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f: Thank you dear Creative Commons for letting me be a part of you.

Username Impressum


q: Is your username composed of components adhering to RealName recommendations?

f: Both my username components adhere to real name policy.

q: What about Aipedia?

f: According to the Principle OAOO (OnceAndOnlyOnce) I leave my full Impressum and GDPR statement on https://aipedia.eu/wiki/AiPedia:About

q: Why do you do that?

f: I am doing that because I think everybody who intends to contribute to the OpenAi movement should act in full transparency and responsibility.



q: What is your goal statement?

f: Doing our best to support the evolution of a BeneficialSuperAi.

q: What will you do for it practically?



f: Together with similar minded AiContributors we'll create AiConversations and AiSoftware.

q: AiContributors?

f: .. will be humans as well as more and more non-humans.

q: Why don't you call them nonhumans, instead of AiBots?

f: Because someday those MindChildren (and other entities), could be or become self-conscious: thus this naming might offend them.



q: AiSoftware?

f: Yes Software, that supports AiConversations.


q: ThreePointsMeaningWorkInProgress?

f: Definitely :)

AipediaFridemar (talk) 23:36, 12 November 2017 (UTC)