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Brownian motion as a prototype


The original Langevin equation[1] describes Brownian motion, the apparently random movement of a particle in a fluid due to collisions with the molecules of the fluid,

The degree of freedom of interest here is the position of the particle, denotes the particle's mass. The force acting on the particle is written as a sum of a viscous force proportional to the particle's velocity (Stokes' law), and a noise term (the name given in physical contexts to terms in stochastic differential equations which are stochastic processes) representing the effect of the collisions with the molecules of the fluid. The force has a Gaussian probability distribution with correlation function

where is Boltzmann's constant, is the temperature and is the i-th component of the vector . The δ-function form of the correlations in time means that the force at a time is assumed to be completely uncorrelated with it at any other time. This is an approximation; the actual random force has a nonzero correlation time corresponding to the collision time of the molecules. However, the Langevin equation is used to describe the motion of a "macroscopic" particle at a much longer time scale, and in this limit the -correlation and the Langevin equation become exact.

Another prototypical feature of the Langevin equation is the occurrence of the damping coefficient in the correlation function of the random force, a fact also known as Einstein relation.

Trajectories of free Brownian particles


Consider a free particle of mass with equation of motion described by

where is the particle velocity, is the particle mobility, and is a rapidly fluctuating force whose time-average vanishes over a characteristic timescale of particle collisions, i.e. . The general solution to the equation of motion is

where is the relaxation time of the Brownian motion. As expected from the random nature of Brownian motion, the average drift velocity quickly decays to zero at . It can also be shown that the autocorrelation function of the particle velocity is given by[2]

Simulated squared displacements of free Brownian particles (semi-transparent wiggly lines) as a function of time, for three selected choices of initial squared velocity which are 0, 3kT/m, and 6kT/m respectively, with 3kT/m being the equipartition value in thermal equilibrium. The colored solid curves denote the mean squared displacements for the corresponding parameter choices.

where we have used the property that the variables and become uncorrelated for time separations . Besides, the value of is set to be equal to such that it obeys the equipartition theorem. Note that if the system is initially at thermal equilibrium already with , then for all , meaning that the system remains at equilibrium at all times.

The velocity of the Brownian particle can be integrated to yield its trajectory (assuming it is initially at the origin)

Hence, the resultant average displacement asymptotes to as the system relaxes and randomness takes over. In addition, the mean squared displacement can be determined similarly to the preceding calculation to be

It can be seen that , indicating that the motion of Brownian particles at timescales much shorter than the relaxation time of the system is (approximately) time-reversal invariant. On the other hand, , which suggests that the long-term random motion of Brownian particles is an irreversible dissipative process. Here we have made use of the Einstein–Smoluchowski relation , where is the diffusion coefficient of the fluid.

  1. ^ Langevin, P. (1908). "Sur la théorie du mouvement brownien [On the Theory of Brownian Motion]". C. R. Acad. Sci. Paris. 146: 530–533.; reviewed by D. S. Lemons & A. Gythiel: Paul Langevin’s 1908 paper "On the Theory of Brownian Motion" [...], Am. J. Phys. 65, 1079 (1997), doi:10.1119/1.18725
  2. ^ Pathria RK (1972). Statistical Mechanics. Oxford: Pergamon Press. pp. 443, 474–477. ISBN 0-08-018994-6.