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User:Antidiskriminator/Drafts of articles/Petar Span

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Petar Span or Peter Spani was 15th century nobleman from Albania who controlled a territory between Shkoder and Drivast and highlander clans Pulati, Shala and Shoshi. He was one of the members of the League of Lezhë.



Petar Span was a member of Span family of a Greek origin.[1][2][3] The name of the family is derived from the Greek word spanos (Greek: σπανός) which means beardless.[4]

There are several different notable Spans of 14th century not necessarily mutually related.[5] At the beginning of 15th century most notable members of Span family were Marin and his son Petar.[6]

Peter Span


Peter's father Marin is mentioned in 1409 as already dead.[7] According to Marin Barleti, Petar Span (to whom he refer to as Spanish) had four sons: Aleksa, Božidar, Uroš and Mirko.[8]

When Radič Humoj, a member of Humoj family, rebelled against Venetians Peter Span requested from Venetian Senate to give him a control over Radič's fortress Petra.[9]

Andrea Marcello, a Venetian governor of Drivast, gave village Carpeneto to Peter Span because of his merits during the first Venetian war against Balša III. Later he made decision to take Carpeneto away from Peter and to give it to Stefan Jonima, who was an outlaw. Although Peter Span accepted this decision Venetian Senate rejected it and returned Carpeneto to Petar Span on 21 June 1415. Besides Carpeneto his pronoia included villages Brex and Curtis near Drivast and village Dobrea near Scutari.[10]

The highest Venetian institutions fulfilled any request of Peter Span.[11]

Radič II Humoj married a daughter of Petar Span in 1433 and became pronoier of village Serel in Bar district.[12]

Aleksa Span


Aleksa Span was one of the voivodas of the biggest town in Serbian Despotate, Novo Brdo in 1454.[13] Aleksa had seven children: Marco, Biasio, Lucia, Demetria, Angela, Andriana and Alessandro.[14]

Božidar Span


The territory of pronoia of Petar and Božidar Span was on the left side of river Kiri, toward the mountains.[15]

In February 1447 Drivast commune requested from the Senate to return to them control over four villages (Precali, Vugi, Logi and Mossi), then part of pronoia of Božidar Span. Senate refused their demand although they had appropriate documents proving that those villages belong to the commune, justifying its decision with existing circumstances.[16]

Other Spans


Helen Span was the mother of Alessio Span.LINK

Andrew (Andrija) Span earned the support of his Venetian lords during the conflict between Balša III and Venetian Republic.[17]

Nikola Span was a member of branch of Span family which had pronoia in Shkoder.[18]

Since he did not have any sons, Petar emphasized in 1415 that he will be inherited by his nephew Marin, a son of his brother Brajko.[19]

Petar's father was Nikša Span from Drivast who also had a daughter Dominika.[20]

After Ottoman conquest of all territory of Albania at the end of 15th century members of Span family disappeared from the territory of Northern Albania.[21]

Among the Spans from Durres there was also Dominik Span mentioned as being city nobleman in 1430 whose son was Perin.[22] In the notes of Ragusan merchant there is record of Dmiter Span.[23]

Jovan Span has been killed by Mrkojevići (commanded by Delfino) when they entered Spani village, captured Jovan's son and robbed his house.[24]



Petar Span was Stefan's epitropos in Ulcinj.[25]

Petar Span was loyal to Serbian Despot and when he lost the control over Drivast to Venice, Petar Span also lost the control over his possessions.

In period from April to the end of July 1441 Petar Span visited Dubrovnik where he put into treasure his silver coins and silver items on 21 July 1441.[26]

He attended a meeting of noblemen from Albania held in Lezhë in March 1444 when they allied themselves into a League of Lezhë.[27]

Alongside with Spani family, the Dushmani family was against the war with Venice (1447–1448) and did not participate in it.

After Alfonso V, the king of Naples, signed the Treaty of Gaeta with Skanderbeg on March 26, 1451, he signed similar treaties with other chieftains from Albania including Petar Span.[28]


  1. ^ Glas, Volume 338 (in Serbian). Serbian Academy of Science and Arts. 1983. p. 72. Retrieved 20 January 2012. Петар Спан, господар краја између Скадра и Дриваста, чији су се преци, пореклом Грци
  2. ^ Glas, Volume 338 (in Serbian). Serbian Academy of Science and Arts. 1983. p. 72. Retrieved 20 January 2012. Петар Спан, господар краја између Скадра и Дриваста, чији су се преци, пореклом Грци,
  3. ^ Šufflay, Milan (1925), Srbi i Arbanasi : (njihova simbioza u srednjem vijeku) (in Serbian), Belgrade, OCLC 440847167, retrieved 20 January 2012, Obitelj ova Span, de Span, Hi* spanus, Spanović podrijetlom je grčka " {{citation}}: More than one of |author= and |last= specified (help)CS1 maint: location missing publisher (link)
  4. ^ Šufflay, Milan (1925), Srbi i Arbanasi : (njihova simbioza u srednjem vijeku) (in Serbian), Belgrade, OCLC 440847167, retrieved 20 January 2012, (σπανός znači ćosat, bezbrad, pogrdna riječ kod sredovječnih Grka)." {{citation}}: More than one of |author= and |last= specified (help)CS1 maint: location missing publisher (link)
  5. ^ Glas, Volumes 319-323 (in Serbian). Belgrade: Serbian Academy of Science and Arts. 1980. p. 39. Retrieved 20 January 2012. Из друге четвртине XIV века потичу помени тројице Спана, за које се не може утврдити да ли су били у некоме сродству.
  6. ^ Glas, Volumes 319-323 (in Serbian). Belgrade: Serbian Academy of Science and Arts. 1980. p. 39. Retrieved 20 January 2012. Најистакнутије личности међу Спанима почетком XV века били су Марин и његов син Петар
  7. ^ Glas, Volumes 319-323 (in Serbian). Belgrade: Serbian Academy of Science and Arts. 1980. p. 39. Retrieved 20 January 2012. Петров отац Марин се помиње 1409 год као покојник
  8. ^ Georg von Hahn, Johann (1869), Denkschriften / Akademie der Wissenschaften, Philosophisch-Historische Klasse (in German), Wien Böhlau. Wien Hölder, p. 101, OCLC 613498113, retrieved 23 January 2012, Barletius 37 nennt ihn Hispanus und gibt ihm vier einander ähnliche Söhne, Alexius, Bosdarius, Urus (?) und Mirkus {{citation}}: More than one of |author= and |last= specified (help)
  9. ^ Glas, Volumes 319-323 (in Serbian). Belgrade: Serbian Academy of Science and Arts. 1980. p. 43. Retrieved 20 January 2012. .
  10. ^ Glas, Volumes 319-323 (in Serbian). Belgrade: Serbian Academy of Science and Arts. 1980. p. 46. Retrieved 20 January 2012. .
  11. ^ Glas, Volumes 319-323 (in Serbian). Belgrade: Serbian Academy of Science and Arts. 1980. p. 45. Retrieved 20 January 2012. највиша млетачка тела... су без колебања удовољавала сваком захтеву Петра Спана.
  12. ^ Antonović, Miloš (2003), Town and district in littoral of Zeta and northern Albania in XIVth and XVth century (in Serbian), Belgrade: Istorijski institut, p. 216, ISBN 9788677430313, OCLC 55953999, Наиме, женећи се 1433 године ћерком Петра Спана, Радич II Хумој је добио село Серељи у барском дистрикту {{citation}}: More than one of |author= and |last= specified (help)
  13. ^ Glas, Volume 338 (in Serbian). Serbian Academy of Science and Arts. 1983. p. 72. Retrieved 20 January 2012. "тесне везе са Србијом одржавао је и после њене обнове: Петров син Љеш Шпановић био је 1454. год. војвода највећег српског града — Новог Брда.208 Сам Ђурађ Кастриот Скендербег такође је одр- жавао пријатељоке везе са српским деспотом.
  14. ^ The Sultan of vezirs : the life and times of the Ottoman Grand Vezir Mahmud Pasha Angelovic (1453-1474), Leiden ; Boston: Brill, 2001, p. 229, ISBN 9789004121065, OCLC 46640850 {{citation}}: |first2= missing |last2= (help)CS1 maint: multiple names: authors list (link)
  15. ^ Antonović, Miloš (2003), Town and district in littoral of Zeta and northern Albania in XIVth and XVth century (in Serbian), Belgrade: Istorijski institut, p. 236, ISBN 9788677430313, OCLC 55953999, retrieved 21 January 2012, остаје чињеница да је пронија Петра и Божидара Спана обухватала велике просторе на левој обали Кирија {{citation}}: |first2= missing |last2= (help); More than one of |author= and |last1= specified (help)CS1 maint: multiple names: authors list (link)
  16. ^ Glas, Volumes 319-323 (in Serbian). Belgrade: Serbian Academy of Science and Arts. 1980. p. 52. Retrieved 20 January 2012. Божидар Спан се још 1447 помиње као поседник неких села око Дриваста. Представници Дривастинске "општине"... тражили су у фебруару те године од Сената да им се уз остало, врате четири села која држи Божидар Спан (Precali, Vugi, Logi и Mossi). Показали су повеље из којих се види да та села ... Међутим, одговор Сената је да се никаква промена не сматра подесном, "с обзиром на услове времена")
  17. ^ Glas, Volumes 319-323 (in Serbian). Belgrade: Serbian Academy of Science and Arts. 1980. p. 42. Retrieved 20 January 2012. У тим данима је Андрија Спан задужио своје господаре.
  18. ^ Božić, Ivan (1979), Nemirno pomorje XV veka (in Serbian), Beograd: Srpska književna zadruga, p. 364, OCLC 5845972, ... Николу Спана из породице скадарских пронијара... " {{citation}}: More than one of |author= and |last= specified (help)
  19. ^ Glas, Volumes 319-323 (in Serbian). Belgrade: Serbian Academy of Science and Arts. 1980. p. 39. Retrieved 20 January 2012. Сам тај Петар ни 1415 није имао мушких потомака па је истицао као свог наследника нећака Марина, сина већ преминутог Брајка.
  20. ^ Revue historique, Volume 44. Belgrade: Serbian Academy of History and Arts. 1998. p. 104. Retrieved 20 January 2012. По други пут женио се са Домиником, кћерком Никше Спана из Дриваста која му је у мираз донела 200 перпера а то јој је обезбедио брат Петар.
  21. ^ Glas, Volumes 319-323 (in Serbian). Belgrade: Serbian Academy of Science and Arts. 1980. p. 39. Retrieved 20 January 2012. Али Спана је крајем XV века нестало из северне Албаније.
  22. ^ Glas, Volumes 319-323 (in Serbian). Belgrade: Serbian Academy of Science and Arts. 1980. p. 48. Retrieved 20 January 2012.
  23. ^ Glas, Volumes 319-323 (in Serbian). Belgrade: Serbian Academy of Science and Arts. 1980. p. 48. Retrieved 20 January 2012.
  24. ^ Glas, Volumes 319-323 (in Serbian). Belgrade: Serbian Academy of Science and Arts. 1980. p. 48. Retrieved 20 January 2012.
  25. ^ Revue historique, Volume 44. Belgrade: Serbian Academy of History and Arts. 1998. p. 104. Retrieved 20 January 2012. Петар Спан је био Стефанов епитроп у Улцињу.
  26. ^ Glas, Volume 338 (in Serbian). Serbian Academy of Science and Arts. 1983. p. 72. Retrieved 20 January 2012. У Дубровнику су се задржали од априла до краја јула 1441 год. Пред крај боравка, Петар Спан је 21. јула 1441 предао Већу умољених у поклад своје благо - сребрни новац и предмете од сребра.
  27. ^ Glas, Volume 338 (in Serbian). Serbian Academy of Science and Arts. 1983. p. 72. Retrieved 20 January 2012. склопио је у Љешу (савез за рат против Турака. Тој скупштини, на којој је он изабран за вођа, присуствовао је и Петар Спан,
  28. ^ Noli, Fan Stilian (1947), George Castrioti Scanderbeg (1405–1468), International Universities Press, p. 49, OCLC 732882, Later on Alphonse concluded similar treaties with George Araniti, Ghin Musachi, George Stresi Balsha, Peter Spani, Paul Ducaghini,...


  • Noli, Fan Stilian (1947), George Castrioti Scanderbeg (1405-1468), International Universities Press, OCLC 732882