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User:Adonis Laerte Mezzano/Books/Galaxies Book 2

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Galaxies - Book 2

Interacting Galaxies
Interacting galaxy
Galactic tide
Satellite galaxy
Tidal stripping
Tidal tail
Galaxy merger
3C 321
Andromeda–Milky Way collision
Antennae Galaxies
Arp 104
Arp 107
Arp 117
Arp 173
Arp 177
Arp 178
Arp 220
Arp 272
Arp 297
Arp 299
Arp 87
Eyes Galaxies
Holmberg IX
IC 167
IC 4526
IC 982
IC 983
Messier 60
Mice Galaxies
MRC 1138-262
NGC 1128
NGC 1275
NGC 1531
NGC 1532
NGC 1553
NGC 2207 and IC 2163
NGC 2535
NGC 2536
NGC 4194
NGC 4567 and NGC 4568
NGC 4618
NGC 4625
NGC 4627
NGC 4656 and NGC 4657
NGC 5090 and NGC 5091
NGC 5195
NGC 520
NGC 5257
NGC 5258
NGC 5474
NGC 5544
NGC 5545
NGC 5613
NGC 5614
NGC 5615
NGC 5752
NGC 5753
NGC 5754
NGC 5755
NGC 5820
NGC 5829
NGC 5929
NGC 5930
NGC 6240
NGC 6745
NGC 6872 and IC 4970
NGC 7318
NGC 7752 and NGC 7753
PGC 214560
POX 186
UGC 6945
UGC 9561
UGC 9618
Whirlpool Galaxy
ZW II 96
Irregular Galaxies (cont. of book 1)
Irregular galaxy
Barred irregular galaxy
Magellanic spiral
Aquarius Dwarf
Canis Major Dwarf Galaxy
Dwingeloo 2
I Zwicky 18
IC 10
IC 5152
Leo A
Messier 82
NGC 55
NGC 1427A
NGC 2366
NGC 2915
NGC 3077
NGC 4214
NGC 4236
NGC 4449
NGC 5253
NGC 5408
Phoenix Dwarf
Sagittarius Dwarf Irregular Galaxy
Sextans A
Sextans B
Small Magellanic Cloud
UGC 8331
Andromeda IV
IC 1613
NGC 1156
NGC 1569
Pegasus Dwarf Irregular Galaxy
Pisces Dwarf
Sculptor Dwarf Irregular Galaxy
UGC 8091
Lenticular Galaxies
Lenticular galaxy
Barred lenticular galaxy
Unbarred lenticular galaxy
AM 0644-741
Cartwheel Galaxy
Centaurus A
IC 1101
Messier 84
Messier 85
Messier 86
NGC 404
NGC 1316
NGC 1705
NGC 250
NGC 2787
NGC 2812
NGC 2859
NGC 3115
NGC 3384
NGC 3561
NGC 37
NGC 4309
NGC 4526
NGC 474
NGC 4984
NGC 5101
NGC 5102
NGC 5866
NGC 6027
NGC 6340
NGC 7252
NGC 7777
NGC 1533
Starburst Galaxies
Starburst galaxy
Luminous infrared galaxy
Low-ionization nuclear emission-line region
Baby Boom Galaxy
Messier 94
NGC 1672
NGC 2841
NGC 3226
NGC 5005
Sombrero Galaxy
Dwarf Galaxies
Dwarf galaxy
Dwarf elliptical galaxy
Dwarf spheroidal galaxy
Dwarf spiral galaxy
Andromeda I
Carina Dwarf
Cassiopeia Dwarf
Fornax Dwarf
List of stellar streams
Messier 32
Messier 110
NGC 185
Omega Centauri
PGC 39058
Sagittarius Dwarf Elliptical Galaxy
Sculptor Dwarf Galaxy
Tucana Dwarf
Ursa Minor Dwarf
Virgo Stellar Stream
Willman 1
Low surface brightness galaxies
Low surface brightness galaxy
Malin 1
NGC 296
Pegasus Dwarf Spheroidal Galaxy
Dark galaxies
Dark galaxy
HVC 127-41-330
Smith's Cloud
Ring galaxies
Ring galaxy
Hoag's Object
NGC 1291
NGC 1365
NGC 7217
Radio Galaxies
Radio galaxy
X-shaped radio galaxy
3C 35
4C +37.11
3C 75
3C 173.1
3C 219
3C 223
3C 236
3C 244.1
3C 285
3C 288
3C 295
3C 303
3C 305
3C 390.3
3C 449
3C 452
3C 66B
3C 79
3C 83.1B
Arp 187
Cygnus A
Messier 87
NGC 383
NGC 5490
Seyfert galaxies
Seyfert galaxy
3C 109
3C 153
3C 171
3C 20
3C 215
3C 249.1
3C 401
3C 438
3C 47
3C 61.1
Abell 1795
Abell 2256
Circinus Galaxy
Fairall 9
H 2356-309
IC 1515
Markarian 231
Markarian 590
Messier 77
NGC 1566
NGC 1808
NGC 3227
NGC 4051
NGC 4151
NGC 5033
NGC 5548
NGC 6251
NGC 7314
QSO B0038+328
QSO B2121+248
Scorpius XR-6
Serpens Caput X-1
Polar-ring galaxies
List of polar-ring galaxies
Polar-ring galaxy
NGC 4650A
Peculiar Galaxies
Peculiar galaxy
Atlas of Peculiar Galaxies
Draco Dwarf
ESO 510-G13
Leo II (dwarf galaxy)
Maffei 1
NGC 2442
NGC 2976
NGC 3310
NGC 3628
NGC 4027
NGC 4605
NGC 4696
NGC 4725
NGC 4976
NGC 5713
NGC 7257
Tadpole Galaxy
Field Galaxies
Field galaxy
NGC 4555
Galaxy filaments
Galaxy filament
CfA2 Great Wall
Pisces-Cetus Supercluster Complex
Sculptor Wall
Sloan Great Wall
Coma Supercluster
Hercules Cluster
Leo Cluster
Coma Cluster
NGC 4565
NGC 4881
NGC 4889
NGC 4921
Blandford–Znajek process
Laser star model of quasars
List of quasars
Multiply imaged quasar
OVV quasar
Sołtan argument
3C 9
3C 48
3C 66A
3C 147
2MASS J07491255+5552336
3C 371
3C 191
3C 212
3C 286
APM 08279+5255
QSO B0958+290
QSO B1203+645
QSO B1419+419
QSO B1522+546
CFHQS J2329-0301
QSO J0005-0006
QSO J0303-0019
QSO J0842+1835
Quasar J1819+3845
LBQS 1429-008
OJ 287
PKS 2000-330
SDSS J0927+2943
Cloverleaf quasar
Einstein Cross
QSO B1359+154
Twin Quasar
3C 273
3C 279
3C 454.3
BL Lac object
BL Lacertae
Markarian 421
PKS 0521-365
PKS 2155-304
Active galactic nucleus
Abell 2147
First X-ray source in Pictor
Unclassified galaxies
Abell 1835 IR1916
GRB 990123
Huchra's Lens
IC 1059
IC 1517
Mayall's Object
NGC 2291
NGC 2294
NGC 2552
NGC 4777
NGC 4780
NGC 5034
NGC 5144
NGC 6027b
NGC 6027c
NGC 6027e
NGC 7459
NGC 7499
Overlapping galaxies
2MASX J00482185-2507365 occulting pair
AM 1316-241
NGC 3314
Supermassive Blackholes
Brightest cluster galaxy
Hypercompact stellar system
Leonard–Merritt mass estimator
M-sigma relation
NGC 4261
Reverberation mapping
Rotational Brownian motion (astronomy)
Sagittarius A
Sagittarius A*
Sphere of influence (astronomy)
Supermassive black hole
Galaxy Clusters
Galaxy groups and clusters
List of galaxy clusters
Butcher-Oemler Effect
Cooling flow
Fossil group
Galactic orientation
Intracluster medium
Radio halo
Radio relics
2XMM J0830
Abell 1689
Abell 1835
Abell 2029
Abell 2142
Abell 2218
Abell 2667
Abell 3266
Abell 370
Abell 400
Abell 520
Abell 754
Abell S740
Antlia Cluster
Bullet Cluster
Canes II Group
Centaurus A/M83 Group
Centaurus Cluster
Dorado Group
Eridanus Cluster
Eridanus Group
Fornax Cluster
HCG 87
Horologium Cluster
Hydra A
Hydra Cluster
IC 342/Maffei Group
JKCS 041
Leo Triplet
Local Group
M101 Group
M109 Group
M51 Group
M74 Group
M81 Group
M94 Group
M96 Group
MACS 0717
MACS J0025.4-1222
MS 0735.6+7421
NGC 1023 Group
NGC 2841 group
NGC 2997 Group
NGC 4038 Group
NGC 4631 Group
NGC 5679 Group
NGC 5866 Group
NGC 7331 Group
Norma Cluster
Ophiuchus X-2
Perseus Cluster
Robert's Quartet
RX J1416.5+2315
Sculptor Group
Seyfert's Sextet
SPT-CL J0546-5345
SPT-CL J2106-5844
Stephan's Quintet
Ursa Major Cluster
Virgo Cluster
Wikipedia:WikiProject Astronomical objects/Infoboxes
Wikipedia:WikiProject Astronomical objects/Infoboxes galaxies
XMMXCS 2215-1738
Messier 83
NGC 4945
NGC 1512
Virgo Supercluster
NGC 1232
NGC 1300
NGC 1309
NGC 1097
NGC 1427
Dwingeloo 1
IC 342
Maffei 2
Messier 65
Messier 66
Pinwheel Galaxy
Messier 106
Messier 109
NGC 3877
NGC 3949
NGC 3953
NGC 3982
NGC 4088
Sunflower Galaxy
Messier 74
Messier 81
NGC 2403
NGC 4395
Messier 95
Messier 96
Messier 105
NGC 2541
NGC 4631
NGC 5879
NGC 5907
NGC 7331
ESO 137-001
Great Attractor
NGC 87
NGC 88
NGC 89
NGC 92
NGC 247
NGC 625
NGC 7793
Sculptor Galaxy