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 1.Countries with the highest rate in skin lightening?
 2.Skin lightening business(how much money they make)
 2.Top reasons people consider skin lightening
 3. Dangers of skin lightening
 4. Alternatives of skin lightening

Changed my topic to teen pregnancies in the U.S. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Teenage_pregnancy_in_the_United_States

   1. What are the causes of teen pregnancies?
   2. What are the effects of teen pregnancies?
   3.What country has the most amount of teen pregnancies?
   4.What can we do do prevent teen pregnancies
   U.S. Teen Pregnancies v.s. Other Countries (https://www.guttmacher.org/journals/psrh/2001/11/differences-teenage-pregnancy-rates-among-five-developed-countries-roles)

-After gathering data from each of the following countries including: Canada, France, Great Britain, Sweden and of course the United States. It is shown that there are large differences in adolescent pregnancy rates. Showing that the United States not only has the highest number of teen pregnancies but also the highest number of STD’s compared to the other four countries. By the late 1990’s in France and Sweden, pregnancies were 20 per 1,000 women at ages 15-19. In Canada and Great Britain the levels were twice that. Leaving the United States with 4 times the rate a whopping 84 per 1,000 women would be pregnant. The likelihood of abortions in teenagers across the four countries differ and exclude miscarriages. In the U.S. abortion rates for 15-19 years are 35% while in Sweden it was 69%. Leaving Great Britain with 39%, Canada with 46% and France with 51%.It seems that the U.S. rate of teen pregnancy is higher because in America a majority of sexual education classes teach abstinence. As a result, these adolescents are not fully aware of how to respond to sexual activity if it comes their way. The mentality of some education systems in America have the idea that if they don’t teach safe sex, adolescents will refrain from sex. As the data concludes from above that compared to the other developed countries America is four times as likely to have a teen pregnancy. Yet the U.S. also uses less contraceptive, has more abortions and more prevalence of sexually transmitted diseases than the other developed countries. In America all states are involved in sex education, but each state has differences in what they teach. Some states choose to go in detail others just cover the bases. Which include 39 states that require “some” education related to sexuality. There are 21 states that are required by law to teach sexuality and STD education. 17 states only require the teaching of STDs and not sexual education. There are also 11 states that have no requirement and leave it up to that state to decide whether or not they teach sex education. 

     The decline in Teen Pregnancy

-Although there is a noticeable decline in U.S. teen pregnancy the current rate is still 2-4 times more than in the other four countries. The biggest difference in the rate of pregnancies in the United States compared to the other countries is that in America there is a very high unintended pregnancy rate. This unintended pregnancy rate is higher than the total teenage pregnancy rate in all of the four countries. https://www.guttmacher.org/journals/psrh/2001/11/differences-teenage-pregnancy-rates-among-five-developed-countries-roles . In 2010 there was a rate of 57 pregnancies per 1,000 women aged 15-19. Most of those women reported that it was an unplanned pregnancy. This shows a 15% drop in pregnancies from 2008 to 2010. There is a huge decline in adolescent pregnancy for the nation as a whole. The cause of these declines are from abstaining from sex or better use of contraceptives. Researchers have concluded that these declines stem from improvement in use of contraceptives. This was concluded because between 18-19 years olds the rate of sexual activity remained the same between 2003 and 2010. https://www.guttmacher.org/gpr/2014/09/what-behind-declines-teen-pregnancy-rates .There is a huge decline in adolescent pregnancy for the nation as a whole. The cause of these declines are from abstaining from sex or better use of contraceptives. Researchers have concluded that these declines stem from improvement in use of contraceptives.  This was concluded because between 18-19 years olds the rate of sexual activity remained the same between 2003 and 2010. https://www.guttmacher.org/gpr/2014/09/what-behind-declines-teen-pregnancy-rates

Rise in STDS & STIs in America

-There are almost 20 million cases of sexually transmitted diseases that are reported each year. Out of those cases 50.5 million infections are men and while women have almost 10 million more cases with 59.5 million infections. Out of those infections half of those are from younger people ages 15-24. Within this age group it is reported that the most common case of STD’s is gonorrhea. Chlamydia is the top most common infection that people get. While the numbers are shown to be much higher because the majority of people who are infected will not show any symptoms.  http://recapp.etr.org/recapp/index.cfm?fuseaction=pages.StatisticsDetail&PageID=558  in 2015, there were 1,045,143 women that came forward with a case of chlamydia. This means there were 645.5 cases per 100,000 females. As for males the rate of chlamydia actually increased 10.5 percent from 2014-2015 while women had an increase of 3.8 percent. There were 305.2 cases of chlamydia per 100,000 men. https://www.cdc.gov/std/stats15/chlamydia.htm . Gonorrhea happens to be right behind Chlamydia in the most common transmitted diseases in America. Studies show that having gonorrhea makes it very easy to transmit HIV. Between 2014 and 2015 the rate of gonorrhea in men increased 18.3 percent. So in 4 years from 2011-2015 the rate in men increased a total of 44.2 percent. While in that same time span the rate among women has decreased by 0.7 percent. This huge increase in men is shown by increased cases among gay and bisexual men. However, this cannot be assessed accurately because there are no actual reports of this. It’s not very likely for men to come forward admitting they had sexual involvement with another man. https://www.cdc.gov/std/stats15/gonorrhea.htm