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Hello, Wikipedia community! My name is Andion Skybrain, and I am enthusiastic about various fields of knowledge. My interests span music, astronomy, computer science, history, paranormal phenomena, and artificial intelligence. I've been an active member of the Wikipedia community for some time now, finding joy in the collaborative pursuit of knowledge.

About Me


I am a dedicated web developer, proficient in using MediaWiki software. My passion lies in creating and organizing information, leading me to believe that there should be a wiki for everything imaginable. Growing up, I was captivated by the wealth of knowledge on Wikipedia, eagerly anticipating the day I could give back to the platform that has helped me learn and assist others.

My Contributions


I take pride in being a contributor to important wiki pages, including those on Wikidata and Wikimedia Commons. My goal is to enhance the accessibility of knowledge on the internet, and I find fulfillment in adding valuable information to various online platforms.

Hobbies and Interests


In my free time, I indulge in my hobbies, which include watching movies, reading, listening to music, exploring the realms of computer science, and, most importantly, contributing useful and informative content to the internet.

Contact Information


You can reach me on Telegram. Feel free to connect if you share my passion for knowledge or if you need assistance with anything related to my areas of expertise. I'm here to collaborate and contribute to the vast pool of human understanding. Let's keep the knowledge flowing!