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User:Andronico/Taxation in the UK

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Encyclopedia of Economic Crashes - UK Taxation and Welfare


Where does this appear?

History of UK Taxation
History of the English fiscal system
Income Tax Act 1842
Schedular system of taxation
Advance corporation tax
Abandoned Taxes
Hearth tax
Hat tax
Ship money
Window tax
Saladin tithe
Stamp Duties Act 1783
Amicable Grant
Church Rate
Corn Law
Windfall Tax
Community Charge/Poll Tax
Private Land Tax
Abandoned welfare systems
Poor Law
Mortgage Interest Relief At Source
Youth Training Scheme
Contemporary UK Taxation
Income tax
National Insurance
Capital gains tax
Council Tax
Stamp duty
United Kingdom corporation tax
European Union Value Added Tax
Climate Change Levy
Landfill tax
Petroleum revenue tax
Hydrocarbon oil duty
Air Passenger Duty
Television licensing in the United Kingdom
Motoring taxation in the United Kingdom
Insurance Premium Tax
Business rates in England and Wales
Business rates in Scotland
Environment taxes/subsidies
Non-Fossil Fuel Obligation
Climate Change Levy
Renewables Obligation
European Union Emission Trading Scheme
Contemporary Tax exemptions
Payroll giving
Gift Aid
Child tax credit
Working tax credit
Fuel duty rebate
Contemporary welfare benefits and subsidies
Housing benefit
Council housing
Right to buy scheme
Income support
Jobseekers Allowance
Child Benefit
Child Trust Fund
Basic state pension
State Earnings-Related Pension Scheme
State second pension
Incapacity Benefit
Employment and Support Allowance
Disability Living Allowance