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Mikroelektronika is a company based in Belgrade, Serbia which manufactures and sells microcontroller development boards, accessory boards, compilers and books.



Mikroelektronika was founded in 1998. by Nebojša Matić, Serbian electronics engineer, present owner and General Manager. Facing with the lack of easy-to-use development platforms for microcontrollers and documentation for beginners, Nebojša began constructing his own system for widely popular PIC16F84A microcontroller from scratch. His efforts resulted in first development system EPIC1. Soon after we wrote a book for beginners called Introduction to PIC microcontrollers with a comment on the back cover: "Goal of this book is not to make you an expert, but to put you in the same position with those who had someone to ask for help". Thus, the company slogan "making it easy" was born. Today company produces 6th generation of the system called EasyPIC6[1].



Mikroelektronika products include:


  1. ^ http://ww1.microchip.com/downloads/en/Market_Communication/Q3%2010%20Academic%20newsletter.pdf, Page 6, Article about EasyPIC6 in Microchip Academic Newsletter, Third Quarter 2010,