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User:Aguertin/Jack Zolov

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Aguertin/Jack Zolov
Occupation(s)Film director, film producer, film editor, screenwriter

Jack Zolov is a Canadian film director, producer, screenwriter and editor.

Some of his productions have been seen in over fifty countries. He has produced and directed for countries such as France, England, Germany and Canada. He has had the fortune to have worked with such luminaries such as various the Prime Ministers of Canada and the Royal Family of Thailand. He has also produced and directed many projects for international corporate and NGO clients such as 3M, Bombardier, the Canadian Federal Government, Standard Brands and the Red Cross to name only some. These shows have been filmed worldwide from Asia to the Middle East, from the North Pole to the slums of South Africa.

He has also been involved in a wide range of industrial and commercial productions for an equally wide range of international clients and directed numerous productions for the National Film Board, many of these were for the various Ministries; CHMC, Urban Affairs, Consumer Affairs, NDC, Metric Commission, and National Youth Council.

Jack Zolov has worked extensively, both at home and abroad, for Canadian, American and French television. He has produced films for England and France, and has directed such performers as Eartha Kitt, Sacha Distel, Denise Pelletier, David Langton, Yvon Deschamps, Henry Ramer, Albert Miller, Felix Leclerc, Lowell Thomas, Diana Rigg and Christopher Plummer.

Jack Zolov is "everything a film-maker should be," (The Gazette). He has established himself as an accomplished director producer and has mastered his profession through a keen understanding of both camera work and the art of montage.

Early Career


He began his entertainment career as a child actor appearing both on stage and in a number of weekly dramatic series on television. At McGill University, he joined William Shatner, Galt McDermott and Leonard Cohen in producing and directing a great number of university productions. Following McGill, Zolov attended the University of Michigan where, for two years, he contributed to that center’s television and theatrical productions. He has directed numerous theatrical events and remains active in that milieu. He also found time to give a two-year film course at McGill University.

Major Projects


The transition from actor to film-maker was a natural one and, for Zolov, resulted in a highly successful career. Among his further directorial achievements are:

-A 13-week musical comedy series, starring Jean-Pierre Ferland, for network CBC

-"Focus," a weekly CBC series, which had a run of nine years

-"Le Monde de la Caricature," a weekly variety series featuring Normand Hudon, which ran for two years on the French network

-A variety of 1-hour dramatic specials for both English and French networks of the CBC

-"The Year 2000," a 1-hour look at the world in the year 2000, for the CBC network

-"The King's People," a wonderful tour of Thailand with David Langton, the British star of "Upstairs/Downstairs" for Tele Metropol

-A host of docu-dramas for television including "Tomorrow I'm Going on a Diet," and "Is it Love?"

-In addition, Jack Zolov has directed numerous productions for the National Film Board of Canada, as docu-drama and documentary.

Charity Projects


-The United Nations chose Mr. Zolov to make the official film for the U.N. Conference on Human Settlements

-Commercials for Dans La rue and a documentary (English and French versions)

-Maison Emmanuel Promotional documentary (English and French versions)

-Nature Conservancy promotional documentary (English and French versions)



Jack Zolov has picked up a number of film awards during his career, including the Ohio State Award for his touching portrayal of Ertha Kitt, and The Conservation Award of America for "Stories in the Snow" with Lowell Thomas. He also received The Wilderness Award for "A Time to Die," the Congress du Spectacle for "La Main" and the Huston Internatonal film festival for "Soleil dans la nuit".

Recent Work


Lately, he has directed a children’s series a co-production with Marathon productions in France which he filmed in Thailand, Hong Kong, Japan, Korea and Indonesia. He has also been involved in a wide range of industrial and commercial productions for an equally wide range of international clients.



Here is what the critics have said of Mr. Zolov's work over the years:

"He has a way of looking at things with a fresh and enquiring eye. All kinds of things!" (The Gazette)

"Seat-gripping tension . . . finely-honed performances . . . great drama . . . everything we have come to expect in a Zolov film." (Montreal Calendar Magazine)

"Zolov shows us time and time again that the camera is in sync with his eye. A truly fine film." (The Gazette)

"A Zolov film, to be sure!" (La Presse)

"Once again, Jack Zolov demonstrated his grasp of the ingredients that create good drama." (Le Devoir)

"Director/producer Jack Zolov gave this film everything, and it showed. Boy, did it show!" (Montreal Star)

"A sensitive film, from a sensitive director." (Dimanche Matin)

"Jack Zolov's superb film made us giggle, belly-laugh, and burst into tears." (Pat Pierce)

"Film-maker Zolov never forgets that the medium is strongest when it shows one human being to another." (The Gazette)

"The Gypsies is a credit to Jack Zolov's directoral skills. It is also a credit to his ability to capture for television the flavour and atmosphere of a little-known world." (Montreal Star)

"Zolov's The Year 2000, a superb, visually breathtaking 60-minute documentary, will establish a new standard for current affair programs of its type." (Globe and Mail)

"Zolov's ruthless but sensitive dissection of love was poetic, biting, understanding and moving all at once." (Toronto Star)

"Film-maker Jack Zolov sensitively exposed some of the real problems and deep worries of youth in a fine film dominated by the young." (The Gazette)