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User:Antidiskriminator/Drafts of articles/Partisan collaboration with Ustaše

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The Collaboration of Yugoslav Communists with Ustaše

According to McDowell, the Partisans were not exactly blameless on the issues on collaborations.[1] Both Chetnik and Partisan groups collaborated with Axis to the extent the subordinate commanders felt their survival required.[2]

Before World War II


Velebit uprising


Mitrovica Agreement


During the World War II


The communist leader Josip Broz Tito and all members of the Communist Party of Yugoslavia left Belgrade on 16 September 1941 using documents issued to Tito by Dragoljub Milutinović who was voivode of Pećanac Chetniks.[3] Since Pećanac at that time was already in full cooperation with Germans, this fact caused speculations that Broz left Belgrade with blessing of Germans because his task was to divide rebel forces, similar to Lenin's arrival to Russia.[4] The historian Ivan Avakumović emphasized that it was also very unusual that Tito was escorted during his travel from Belgrade to rebel held teritory by person who would later be appointed as deputy of commander of SS Division Prinz Eugen.[5]

At the beginning of December 1941 Boško Todorović requested support of Durmitor Partisan detachment to fight against Muslim units that committed numerous massacres of Serbs.[6] The Partisans perceived Chetnik actions as the policy of revenge and sent their patrol to Borač, one of the strongest strongholds of Ustaše to "help them to organize appropriatelly together" only to be imprisoned, tortured and some of them eventually killed.[7]

Report of Paul Bader

Paul Bader reported to Berlin that Croatian Communists and Montenegrin Partisans concluded an agreement with Ustaše not to attack each other

During February, March and April 1942 Communists and Ustaše attacked Dangić's Chetniks who had to slowly retreat from better equiped and stronger enemy.[8] In his report sent on 20 April 1942 to senior command, German military governer of Serbia Paul Bader stated that Partisans do not fight against Ustaše but only against Dangić's Chetniks.[9] On the same day he reported to Berlin that an agreement was concluded between Montenegrin Partisans, Croatian Communists and Ustaše not to attack each other.[10]

Operation Hydra

According to pro-Chetnik sources, Atherton was killed to prevent his report about cooperation of communists with Ustaše

On 4 February 1942 the British mission to Chetniks led by Terence Atherton disembarked on Montenegrin coast. They were soon captured by Partisans who kept them in their headquarters, first near Danilovgrad and then near Foča. The Partisans did not allow Atherton to continue his trip to Chetnik headquarter and invested significant efforts to convince him to change his pro-Chetnik position without much sucess. On 6 April 1942 the leader of Yugoslav communists Josip Broz wrote a letter to Moša Pijade expresing his concerns about Athertons mission.[11] On 8 April 1942 issued a secret directive to the communist commesairs to warn them about Atherton.[12] This secret directive was allegedly issued to the the Communist Party of Croatia.[13] According to some anti-communist sources, Atherton was able to learn about contacts between Josip Broz and his most trusted men from the Central Committee of Croatia with leaders of the Independent State of Croatia.[14] This sources emphasize that Partisans and Ustaše made an agreement according to which Ustaše allowed Partisans to enter Foča, supplied them with ammunition to fight against Chetniks and to stay in Foča for several months without any obstruction from Croatian side.[15] Some pro-Chetnik sources even emphasize that Partisans killed Atherton because he had intention to inform his superiors about the cooperation between Partisans and Ustaše.[16]

Negotiations between Partisans and Ustaše in winter 1942/3


Chetnik offensive on Eastern Bosnia in 1943


When Chetniks launched attack Ustaše and German forces in Sokolac on 21 October 1943, the Partisans attacked them from rear.[17] In his report Mihailović emphasized that this was the best proof that communists closely collaborate.[18] The memoirs of the Slovenian academy member Aleksander Bajt underlined exact military operations in Eastern Bosnia (near Han Pijesak, Vlasenica and Srebrenica) and North-East of Sarajevo where Partisans supported Ustaše to fight against Bosnian Chetniks.[19]


  1. ^ (Ford 1992, p. 130)
  2. ^ (Smith 2005, p. 122):"To the extent that subordinate commanders of both Chetnik and Partisan groups felt their survival required temporary accomodation with the enemy, there was indeed collaboration. But in the minds of the British, the charges against the Chetniks were of greater import."
  3. ^ Nikolić, Kosta (2003). Dragan Drašković, Radomir Ristić (ed.). Kraljevo in October 1941. Kraljevo: National Museum Kraljevo, Historical Archive Kraljevo. p. 29.
  4. ^ Nikolić, Kosta (2003). Dragan Drašković, Radomir Ristić (ed.). Kraljevo in October 1941. Kraljevo: National Museum Kraljevo, Historical Archive Kraljevo. p. 30.
  5. ^ Nikolić, Kosta (2003). Dragan Drašković, Radomir Ristić (ed.). Kraljevo in October 1941. Kraljevo: National Museum Kraljevo, Historical Archive Kraljevo. p. 30. Sredinom septembra 1941, godine, Broz je vozom napustio Beograd i preko Stalaća i Čačka otišao na slobodnu teritoriju u zapadnoj Srbiji. Na putu ga je pratila osoba koja }e kasnije postati ađutant komandanta SS divizije „Princ Eugen". Da li je bio običaj da generalni sekretari partija putuju u pratnji SS oficira?"
  6. ^ Nikolić, Kosta. Mit o partizanskom jugoslovenstvu. Beograd: Zavod za udžbenike, 2015, page:337, "Наличје партизанске стратегије показало се почетком децембра 1941. у североисточној Херцеговини, када је мајор Бошко Тодоровић, тражио помоћ Дурмиторског партизанског одреда у борби против муслимана који су претходно починили бројне злочине над Србима. “."
  7. ^ Nikolić, Kosta. Mit o partizanskom jugoslovenstvu. Beograd: Zavod za udžbenike, 2015, page:337, "Партизани су, међутим, политику четника тумачили као осветничку, па су 9. децембра у Борач, једно од најјачих усташких упоришта, послали патролу да му-слиманима „помогне да се са нама правилно организују“. Али, патрола је заробљена и мучена, „два утекла, један у путу, а други са губилишта, остала тројица стријељани“. ."
  8. ^ (Авакумовић & Николић 2004, p. 98): "УСТАШКО-ПАРТИЗАНСКА САРАДЊА Током фебруара, марта и априла 1942. године, кому- нисти и усташе извели су низ напада на Дангићеве ..."
  9. ^ (Đuretić 1997, p. 246): "те да се партизани "не боре против усташа него само против Дангићевих присталица.""
  10. ^ (Đuretić 1997, p. 246)
  11. ^ (Roberts 1973, p. 54): "In a letter to Mose Pijade, Tito wrote on April 6 that there was something "not right" about the English mission."
  12. ^ (Larson 1979, p. 45)
  13. ^ (Roberts 1973, p. 54)
  14. ^ (Jovanović 1999, p. 167): "За контакте Броза и његових неколико најповерљивијих људи, првен ствено из Централног комитета Хрватске, са вођама НДХ сазнао је британ ски мајор Теренс Атертон. "
  15. ^ (Redžić 2002, p. 254)
  16. ^ Glasnik Srpskog istorijsko-kulturnog društva "Njegoš". Njegoš. 1992.
  17. ^ (Николић 2009, p. 445)
  18. ^ (Николић 2009, p. 445):"Ово нека послужи као најбољи доказ свима да су комунисти у пуној сарадњи са усташама и Немцима"
  19. ^ Nikolić, Kosta (2006). "Aleksander Bajt, BERMANOV DOSIJE" (PDF). Istorija 20. Veka. 2: 168. Retrieved 15 April 2020. Posebno je apostrofirao konkretne operacije u istočnoj Bosni (kod Han Pijeska, Vlasenice i Srebrenice) i operacije severoistočno od Sarajeva kada su partizani pomagali ustašama da se obračunaju sa bosanskim četnicima




Further reading


Samardžić, Miloslav; Šušterič, Uroš (2011). Sodelovanje partizanov z okupatorjem. Ignis. ISBN 978-961-6499-61-3.

  1. ^ Smith 2011, p. 2: "A quote verifying the information."