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Heisenberg uncertainty derivation explanation


Subtracting eqn.(32) from (31), we get

Therefore, Error in the measurement of the particle:

Now, based on deBroglie’s matter wave description, we can define a relatonship between the wavenumber [k] and the momentum [p] of the matter wave-particle:

Thus frome the above we have:

and because 'h' is a constant, we have:

So now we have:

Note that this is true only if the probability distribution is normal. If it isn't will be greater, as the normal distribution turns out to have the minimum possible product. This means that we can write our more general physical law as:


Proof of Determinant to Dot and Cross Product


Special Functions


Complete Fermi Dirac Integrals


Incomplete Fermi Dirac Integrals


Airy Functions and Derivatives


Clausen Functions


Normalized Hydrogenic Bound States



Legendre Forms


Carlson Forms


Gamma Functions


Psi (Digamma) Function


Riemann Zeta Function


Hurwitz Zeta Function


Eta Function


Transport Functions


Schwarzschild Radius Mass-Density relation






The equations of motion are obtained by means of an action principle, written as:

where the action, , is a functional of the dependent variables with their derivatives and s itself

and where denotes the set of n independent variables of the system, indexed by

The equations of motion obtained from this functional derivative are the Euler–Lagrange equations of this action. For example, in the classical mechanics of particles, the only independent variable is time, t. So the Euler-Lagrange equations are

Dynamical systems whose equations of motion are obtainable by means of an action principle on a suitably chosen Lagrangian are known as Lagrangian dynamical systems. Examples of Lagrangian dynamical systems range from the classical version of the Standard Model, to Newton's equations, to purely mathematical problems such as geodesic equations and Plateau's problem.

Deriving Hamilton's equations


We can derive Hamilton's equations by looking at how the Lagrangian changes as you change the time and the positions and velocities of particles

Now the generalized momenta were defined as and Lagrange's equations tell us that

We can rearrange this to get

and substitute the result into the variation of the Lagrangian

We can rewrite this as

and rearrange again to get

The term on the left-hand side is just the Hamiltonian that we have defined before, so we find that

where the second equality holds because of the definition of the partial derivatives. Associating terms from both sides of the equation above yields Hamilton's equations

Covariant Derivative


A covariant derivative is a (Koszul) connection on the tangent bundle and other tensor bundles. Thus it has a certain behavior on functions, on vector fields, on the duals of vector fields (i.e., covector fields), and most generally of all, on arbitrary tensor fields.



Given a function , the covariant derivative coincides with the normal differentiation of a real function in the direction of the vector v, usually denoted by and by .

Vector fields


A covariant derivative of a vector field in the direction of the vector denoted is defined by the following properties for any vector v, vector fields u, w and scalar functions f and g:

  1. is algebraically linear in so
  2. is additive in so
  3. obeys the product rule, i.e. where is defined above.

Note that at point p depends on the value of v at p and on values of u in a neighbourhood of p because of the last property, the product rule.

Covector fields


Given a field of covectors (or one-form) , its covariant derivative can be defined using the following identity which is satisfied for all vector fields u

The covariant derivative of a covector field along a vector field v is again a covector field.

Tensor fields


Once the covariant derivative is defined for fields of vectors and covectors it can be defined for arbitrary tensor fields using the following identities where and are any two tensors:

and if and are tensor fields of the same tensor bundle then

The covariant derivative of a tensor field along a vector field v is again a tensor field of the same type.

Christoffel symbols


The Christoffel symbols can be derived from the vanishing of the covariant derivative of the metric tensor :

As a shorthand notation, the nabla symbol and the partial derivative symbols are frequently dropped, and instead a semi-colon and a comma are used to set off the index that is being used for the derivative. Thus, the above is sometimes written as

By permuting the indices, and resumming, one can solve explicitly for the Christoffel symbols as a function of the metric tensor:

where the matrix is an inverse of the matrix , defined as (using the Kronecker delta, and Einstein notation for summation) . Although the Christoffel symbols are written in the same notation as tensors with index notation, they are not tensors. Indeed, they do not transform like tensors under a change of coordinates; see below.

NB. Note that most authors choose to define the Christoffel symbols in a holonomic basis, which is the convention followed here. In an anholonomic basis, the Christoffel symbols take the more complex form

where are the commutation coefficients of the basis; that is,

where ek are the basis vectors and is the Lie bracket. An example of an anholonomic basis with non-vanishing commutation coefficients are the unit vectors in spherical and cylindrical coordinates.

The expressions below are valid only in a holonomic basis, unless otherwise noted.


-- ακαηκςh ναςhιςτh

Akanksh Vashisth
