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From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Hi for everyone!


My name is Anton. I'm one of million users of Wikipedia[1]. If you first-time user, you can click on number 1 after word "Wikipedia". I will help[2] for other wiki-users. I first-time user. I like math. Here's one my easy math formula: Also I like the Python 3 program language. This is my code-test on this language:

print("I also like algebra. You can see this by this code (without this line).")
π = 3.1415926536
ans = (π**2)//1

I think the result of this code is:

I also like algebra. You can see this by this code (without this line).


½ of my work is correcting the articles , ¼ is finding the bulling comments or spam and ¼ is other categories. You can speak with me in "Talk" page[3].

  1. ^ "Wikipedia:About", Wikipedia, 2021-02-26, retrieved 2021-02-28
  2. ^ "Help:Contents", Wikipedia, 2021-02-17, retrieved 2021-02-28
  3. ^ "User talk:AntonFedoras", Wikipedia, 2021-02-28, retrieved 2021-02-28