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User:Antidiskriminator/Drafts of articles/Communist massacres in Serbia

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The Communist massacres in Serbia



Because the leadership of Yugoslav Communists had intention to perform the Communist revolution and sieze the control over Yugoslavia already during the World War II, the "radicalisation of class struggle" reached extreme character and the first executions of the pereceived opponents of the Communists began already during Summer and Autumn 1941 in some parts of Axis occupied Yugoslavia.[1] The process of liquidation of "class enemies" was extremely brutal.[2]

Leftist errors


In the period of Leftist errors the Communist violence reached massive scale.[3]

Nova Varoš (end of 1941 and early 1942)


When retreating Communist forces entered Nova Varoš at the end of 1941, they captured part of the territory of Raška region with Nova Varoš as its center where Milovan Đilas had most important role in the organized pressure on the local population.[4]

Massacres conducted in organization of Ozna (1944—1946)


The mass massacres in Serbia were conducted by OZNA and KNOJ. During the entire period of its existence OZNA used illegal practicies which included occasional mass murders of the "enemies of the people" having a notion of conducting the "revolution". The "enemies of the people" included not only local anti-communist forces but also notable individuals who did not support Communists, wealthy and prosperous individuals, POWs and all representatives of the Church regardless of the religion.[5] In combating armed anti-communist groups, the OZNA and KNOJ, murdered prisoners without any investigation or trial, sometimes also murdering the civilian associated with them.[6] The majority of the atrocities comminted by Communists were hidden from the public during the period of SFRJ.[7]


  1. ^ Živković, Milutin (2019). "Revolucionarni teror u Novovaroškom, Prijepoljskom i Pljevaljskom srezu" (PDF). Istorija 20. veka. 1/2019: 75–92. Retrieved 3 November 2019. Predah od okupatorskih hajki koji je tako obezbeđen, rukovodstvo Komunističke partije Jugoslavije (KPJ) iskoristilo je za reorganizaciju snaga, ali i kritičko sagledavanje neuspeha u zapadnoj Srbiji. Krivica je, međutim, obuhvatila širok krug boraca i stanovništva, a ceo proces ubrzo dobija ekstreman karakter, kroz „radikalizaciju klasne borbe". .... Međutim, zbog usmerenosti komunista na izvođenje društvene revolucije i preuzimanje vlasti još tokom rata, prve egzekucije neistomišljenika u pojedinim delovima Jugoslavije, uključujući Stari Ras, počinju i ranije, tokom leta i jeseni 1941. godine.
  2. ^ Živković, Milutin (2019). "Revolucionarni teror u Novovaroškom, Prijepoljskom i Pljevaljskom srezu" (PDF). Istorija 20. veka. 1/2019: 75–92. Retrieved 3 November 2019. Likvidacije „klasnih neprijatelja", pri tom, odišu surovošću, pa se ekstremizam nameće kao osnovna odlika celog procesa.
  3. ^ Živković, Milutin (2019). "Revolucionarni teror u Novovaroškom, Prijepoljskom i Pljevaljskom srezu" (PDF). Istorija 20. veka. 1/2019: 75–92. Retrieved 3 November 2019. Ulaskom u fazu „levih skretanja" komunističko nasilje samo poprima masovan oblik.
  4. ^ Živković, Milutin (2019). "Revolucionarni teror u Novovaroškom, Prijepoljskom i Pljevaljskom srezu" (PDF). Istorija 20. veka. 1/2019: 75–92. Retrieved 3 November 2019. Prelaskom većih komunističkih snaga preko Uvca početkom decembra povećao se pritisak na lokalno stanovništvo, ali i borce u partizanskim redovima. Na oslobođenoj teritoriji, koju su partizani formirali sa centrom u Novoj Varoši, ključnu ulogu u ovom procesu imao je Milovan Đilas, iako on to negira u svojim sećanjima.
  5. ^ Dimitrijević, Bojan (2019). "Intelligence and Security Services in Tito's Yugoslavia 1944–1966" (PDF). Istorija 20. veka. 2/2019: 9–28. Retrieved 3 November 2019. The entire period of the existence of the OZNA (1944–1946), was characterized by improvisation and usage of unlawful practices, including occasional mass killings, in its work against the "enemies of the people." With the notion of having conducted the "revolution," all the OZNA members, from top to bottom, were ruthless and merciless toward many of the local anti-communist forces, POWs, prominent local figures who did not support the Communists, prosperous individuals that possessed different wealth, and of course all kinds of representatives of the Church, no matter which religion.
  6. ^ Dimitrijević, Bojan (2019). "Intelligence and Security Services in Tito's Yugoslavia 1944–1966" (PDF). Istorija 20. veka. 2/2019: 9–28. Retrieved 3 November 2019. This period was also characterized by the strong presence of armed anti-communist groups operating in central Serbia, Kosovo, Bosnia-Herzegovina, Croatia, and Slovenia. Some of them represented a serious challenge to the new communist authorities. In combating them, the OZNA, supported by the units of the KNOJ, executed the captured "outlaws" without any additional investigations or trials, including sometimes even the civilian accomplices of these "outlaws."
  7. ^ Dimitrijević, Bojan (2019). "Intelligence and Security Services in Tito's Yugoslavia 1944–1966" (PDF). Istorija 20. veka. 2/2019: 9–28. Retrieved 3 November 2019. Most of those atrocities remained hidden throughout the period of socialist Yugoslavia until recent times.




in case sfn format is used:


  1. ^ Smith 2011, p. 2: "A quote verifying the information."
  2. ^ Smith 2011, p. 2: "A quote verifying the information."