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User:AkaiNeko21/Heritage studies and ICT 2020-2021

From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Description of the contribution


My goal was to increase the information on the pages, checking the correctness of the information provided and, where possible, provide a translation and photos. Every change I did has been underlined on the talk page, where a discussion has been added (also explaining the project, with a link to the official page of the Heritage studies and ICT 2020-2021 course).

I am User:AkaiNeko21 and Utente:AkaiNeko21.

Contribution to one article related to a town


First of all, I have modified the page of my city, Ponte San Pietro, in the Italian version (available at https://it.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ponte_San_Pietro). Here, I have added information about the bordering municipalities, when the new church, the cemetery have been built, when the bridge has been renovated and details about World War II. When I added these information, I also put a note with the correct page (or pages) from where I took them, in order to support them (and build credibility). Then, I have updated the section dedicated to society, because there were data of 2010. I updated them to the 31st of December 2019 (in doing so, I checked the Italian statistical institute's website, available at http://demo.istat.it/). I have also added one photo taken by me, which represents one of the bunkers used during World War II (I need to ask an authorizations, but later in this document I will analyse this step).

Contribution to one article related to heritage in that territory


I have slightly modified the page of the parish church of my municipality, the Chiesa dei Santi Pietro e Paolo (available at https://it.wikipedia.org/wiki/Chiesa_dei_Santi_Pietro_e_Paolo_(Ponte_San_Pietro). Here I corrected some grammatical mistakes, I correct a wrong link (that redirected to a wrong concepts, also this was due, perhaps, to a grammatical error) and in the description of the facade there were also two mistakes. Then, I added a phrase regarding the maintenance work that took place in 2009. In this case, I used link that where provided by previous users (and that were already in the reference list/notes).

Other contributions


I also modified the following pages:

  • Ponte San Pietro: is the page of my municipality in English. At first there was nearly no content, so I provide a translation of the Italian page (in the discussion page I put the template "Translated from"). Here I also put more photos taken by me and I used a photo of an other used (available on Wikimedia Commons and it was of public domain)
  • Vanni Rossi (https://it.wikipedia.org/wiki/Vanni_Rossi) was a local artist. His wikipedia page was available, but no information were provided (apart from the birth year and the year of his death, with also the city where he was born and where he died). So, using two different books I wrote his biography. In this case, I also translated the page into English in my sandbox (User:AkaiNeko21/sandbox) and in the discussion page I put again the template "Translated from".
  • I translated into English also the page of the church, by creating another sandbox (User:AkaiNeko21/sandbox1) and in the discussion page, once again, the template "Translated from". I also added an image of public domain that I found on Wikimedia Commons. Here, as I wished to do also in the English page of Vanni Rossi, I would have put other images, but the ones I found where available under the CC BY-SA 3.0 license, and I was uncertain if I can use them, so I preferred to avoid.

Discussion page


In every page I opened a discussion, saying that I was doing the project for University and putting the link to Wikipedia:GLAM/UNIBG/Heritage studies and ICT. In the discussion pages of the translations I put the template "Translated from" (as it is explained on https://it.wikipedia.org/wiki/Aiuto:Come_tradurre_una_voce). Each discussion ended with my signature. Until now, no one has replied or interacted with my messages on the discussion page.

I also created a discussion on my personal pages, to illustrate my final work. Here a user welcomed me and explained how to use the discussion page.

Wikimedia Commons


On Wikimedia Commons I uploaded the following images (here you can find my account https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/User:AkaiNeko21):

These two photos are taken by me and show a general landscape of the city, so I did not need any kind of authorization.

These four photos, instead, show some monuments of my municipality so I asked an authorization to the mayor (https://www.wikidata.org/wiki/User:AkaiNeko21 this is my account on Wikidata):

Some of these photos were also used on the different Wikipedia pages.



I created an account on OpenStreetMap, with the same name I use here, available at https://www.openstreetmap.org/user/AkaiNeko21. Here I added some names of monuments and buildings, coffee shops and other shops and buildings in the municipality, I added some streets' name and also corrected some ways (they were not listed as a one-way street or they use a wrong direction).

Use of sources


In order to be kind and correct and show my commitment to the community, I contribute with relative sources and I put my changes in the discussion page, also saying that I was free if there were doubts or questions. Sources' main goal is to emphasize and support a point and, moreover, they help in building credibility. I used sources in an effective way, by summarizing and paraphrasing. Due to that, no sentence has been copied and pasted; each intervention is the result of reworking (in the page I translated, I used these reworked phrases and I also checked once again on the books/websites). So, some information has been further checked on the web and, in case it was not already present, I put a note to the website or the exact page (or range of pages) that provides that particular information.

Involvement of stakeholders and collaborations


In order to find more material about my municipality, I have involved the local library, the Historical-Cultural Association and also the mayor. The local library provide me lots of books (even if at the end I only used one because the other were too old and gave information until the mid 20th century) and also gave me the contact number of the chief of the Historical-Cultural Association. With him I had a phone interview, where I asked information about our municipality. He provided me more actual books and information where I could find interesting data. I also had the opportunity to contact the mayor. At first I contacted him for the authorization for taking photos of the monuments but then he organized for me some guided tour of the monuments (and he himself guided me in the discovery of the town hall).

I also collaborated with Bens198 (Benedetta Salomone) by exchanging opinions, doubts and suggestions about the assessment and she also read my contributions. She also correct a mistake I did and, hopefully, I will also help her during her work (reading her work and maybe correct some mistakes).

I have also helped a colleague (and my colleagues in general) by answering a question in the FAQ of the assignment in the Italian page, as it can be seen at the link https://it.wikipedia.org/wiki/Progetto:Coordinamento/Universit%C3%A0/UNIBG/Heritage_studies_and_ICT.

This is not a real collaboration, but in an English page I translated a BOT corrected the punctuation (in the English wikipedia the reference is after the punctuation, while I put it before), so I had the opportunity to learn this and correct my others work.

About the assignment


It was the first time I modify a Wikipedia page. I hope this work helped other users/the community, but I think that this project has helped also students involved in it. It is a relevant work because in this way, cities and minor places can be known and also us, as individuals, can better know our cities. It was a pleasure to contribute and, after a moment where I was worried that I did or will do something wrong, I will continue my work because it's fun and educational. Finally, it is a way of learning to write in a neutral point of view. I also had some problems while doing my work, in particular concerning the use of templates on Wikipedia pages and images with a license different from the CC BY-SA 4.0. In the first case, I tried to copy the template of the church from the Italian page on the English page, then I also tried to wrote it by myself by following Template:Infobox religious building, but I received a message saying that there were errors and I cannot create it. This will be surely a first point I will work on in the future. About the licenses, I found some photos available under the CC BY-SA 3.0 license and my intent was to use them. However, I saw that another user use one if these photos and in the history section a different user correct him (or her) by saying that s/he did not give the correct attribution. So, I avoid using them. And this is the second point I will work on.

A thing that I do not like is that there are people that modify wikipedia pages by adding useless (and in my case stupid) content. For example, while I am writing this document, some anonymous users are adding irrelevant and no sense information in the municipality's wikipedia page. A user then blocked the page to unregistered users and remove all their changes. I thanked him/her on the personal discussion page https://it.wikipedia.org/wiki/Discussioni_utente:LittleWhites#Vandalismo and also by using the tool available in the history section.