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User:Alastair Haines/Church Fathers

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The following list of New Testament Church Fathers provides an overview of an important part of the secondary source evidence for the text of the New Testament (NT). The NT was quoted by early Christian authors, like Ignatius of Antioch, called the Church Fathers, and also in anonymous works like the Didache. Some anonymous works have traditionally been misattributed to better-known authors, and are now known by the name of that author, but with the prefix psuedo (meaning "false" in Greek), for example Pseudo-Dionysius. The other most substantial component of secondary sources for the text of the NT is its early translations into other languages, like Latin. Translations of the NT are known as versions.


  • Criterion for inclusion: quoted or alluded to text of NT in writing, in copies of own work, or cited so by others.[1]
  • Name: historically most common form in English.
  • Location: anglicised name of the city with which they are associated, sometimes a monastery, other times a province if location is imprecise. Name at time of writing, hence Byzantium and Constantinople, but never Istanbul. Some Fathers moved around, noted as: itinerant (Latin), peripatetic (Greek).
  • Date of Death (DOD): standard point of reference, differing levels of precision, different scholastic opinions. Where a Father is only known to within a century, the midpoint is given first, to allow sorting on the column, the century follows in roman numerals within parentheses.
  • Language: Greek, Latin or Syriac. Typically Western Europe, Italy and North Africa were home to Latin Fathers; Greece, Asia Minor, Palestine and Egypt were home to Greek Fathers. Some Fathers worked with both Greek and Latin.

Church Fathers who quoted the New Testament
Name Location DOD Language
Acacius Caesarea 366 Greek
Adamantius Alexandria 300 Greek
Africanus Jerusalem 240 Greek
Alexander Alexandria 328 Greek
Ambrose Milan 397 Latin
Ammonius Alexandria 250 (III) Greek
Ammonius Alexandria 450 (V) Greek
Amphilochius Iconium 394 Greek
Anastasius Sinai 750 (VIII?) Greek
Anastasius Antioch 700 Greek
Andrew Caesarea 614 Greek
Andrew Crete 740 Greek
Ansbert Rouen 750 (VIII) Latin
Anthony Padua 1231 Latin
Antiochus Mar Saba 614 Greek
Aphraates Assyria 367 Syriac
Apollinaris Laodicea 380 Greek
Apringius Beja 551 Latin
Arethas Caesarea 914 Greek
Aristides Athens 150 (II) Greek
Arius Alexandria 336 Greek
Arnobius Gaul 460 Latin
Athanasius Alexandria 373 Greek
Athenagoras Athens 150 (II) Greek
Augustine Hippo 430 Latin
Basil Caesarea 379 Greek
Beatus Liébana 786 Latin
Bede Northumbria 735 Latin
Caelestinus Rome 350 (IV) Latin
Caesarius Arles 542 Latin
Caesarius Nazianzus 369 Greek
Carpocrates Alexandria 150 (II) Greek
Cassian Itinerant 435 Latin
Cassiodorus Scylletium 580 Latin
Chromatius Aquileia 407 Latin
Claudius Turin 850 (IX) Latin
Clement Alexandria 215 Greek
Cyprian Carthage 258 Latin
Cyril Alexandria 444 Greek
Cyril Jerusalem 386 Greek
Diadochus Photiki 468 Greek
Didymus Alexandria 398 Greek
Dionysius Alexandria 265 Greek
Ephraem Syria 373 Syriac
Epiphanius Salamis 403 Greek
Eugippus Naples 533 Latin
Eulogius Alexandria 607 Greek
Eusebius Caesarea 339 Greek
Eustathius Antioch 337 Greek
Euthalius Alexandria 450 (V) Greek
Faustus Riez 490 Latin
Faustus Milevum 400 (IV-V) Latin
Fulgentius Ruspe 533 Latin
Gaudentius Brescia 406 Latin
Gelasius Cyzicus 475 Greek
Gennadius Massilia 505 Latin
Gennadius Constantinople 471 Greek
Gildas Rhuys 570 Latin
Gregory Elvira 392 Latin
Gregory Nazianzus 390 Greek
Gregory Nyssa 394 Greek
Gregory Neocaesarea 270 Greek
Hilary Pictavium 367 Latin
Hippolytus Rome 235 Latin
Ignatius Antioch 110 Greek
Irenaeus Lugdunum 202 Latin
Isidore Pelusium 435 Greek
Jacob Nisibis 338 Syriac
Jerome Stridonium 420 Latin
John Damascus 749 Greek
Julian Eclanum 454 Latin
Julius I Rome 352 Latin
Justin Flavia Neapolis 165 Greek
Juvencus Hispania 330 Latin
Leo Tuscany 461 Latin
Leontius Byzantium 550 (VI) Greek
Lucifer Cagliari 370 Latin
Macarius Magnes Magnesia 400 Greek
Marius Mercator Itinerant 450 (V) Latin
Maternus Cologne 348 Latin
Nestorius Constantinople 451 Greek
Nonnus Panopolis 431 Greek
Novatian Rome 250 (III) Latin
Oecumenius Trika 550 (VI) Greek
Optatus Milevum 385 Latin
Origen Alexandria 254 Greek
Orosius Gallaecia 418 Latin
Orsisius Tabenna 380 Greek
Pacian Barcelona 392 Latin
Paulinus Nola 431 Latin
Pelagius Itinerant 412 Latin
Palladius Leinster 431 Latin
Pamphilus Caesarea 310 Greek
Papias Hierapolis 150 (II) Greek
Photius Constantinople 895 Greek
Pierius Alexandria 309 Greek
Polycarp Smyrna 156 Greek
Porphyry Gaza 250 (III) Greek
Possidius Calama 450 (V) Latin
Primasius Hadrumetum 552 Latin
Priscillian Ávila 385 Latin
Proclus Constantinople 446 Greek
Procopius Gaza 538 Greek
Ptolemy Alexandria 150 (II) Greek
Rufinus Aquileia 410 Latin
Rupert Liège 1135 Latin
Salvian Gaul 480 Latin
Sedulius Hibernia 850 (IX) Latin
Serapion Thmuis 362 Greek
Severian Jableh 408 Greek
Severus Antioch 538 Greek
Socrates Constantinople 439 Greek
Sozomen Constantinople 450 Greek
Sulpicius Gaul 420 Latin
Synesius Cyrene 414 Greek
Tatian Antioch 150 (II) Greek
Tertullian Carthage 220 Latin
Theodore Mopsuestia 428 Greek
Theodore Heraclea 358 Greek
Theodore Constantinople 826 Greek
Theodoret Antioch 466 Greek
Theodotus Byzantium 150 (II) Greek
Theodotus Ancyra 445 Greek
Theophilus Antioch 180 Greek
Theophylact Moesia 1077 Latin
Theotecnus Caesarea 250 (III) Greek
Titus Bostra 378 Greek
Tyconius Africa 380 Latin
Valentinians Italy 150 (II) Latin
Valentinus Alexandria 160 Greek
Valerian Cimiez 460 Latin
Victor Antioch 450 (V) Greek
Victor Tunis 566 Latin
Victor-Vita Africa 489 Latin
Victorinus Pettau 304 Latin
Victorinus Rome 362 Latin
Vigilius Africa/Thrace 484 Latin
Zeno Verona 372 Latin

Misattributed authors

Psuedo-Ambrose Milan? VI Latin
Psuedo-Athanasius Alexandria? VI Greek
Psudeo-Augustine Carthage? ? Latin
Psuedo-Chrysostom Constantinople? VI Greek
Psuedo-Clement Alexandria? IV Greek
Psuedo-Cyprian Carthage? ? Latin
Psuedo-Dionysius Athens? V Greek
Pseudo-Hippolytus Antioch? ? Greek
Pseudo-Ignatius Antioch? V Greek
Pseudo-Jerome Rome? V Latin
Pseudo-Justin [[]] IV/V Greek
Pseudo-Oecumenius Archaea? X Greek
Pseudo-Theodulus [[]] VI/VII?
Pseudo-Titus [[]] ?
Pseudo-Vigilius R ? Latin


Archclaus [[]] 278
Asterius [[]] 341
Cosmos [[]] 550
Diodore [[]] 394
Diognetus [[]] 150 (II)
Dionysius Alexandria 265 Greek
Docetists [[]] 150 (II)
Druthmarus [[]] 840
Eutherius [[]] 434
Euthymius [[]] 1150 (XII)
Facundus Hermiane 569 Latin
Fastidius [[]] 450 (V)
Eaustinus [[]] 380
Ferrandus [[]] 350 (IV)
Haymo [[]] 841
Hegemonius [[]] 350
Hegesippus [[]] 180 Greek
Heracleon [[]] 150 (II)
Hesychius Jerusalem 459 Greek
Hesychius-Salonitan [[]] 418
Hieracus [[]] 302
Liberatus [[]] 566


Macrobius Seleucia 350 (IV) Greek
Manes Assuristan 277 Syriac?
Manicheans [[]] 250 (III)
Marcion Sinope 150 (II) Greek
Marcus, Eremita [[]] 430
Maximinus [[]] 428
Maximus II Turin 423 Latin
Maximus [[]] 662
Melitius [[]] 381
Methodius Olympus 250 (III) Greek
Naassenes [[]] 200 (II/III)
Niceta [[]] 414
Perateni [[]] 250 (III)
Peter Alexandria 311 Greek
Peter Laodicea 550 (VI) Greek
Petilianus Constantine 450 (V) Latin
Philo Carpasia 401 Greek
Phoebadius [[]] 392

Anonymous works

Church Fathers cited in UBS4
Title Date Language
Acts of Pilate IV Greek
Acts of Thomas III Syriac
Ambrosiaster IV Latin
Apostolic Canons IV Greek
Apostolic Constitutions 380 Greek
De Promissionibus 453 Latin
Diatessaron II Syriac
Didache II Greek
Didascalia III Greek
Doctrine of Addai 400 Syriac
Eusebian Canons IV Greek
Gospel of the Ebionites II Greek
Gospel of the Nazarenes II Aramaic
Paschal Chronicle 630 Greek
P. Oxy. 405 250 (III) Latin
Liber Graduum 320 Syriac
Rebaptismate III? Latin
Varimadum 380 Latin

Vetus Latina

16 Matthaeus Adolf Jülicher. (in German and Latin) Itala: Das Neue Testament in altlateinische Überlieferung. 1. Matthäus-Evangelium. 2nd, rev. ed. Revised by Walter Matzkow and Kurt Aland. Berlin: De Gruyter, 1972.
17 Marcus
18 Lucas
19 Johannes
20 Actus Apostolorum
21 Ad Romanos
22 Ad Corinthios I
23 Ad Corinthios II, Galatas
24 Ad Ephesios, Ad Philippenses, Colossenses
25 Ad Thessalonicenses, Timotheum, Ad Titum, Philemonem, Hebraeos
26 Epistulae Catholicae, Apocalypsis Johannes

See also


Notes and references

  1. ^ Currently sourced on UBS4.



Category:New Testament