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User:つがる/Why I shouldn't edit Wikipedia

From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia


(Note that this essay contains mostly serious material while some is humorous.) (Note some symptoms listed here may be the same symptoms others list too)

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What it means to be Addicted to Wikipedia


Why I shouldn't edit Wikipedia. Editing Wikipedia is a great thing to do. However while editing Wikipedia is fun and Educational, too much of it can lead to being a Wikipediholic. I myself am a Wikipediholic. If you are a Wikipediholic reading this, don't feel hopeless, you are not alone. There is help out there for you. If you can't stop editing Wikipedia or other wikis, I suggest you to ask for help right away. (For example Maybe you will slip down the stairs tonight and find that going to a hospital is much more Important than editing Wikipedia.) This essay is not meant to discourage you from editing Wikipedia but to understand what too much Wikipedia can do to you. For me too much Wikipedia can lead to behavior and social problems. Too much Wikipedia will cause you to loose sleep and not do so good in school. If you find that you are starting to get addicted to Wikipedia or other Wikis ask for help right away before you become a Wikipediholic or a Wikiholic. Help for Wikipedia can always be found at the Wikipedia:Teahouse. (If you have any questions please leave a message on my talk page. Thank You.)

See also

