Anne Ketteringham is a retired licensed Aircraft Engineer (Avionics) with a passion for nature photography, in particular birds, and has just completed writing the biography of a veteran Goan artist, Vamona Ananta Sinai Navelcar, signature, "Ganesh" and sometimes Vamona Navelcar. The book is titled, "Vamona Navelcar, An artist of three continents" and will be available in February 2013 with an official book launch in Goa in April 2013, though no dates are firm as yet. As more information becomes available I will update this page. We also plan to launch the book in Portugal as Vamona Navelcar studied in Lisbon, where Vamona took his fine arts degree at the Escola de Belas Artes, presenting his thesis for the Curso General, graduating in 1962 with a painting "A Rotina" with an accompanying written thesis describing the work. In August 1963 Vamona Navelcar presented his post graduate thesis work titled, "Ramayana", also with a written description of the work before moving on to Mozambique to teach mathematics and algebra, as well as evolving as a world renowned artist.