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User:Adam mugliston/Adopt/Entry/Doobie Jefferson

From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Welcome to Adam Mugliston's Adopt-a-User program! As that I don't know much about you, I would like you to fill out a questionnaire that I made.

But before that; About Me.



I have been on Wikipedia for almost 4 years, although I did sometimes have long breaks. So far, I have made over 5,300 edits. I mainly create and edit articles to do with buses, as that is my hobby. I also do some anti-vandalism work, I'm a member of the Welcoming Committee and I also potter around with other bits and bobs. My other interests include various other forms of public transport, cats and music. I am usually on for a very short while in the mornings, about 7.30am - 8.30am and then I am on from 4pm - 10.30pm (all times in GMT). On weekends I am usually on from 8.30am - 11pm.



Now tell me about you.

About Yourself


Age: (I am asking, so I can know who I will be mentoring. Below I have listed a few age ranges, so you don't have to disclose your real age. If you don't feel comfortable telling me this, that's fine.)

I am 21.

  • Under 18
  • 18-24
  • 25-34
  • 35-44
  • 45-54
  • 55-64
  • 65-74
  • 75 and over

Your interests: (Just tell me what you like doing)

Sports are, perhaps, my biggest interest. I love setting up pickup games with my friends whenever possible. I have also parlayed this interest of mine into a desired career path as a sports announcer. However, I also take interest in a random assortment of other topics; none of which come to mind at the moment.

When are you online?

It depends on the day in all honesty. Sometimes I am on a lot. Sometimes I am not on at all. And my web time is not exactly consistent. However, I manage to get online for a decent chunk of time every week.

Your activities on Wikipedia: (What have you done so far?)

I initially joined as a means of editing the picture for the Bill Nye article, which contains a picture I took myself.

How long have you been on Wikipedia?

About a month or so. Since then, I have remained completely inactive due to my lack of editing knowledge.

Out of 1 - 10, rate how advanced you are: (I am not really expecting anything over 3, a 1 would be knowing the very basics of wiki markup, a 10 would be someone who took part in all kinds of tasks on Wikipedia.)

Is it sad if I doubt I even qualify for a 1? Because I'm fairly certain I don't. I am new to just about every single aspect of editing on here.

What you hope to get out of mentoring/adopting


Is there an area you think we should particularly work on?

Nothing comes to mind. If I could be well versed in all the important aspects of editing by the time I graduate, that would be all I need.

What do you hope to achieve by the time you graduate?

I hope to attain "editing literacy" so to speak. I want to know what I am doing on here. That way I don't have to constant question everything I do.