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User:Aniruddha22Paranjpye/Books/Matrix Theory

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Matrix Theory

Field of values
Adjugate matrix
Binomial inverse theorem
Block matrix pseudoinverse
Change of basis
Commuting matrices
Computing the permanent
Coppersmith–Winograd algorithm
Cuthill–McKee algorithm
Eigendecomposition of a matrix
Eigenvalues and eigenvectors of the second derivative
Freivald's algorithm
Frobenius covariant
Gershgorin circle theorem
Golden–Thompson inequality
Immanant of a matrix
Invertible matrix
Jacobi's formula
Jordan matrix
Jordan normal form
Khatri-Rao product
Kronecker product
Kronecker sum of discrete Laplacians
Laplace expansion
Lie product formula
Logarithm of a matrix
Logarithmic norm
Matrix calculus
Matrix exponential
Matrix multiplication
Matrix decomposition
Matrix determinant lemma
Matrix function
Matrix ring
Matrix unit
Minimal polynomial (linear algebra)
Minimum degree algorithm
Minor (linear algebra)
Proofs involving the Moore–Penrose pseudoinverse
Moore–Penrose pseudoinverse
Mutual coherence (linear algebra)
Non-negative matrix factorization
Nullity theorem
Numerical range
Orthogonal Procrustes problem
Perron–Frobenius theorem
Polar decomposition
Schur decomposition
Schur–Horn theorem
Sherman–Morrison formula
Singular value decomposition
Sinkhorn's theorem
Smith normal form
Spark (mathematics)
Sparse graph code
Specht's theorem
Spectral abscissa
Spectral theorem
Spectrum of a matrix
Spread of a matrix
Square root of a matrix
Sylvester's determinant theorem
Sylvester's criterion
Sylvester's formula
Sylvester's law of inertia
Totally positive matrix
Trace (linear algebra)
Trace diagram
Tracy-Singh product
Von Neumann's trace inequality
Weighing matrix
Block LU decomposition
Cholesky decomposition
Crout matrix decomposition
Jordan–Chevalley decomposition
LU decomposition
QR decomposition
Rank factorization
Symbolic Cholesky decomposition
Blind signal separation
Eigenvalues and eigenvectors
Generalized singular value decomposition
Gene H. Golub
Kernel (matrix)
Ervand Kogbetliantz
Non-linear iterative partial least squares
Normal mode
Principal component analysis
Schmidt decomposition
Singular value
Two-dimensional singular value decomposition
Diagonal matrix
Frobenius normal form
Random matrix
Circular ensemble
Gaussian matrix ensemble
Gaussian unitary ensemble
Matrix normal distribution
Tracy–Widom distribution
Weingarten function
Wishart distribution
Anti-diagonal matrix
Band matrix
Bidiagonal matrix
Block matrix
Generalized permutation matrix
Identity matrix
Nested dissection
Pentadiagonal matrix
Permutation matrix
Reverse Cuthill-McKee algorithm
Shear matrix
Shift matrix
Single-entry matrix
Skyline matrix
Sparse matrix
Tridiagonal matrix
Zero matrix
Alternant matrix
Bareiss algorithm
Capelli's identity
Cauchy matrix
Cauchy–Binet formula
Circulant matrix
Cramer's rule
Dieudonné determinant
Dodgson condensation
Fredholm determinant
Functional determinant
Gramian matrix
Hadamard's inequality
Hilbert matrix
Jacobian matrix and determinant
Leibniz formula for determinants
Lewis Carroll identity
Moore determinant
Persymmetric matrix
Slater determinant
Vandermonde matrix
Volume form