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User:Amie Gislason

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Amie goes by the names "Amie G," "Amie G Town," "Amie G Styles", "Mimi", "G Styles," "G Styles Guy," "Guy," "Old Guy," "Ocho," "Ol' Ocho Guy," "Snorglor," "Snorgs," "Doodles," "Big Stinker," and "Ol' G Styles." She often refers to herself in third person. She has a problem with speaking in an imaginary accent and keeping her eyes from getting crossed.

Early Life and Childhood


Amie grew up primarily in New Westminster as an only child. A fascination with art and graffiti began when her mother gave her a paint set and an entire room to draw on the walls. She once told her mother she wanted to get her tubes tied when she was six. Amie used to cal pizza "pochi". She had a whole sleu of imaginary friends, an eagle named Ki Ki and a frog named Go Go. She killed both.

Art, Poetry and Music


Amie G writes poems. She also is an ex-musician. She lost all musical ambition after her bandmate, best friend, lover and drinking buddy Amy Hill moved to Saltspring Island in 2005, she weeps whenever she hears an acoustic guitar.



In addition to her various artistic forms of self-expression, Amie G also enjoys and is a master at various sports. She had a long running American Football carrear in the NFL from 1992 until 2004. She won a Gold Medal in Ski Jumping at the 1998 Olympic Games in Nagano, Japan. Amie G has blackbelts in Karate, Tae Kwon Doe and Sumo Wrestling and toured with the figure skating troupe "Stars On Ice", performing as a pair with Elvis Stojko.

Skeleton Suit


Amie has a skeleton suit fetish and wears her skeleton suit occasionaly for kicks. It has come to be one of her trademarks, as she often wears it to special events such as the Superbowl and the Apocalypse. Once a friend of hers dressed up as a skeleton, to which another friend remarked to said girl "Who are you supposed to be? Amie G?!?"

Irrational Behaviours


Amie has had a life long phobia of balloons; she becomes very fearful and upset in their presence. Subsequntly, at her high school graduation balloons were banned. She also has violent reactions to the song "Maggie Mae" by Rod Stewart. She also ate some pigeon. she just happens to be the epicenter of cleanliness and organization....... or maybe not so much!!!! Sometimes she's grumpy too, and that's annoying.


  • Amie has a tail.
  • E=AmieC2
  • Amie really likes tomatoes and hornrimmed glasses.
  • She has out-drank Socrates.
  • Amie can't run or drive, so she moves really slow.
  • Amie is a well known bi-sexual
  • Amie is very pretty.