensils, and construction. The wood is also resistant to decay and termites. As Filipinos, Pres. Manuel L. Quezon wants us to be like a Molave tree to withstand any kind of disaster, natural or man-made. We can laugh at many problems because Filipinos know we can overcome them, and we continue to take small steps until we solve the problem.

The molave tree has many uses and is one of the hardest woods. Filipinos, like the molave, are strong and always find ways to help one another. We have the determination to fight, to survive, and to never give up. That is what Manuel L. Quezon wants us to remember.



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Group 10


Gian Abrigo

Charles Arias

Chantal Deang

Franklin Lomangaya