@@20@@ 10 /\WOxford/ , /Oxford University Press/ , /Oxfordshire/ , /Provisions of Oxford/ , /Oxford Street/ , /Oxford Circus/ , /Oxford St/ , /Oxford Sts/ , /Oxford Dictionary of National Biography/ , /Oxford English Dictionary/ , /Diocese of Oxford/ , /Oxford United/, /Mississippi/ , /Oxford Publishing/ , /OUP/ , /Connecticut/ , /Oxford Road/ , /Oxford Music Online/ , /Ohio/ 20 /\WUniversity\sof\soxford/ 20 /\WOxford\suniversity/ , /Oxford University Press/ 20 /\Wcollege\soxford/ 20 /\Wall\ssouls\scollege/ 20 /\Wballiol\scollege/ 20 /\Wbrasenose\scollege/ 9 /\Wchrist\schurch/ 10 /\Wcorpus\schristi\scollege/ 20 /\Wexeter\scollege/ 20 /\Wgreen\stempleton\scollege/ 10 /\Wharris\smanchester\scollege/ 20 /\Whertford\scollege/ 10 /\Wjesus\scollege/ 20 /\Wkeble\scollege/ 10 /\Wkellogg\scollege/ 20 /\Wlady\smargaret\shall/ 20 /\Wlinacre\scollege/ 10 /\Wlincoln\scollege/ 20 /\Wmagdalen\scollege/ 20 /\Wmansfield\scollege/ 20 /\Wmerton\scollege/ 10 /\Wnew\scollege/ 20 /\Wnuffield\scollege/ 20 /\Woriel\scollege/ 10 /\Wpembroke\scollege/ 10 /\Wqueen's\scollege/ 10 /\Wst\sanne's\scollege/ 10 /\Wst\santony's\scollege/ 10 /\Wst\scatherine's\scollege/ 20 /\Wst\scross\scollege/ 20 /\Wst\sedmund\shall/ 10 /\Wst\shilda's\scollege/ 20 /\Wst\shugh's\scollege/ 10 /\Wst\sjohn's\scollege/ 10 /\Wst\speter's\scollege/ 20 /\Wst\ssomerville\scollege/ 9 /\Wtrinity\scollege/ , /Dublin/ 9 /\Wuniversity\scollege/ , /London/ , /Cork/ , /Ghent/ , /Dublin/ 20 /\Wwadham\scollege/ 10 /\Wwolfson\scollege/ 10 /\Wworcester\scollege/ 20 /\[\[\s*Category:[^\]]*Oxford/ , /\[\[\s*Category:[^\]]*Oxfordshire/ , /\[\[\s*Category:[^\]]*Diocese/ , /\[\[\s*Category:[^\]]*Oxford United/ , /\[\[\s*Category:[^\]]*Oxford University Press/