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Cuween Hill Chambered Cairn is a cairn on the main island in the islands of Orkney. Cuween Hill dates to around 3,000 BCE. It is cairn of similar design to Maeshowe, but on a smaller basis. Cuween Hill was constructed as a burial place by a group of Neolithic farmers. It is located on top of a hill, and it has been suggested it overlooked the farms of those who used it.

Cuween Hill Chambered Cairn
Cuween Hill Chambered Cairn

The entry to the tomb is down a narrow passage, partly open to the sky. Where the passage root begins, a break in the stonework suggests that Cuween, like several other cairns, is built of concentric bands of stone. The main chamber, built on the bedrock, is spacious although dark and damp. It stands well over 2 meters high, and was probably taller before 19th century explorers broke through the roof to gain entry. The roof has been replaced with a modern one. Four small side-cells lead off the main chamber.

Remains of at least eight human burials were found in the chamber along with many animal bones. Most of the human remains consisted of skulls. On the floor of the chamber lay the skulls of 24 small dogs.

The local tribe or family may have had the dog as their symbol or totem. Other possible neolithic totems include the Tomb of the Eagles South Ronaldsay. Just how the tombs were used is not altogether clear. The small number of burials suggests the tomb may have been cleared periodically with only the skulls of recent (or important) individuals left on display.

When the carin was opened in recent times, it was found to have been carefully blocked up. This could indicate that is was closed permanently when the community stopped using it. Alternatively, it could mean that tombs like this were closed up regularly between episodes of use. Even after their final closure, tombs like Cuween probably remained centers for some form of ceremonial activity.

Access to the cairn is on foot, through the original entrance. Visitors will need to crawl through the passage on their hands and knees. There is enough room inside to stand, but the light is limited. The cairn was excavated in 1901, and it is in the care of Historic Scotland.