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I am altarlight. I live in the high desert of southern California, and yet am present everywhere, and am not anyone special. You are altarlight. You live in your locale, and yet are present everywhere. It is this fact of reality which establishes our oneness forever, in the most literal sense possible. It is our oneness which guarantees the return of our mind's willingness toward its attention to our permanence, where we discover again and again that innocence and trust which allows us to be totally at peace and borne forth in the world, our gift to all. Being “borne forth” includes physical birth as the perceptual influence on other individuals involved in separation-ideation-blunted awareness, of your own individuality. It is, however, at its core reality, your individuality of the infinite reality shared infinitely, and is eternal and without interruption (regardless of perception's sensual report), and is "eternal life." Some have been regarded as mediators or priests between this reality and the mundane world; however, there is no separation nor two worlds between which to mediate. Thus, such mediators’ only true purpose is to evoke the interest of others that they might discover the truth these have embodied, thereby "saving" them from the perception-based world (as to perception), which ignorance of truth divides and redivides to the anguish of all who participate in its complex of ideas, feelings, and situational or relational environment of seeming lack versus abundance. Rather than being the salvation, these can but point toward it, for salvation from the woes of ignorance must and can only come from rediscovery and reincorporation of understanding by truth, looking directly into wholeness of knowledge of the reality of self (and all).

altarlight is a term used as a metaphor from simplistic meditation* to reference the reality of all (the light of the world) within the experiential perceptions of the individual (the giver and receiver of the light). The term, even though used as a name, is intentionally not capitalized because the reality it references is not within the domain of the ego. In other words, there is nothing to be proud of involved in the discovery of the reality which lies within the self, and which is the self. Similarly, when speaking of self, god and other, which are often capitalized to emphasize a separation between the individual and a larger reality or higher power, etc., capitalization is also not used because no such separation exists. Of the countless things which could be said about discovery of reality, a primary keynote is that the understanding arising from that discovery is empowering to the individual, by opening the mind to realize that truth. Everyone is altarlight, both in the infinity and in the individuality of meaning. The altarlight authoring this short user page description works with people who are interested in accessing and discovering the truth within (rather than teaching ideas to believe in), without charge, as time is available.

*simplistic meditation is a term used to describe true or pure meditation. It is called true or pure because it is the only meditation upon reality, and specifically not on objects, either physical or abstract. It is called simplistic because it is simple and does not require effort, except perhaps effort at not putting forth effort, or effort at remembering if that is a problem. In short, simplistic meditation turns the attention toward the self to discover its reality. Such turning of attention is not focusing, although at first one may not understand how to look without focusing. In brief explanation of that, realize that focusing is narrowing of vision for the purpose of selectivity...and the self is infinite, or all-encompassing, and thus focusing would be reducing the vision of self, whereas the intent simplistic meditation embraces is broadening the vision of self. To look then, is simply to set the intention to see, nothing more. What you look at, you see, you are more aware of, you understand better, you develop interest in, and realize/actualize knowledge of. While that may seem unlikely in some cases, it can be helpful to remember that there is only one you, and thus nothing else to which simplistic meditation applies...only one whole infinite reality toward which willing intention may open. It is also helpful to realize that the mental habit is based in selectivity and focusing, and thoughts and feelings built out into that framework and habit. Therefore, when you "look" in the usual way, you may find nothing (once you disregard thoughts, feelings, visions, auditory and so forth). Be clear that you are there (here), and that since that is true, the intention to look at yourself does indeed see yourself, even though the senses may report nothing. They report thus because the objects of their sensing are actually nothing,** and their reports are false witnesses to a truth that is not so. Only your reality is the basis of knowledge and its pure truth, and not the objects the mind creates images of and juggles to keep itself distracted from seeing the truth of its own reality.

**nothing refers to that which is not permanent, its changing nature showing that it is not real, for reality is everpresent and does not change. It is this fact which attempts to be represented by the idea of “eternal life.” Beyond the “idea of” eternal life is its reality, which cannot actually be represented, but simply is and can be known. Altarlight 18:28, 27 July 2007 (UTC) (original author)