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  1. Bible References
  2. Version: 1.1
  3. Modified 7th May 2007 by Matt Dolan
  4. Links a Bible reference to the text at Biblegateway.com
  5. You can take advantage of BibleGateway's features such as displaying two references together:
  6. eg. Matt 28:18-20,2Cor 4
  7. Tag :
  8. <bible>ref</bible>
  9. Example :
  10. Col 1:15-20
  11. <bible>Col 1:15-20</bible>
  12. Soli Deo Gloria!

$wgExtensionFunctions[] = 'wfBibleRef'; $wgExtensionCredits['parserhook'][] = array(

       'name' => 'Bible References',
       'version' => 1.2,
       'description' => 'Links Bible References to BibleGateway.com',
       'author' => 'Matt Dolan',
       'url' => 'http://www.mediawiki.org/wiki/Extension:BibleRef'


function wfBibleRef() {

       global $wgParser;
       $wgParser->setHook('bible', 'linkBibleRef');


  1. The callback function for converting the input text to HTML output

function linkBibleRef($input, $args) {

       global $wgBibleRefDefaultVersion;

       // BibleGateway's Version numbers
       $versions = array(
               'niv-us'        => 31, // New International Version (American English)
               'niv'           => 64, // New International Version (British English)
               'nasb'          => 49, // North American Standard Bible
               'esv'           => 47, // English Standard Version
               'tniv'          => 72, // Today's New International Version
               'msg'           => 65, // The Message
               'nlt'           => 51, // New Living Translation
               'kjv'           => 9,  // King James Version
               'av'            => 9,  // Authorised Version (= KJV)
               'cev'           => 46, // Contemporary English Version
               'nkjv'          => 50, // New King James Version
               'ls'            => 2,  // Louis Segond
               'sem'           => 32, // La Bible du Semeur

       // Added functionality for other online Bibles - array values are URLs to search path
       $nonBGVersions = array(
               'net'           => 'http://net.bible.org/passage.php?passage=',              // Net Bible
       'greek'         => 'http://www.zhubert.com/bible?source=greek&verseref=',    // Original Greek

       $versionText = strtolower($args['ver']);                // get the desired version from the XML tag

       if ($versionText==)                           // if no version specified in XML tag
               if (isset($wgBibleRefDefaultVersion)) {         // use the default defined value, if that's set elsewhere
                       if (is_int($wgBibleRefDefaultVersion))
                               $versionText = $wgBibleRefDefaultVersion;
                               $versionText = $versions[$wgBibleRefDefaultVersion];
               else                                    // if none if given, default to ESV
                       $versionText = 47;

       if ($nonBGVersions[$versionText]!=) {         // if the version requested match a non-Bible Gateway one above  
               $output = "<a href='".$nonBGVersions[$versionText].urlencode($input)."' ";
       else {
               if ($versions[$versionText]!=)        // if the version requested match one defined above...
                       $version = $versions[$versionText];     // get the BibleGateway version number
               elseif (is_int($versionText))                   // if the given 'ver' tag is an integer, we'll assumed it's a version number
                       $version = $versionText;

               $output  = "<a href='http://www.biblegateway.com/passage/?search=".urlencode($input).";&version=".$version.";' ";

       // if 'thisframe' is not specified in the XML tag, load it in a new window
       if (!isset($args['thiswindow']))
               $output .= " target='_blank'";
       $output .= ">".htmlspecialchars($input)."</a>";

       return $output;
