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Quantum mechanics




A fundamental physical constant occurring in quantum mechanics is the Planck constant, h. A common abbreviation is ħ = h/2π, also known as the reduced Planck constant or Dirac constant.

Quantity (Common Name/s) (Common) Symbol/s Defining Equation SI Units Dimension
Wavefunction ψ, Ψ To solve from the Schrödinger equation varies with situation and number of particles
Wavefunction probability density ρ m−3 [L]−3
Wavefunction probability current j Non-relativistic, no external field:

m−2 s−1 [T]−1 [L]−2

The general form of wavefunction for a system of particles, each with position ri and z-component of spin sz i. Sums are over the discrete variable sz, integrals over continuous positions r.

For clarity and brevity, the coordinates are collected into tuples, the indices label the particles (which cannot be done physically, but is mathematically necessary). Following are general mathematical results, used in calculations.

Property or effect Nomenclature Equation
Wavefunction for N particles in 3d
  • r = (r1, r2... rN)
  • sz = (sz 1, sz 2, ..., sz N)
In function notation:

in bra–ket notation:

for non-interacting particles:

Position-momentum Fourier transform (1 particle in 3d)
  • Φ = momentum-space wavefunction
  • Ψ = position-space wavefunction
General probability distribution
  • Vj = volume (3d region) particle may occupy,
  • P = Probability that particle 1 has position r1 in volume V1 with spin sz1 and particle 2 has position r2 in volume V2 with spin sz2, etc.
General normalization condition



Wave-particle duality and time evolution

Property or effect Nomenclature Equation
Planck–Einstein equation and de Broglie wavelength relations
Schrödinger equation
General time-dependent case:

Time-independent case:

Heisenberg equation
  • Â = operator of an observable property
  • [ ] is the commutator
  • denotes the average
Time evolution in Heisenberg picture (Ehrenfest theorem)

of a particle.

For momentum and position;

Non-relativistic time-independent Schrödinger equation


Summarized below are the various forms the Hamiltonian takes, with the corresponding Schrödinger equations and forms of wavefunction solutions. Notice in the case of one spatial dimension, for one particle, the partial derivative reduces to an ordinary derivative.

One particle N particles
One dimension where the position of particle n is xn.
There is a further restriction — the solution must not grow at infinity, so that it has either a finite L2-norm (if it is a bound state) or a slowly diverging norm (if it is part of a continuum):[1] for non-interacting particles

Three dimensions where the position of the particle is r = (x, y, z). where the position of particle n is r n = (xn, yn, zn), and the Laplacian for particle n using the corresponding position coordinates is

for non-interacting particles

Non-relativistic time-dependent Schrödinger equation


Again, summarized below are the various forms the Hamiltonian takes, with the corresponding Schrödinger equations and forms of solutions.

One particle N particles
One dimension where the position of particle n is xn.
Three dimensions
This last equation is in a very high dimension,[2] so the solutions are not easy to visualize.


Property/Effect Nomenclature Equation
Photoelectric equation
  • Kmax = Maximum kinetic energy of ejected electron (J)
  • h = Planck's constant
  • f = frequency of incident photons (Hz = s−1)
  • φ, Φ = Work function of the material the photons are incident on (J)
Threshold frequency and Work function
  • φ, Φ = Work function of the material the photons are incident on (J)
  • f0, ν0 = Threshold frequency (Hz = s−1)
Can only be found by experiment.

The De Broglie relations give the relation between them:

Photon momentum
  • p = momentum of photon (kg m s−1)
  • f = frequency of photon (Hz = s−1)
  • λ = wavelength of photon (m)
The De Broglie relations give:

Quantum uncertainty

Property or effect Nomenclature Equation
Heisenberg's uncertainty principles
  • n = number of photons
  • φ = wave phase
  • [, ] = commutator



Dispersion of observable A = observables (eigenvalues of operator)
General uncertainty relation A, B = observables (eigenvalues of operator)
Probability Distributions
Property or effect Equation
Density of states
Fermi–Dirac distribution (fermions) where
  • P(Ei) = probability of energy Ei
  • g(Ei) = degeneracy of energy Ei (no of states with same energy)
  • μ = chemical potential
Bose–Einstein distribution (bosons)

Angular momentum

Property or effect Nomenclature Equation
Angular momentum quantum numbers
  • s = spin quantum number
  • ms = spin magnetic quantum number
  • = Azimuthal quantum number
  • m = azimuthal magnetic quantum number
  • j = total angular momentum quantum number
  • mj = total angular momentum magnetic quantum number



Angular momentum magnitudes angular momementa:
  • S = Spin,
  • L = orbital,
  • J = total
Spin magnitude:

Orbital magnitude:

Total magnitude:

Angular momentum components Spin:


Magnetic moments

In what follows, B is an applied external magnetic field and the quantum numbers above are used.

Property or effect Nomenclature Equation
orbital magnetic dipole moment
spin magnetic dipole moment
dipole moment potential U = potential energy of dipole in field

The Hydrogen atom

Property or effect Nomenclature Equation
Energy level
Spectrum λ = wavelength of emitted photon, during electronic transition from Ei to Ej





Many of the definitions below are also used in the thermodynamics of chemical reactions.

General basic quantities

Quantity (common name/s) (Common) symbol/s SI unit Dimension
Number of molecules N 1 1
Amount of substance n mol N
Temperature T K Θ
Heat Energy Q, q J ML2T−2
Latent heat QL J ML2T−2

General derived quantities

Quantity (common name/s) (Common) symbol/s Defining equation SI unit Dimension
Thermodynamic beta, inverse temperature β J−1 T2M−1L−2
Thermodynamic temperature τ J ML2T−2
Entropy S , J⋅K−1 ML2T−2Θ−1
Pressure P Pa ML−1T−2
Internal Energy U J ML2T−2
Enthalpy H J ML2T−2
Partition Function Z 1 1
Gibbs free energy G J ML2T−2
Chemical potential (of component i in a mixture) μi , where is not proportional to because depends on pressure. , where is proportional to (as long as the molar ratio composition of the system remains the same) because depends only on temperature and pressure and composition. J ML2T−2
Helmholtz free energy A, F J ML2T−2
Landau potential, Landau free energy, Grand potential Ω, ΦG J ML2T−2
Massieu potential, Helmholtz free entropy Φ J⋅K−1 ML2T−2Θ−1
Planck potential, Gibbs free entropy Ξ J⋅K−1 ML2T−2Θ−1

Thermal properties of matter

Quantity (common name/s) (Common) symbol/s Defining equation SI unit Dimension
General heat/thermal capacity C J⋅K−1 ML2T−2Θ−1
Heat capacity (isobaric) Cp J⋅K−1 ML2T−2Θ−1
Specific heat capacity (isobaric) Cmp J⋅kg−1⋅K−1 L2T−2Θ−1
Molar specific heat capacity (isobaric) Cnp J⋅K−1⋅mol−1 ML2T−2Θ−1N−1
Heat capacity (isochoric/volumetric) CV J⋅K−1 ML2T−2Θ−1
Specific heat capacity (isochoric) CmV J⋅kg−1⋅K−1 L2T−2Θ−1
Molar specific heat capacity (isochoric) CnV J⋅K⋅−1 mol−1 ML2T−2Θ−1N−1
Specific latent heat L J⋅kg−1 L2T−2
Ratio of isobaric to isochoric heat capacity, heat capacity ratio, adiabatic index, Laplace coefficient γ 1 1

Thermal transfer

Quantity (common name/s) (Common) symbol/s Defining equation SI unit Dimension
Temperature gradient No standard symbol K⋅m−1 ΘL−1
Thermal conduction rate, thermal current, thermal/heat flux, thermal power transfer P W ML2T−3
Thermal intensity I W⋅m−2 MT−3
Thermal/heat flux density (vector analogue of thermal intensity above) q W⋅m−2 MT−3



Thermodynamic processes

Physical situation Equations
Isentropic process (adiabatic and reversible) For an ideal gas

Isothermal process For an ideal gas

Isobaric process p1 = p2, p = constant

Isochoric process V1 = V2, V = constant

Free expansion
Work done by an expanding gas Process

Net work done in cyclic processes

Kinetic theory

Ideal gas equations
Physical situation Nomenclature Equations
Ideal gas law

Pressure of an ideal gas
  • m = mass of one molecule
  • Mm = molar mass

Ideal gas

Quantity General Equation Isobaric

Δp = 0


ΔV = 0


ΔT = 0




Heat Capacity


(as for real gas)
(for monatomic ideal gas)

(for diatomic ideal gas)

(for monatomic ideal gas)

(for diatomic ideal gas)

Internal Energy









  • , where kB is the Boltzmann constant, and Ω denotes the volume of macrostate in the phase space or otherwise called thermodynamic probability.
  • , for reversible processes only

Statistical physics


Below are useful results from the Maxwell–Boltzmann distribution for an ideal gas, and the implications of the Entropy quantity. The distribution is valid for atoms or molecules constituting ideal gases.

Physical situation Nomenclature Equations
Maxwell–Boltzmann distribution
  • v = velocity of atom/molecule,
  • m = mass of each molecule (all molecules are identical in kinetic theory),
  • γ(p) = Lorentz factor as function of momentum (see below)
  • Ratio of thermal to rest mass-energy of each molecule:

K2 is the modified Bessel function of the second kind.

Non-relativistic speeds

Relativistic speeds (Maxwell–Jüttner distribution)

Entropy Logarithm of the density of states
  • Pi = probability of system in microstate i
  • Ω = total number of microstates

Entropy change

Entropic force
Equipartition theorem df = degree of freedom Average kinetic energy per degree of freedom

Internal energy

Corollaries of the non-relativistic Maxwell–Boltzmann distribution are below.

Physical situation Nomenclature Equations
Mean speed
Root mean square speed
Modal speed
Mean free path
  • σ = effective cross-section
  • n = volume density of number of target particles
  • = mean free path

Quasi-static and reversible processes


For quasi-static and reversible processes, the first law of thermodynamics is:

where δQ is the heat supplied to the system and δW is the work done by the system.

Thermodynamic potentials


The following energies are called the thermodynamic potentials.

Name Symbol Formula Natural variables
Internal energy
Helmholtz free energy
Gibbs free energy
Landau potential, or
grand potential

and the corresponding fundamental thermodynamic relations or "master equations"[4] are:

Potential Differential
Internal energy
Helmholtz free energy
Gibbs free energy

Maxwell's relations


The four most common Maxwell's relations are:

Physical situation Nomenclature Equations
Thermodynamic potentials as functions of their natural variables

More relations include the following.

Other differential equations are:

Name H U G
Gibbs–Helmholtz equation

Quantum properties

  • Indistinguishable Particles

where N is number of particles, h is that Planck constant, I is moment of inertia, and Z is the partition function, in various forms:

Degree of freedom Partition function

Thermal properties of matter

Coefficients Equation
Joule-Thomson coefficient
Compressibility (constant temperature)
Coefficient of thermal expansion (constant pressure)
Heat capacity (constant pressure)
Heat capacity (constant volume)

Thermal transfer

Physical situation Nomenclature Equations
Net intensity emission/absorption
  • Texternal = external temperature (outside of system)
  • Tsystem = internal temperature (inside system)
  • ε = emmisivity
Internal energy of a substance
  • CV = isovolumetric heat capacity of substance
  • ΔT = temperature change of substance
Meyer's equation
  • Cp = isobaric heat capacity
  • CV = isovolumetric heat capacity
  • n = amount of substance
Effective thermal conductivities
  • λi = thermal conductivity of substance i
  • λnet = equivalent thermal conductivity


Thermal efficiencies

Physical situation Nomenclature Equations
Thermodynamic engines
  • η = efficiency
  • W = work done by engine
  • QH = heat energy in higher temperature reservoir
  • QL = heat energy in lower temperature reservoir
  • TH = temperature of higher temp. reservoir
  • TL = temperature of lower temp. reservoir
Thermodynamic engine:

Carnot engine efficiency:

Refrigeration K = coefficient of refrigeration performance Refrigeration performance

Carnot refrigeration performance

Classical mechanics


Classical mechanics


Mass and inertia

Quantity (common name/s) (Common) symbol/s Defining equation SI units Dimension
Linear, surface, volumetric mass density λ or μ (especially in acoustics, see below) for Linear, σ for surface, ρ for volume.

kg mn, n = 1, 2, 3 M Ln
Moment of mass[5] m (No common symbol) Point mass:

Discrete masses about an axis :

Continuum of mass about an axis :

kg m M L
Center of mass rcom

(Symbols vary)

i-th moment of mass Discrete masses:

Mass continuum:

m L
2-Body reduced mass m12, μ Pair of masses = m1 and m2 kg M
Moment of inertia (MOI) I Discrete Masses:

Mass continuum:

kg m2 M L2

Derived kinematic quantities

Kinematic quantities of a classical particle: mass m, position r, velocity v, acceleration a.
Quantity (common name/s) (Common) symbol/s Defining equation SI units Dimension
Velocity v m s−1 L T−1
Acceleration a m s−2 L T−2
Jerk j m s−3 L T−3
Jounce s m s−4 L T−4
Angular velocity ω rad s−1 T−1
Angular Acceleration α rad s−2 T−2
Angular jerk ζ rad s−3 T−3

Derived dynamic quantities

Angular momenta of a classical object.Left: intrinsic "spin" angular momentum S is really orbital angular momentum of the object at every point, right: extrinsic orbital angular momentum L about an axis, top: the moment of inertia tensor I and angular velocity ω (L is not always parallel to ω)[6] bottom: momentum p and its radial position r from the axis. The total angular momentum (spin + orbital) is J.
Quantity (common name/s) (Common) symbol/s Defining equation SI units Dimension
Momentum p kg m s−1 M L T−1
Force F N = kg m s−2 M L T−2
Impulse J, Δp, I kg m s−1 M L T−1
Angular momentum about a position point r0, L, J, S Most of the time we can set r0 = 0 if particles are orbiting about axes intersecting at a common point. kg m2 s−1 M L2 T−1
Moment of a force about a position point r0,


τ, M N m = kg m2 s−2 M L2 T−2
Angular impulse ΔL (no common symbol) kg m2 s−1 M L2 T−1

General energy definitions

Quantity (common name/s) (Common) symbol/s Defining equation SI units Dimension
Mechanical work due to a Resultant Force W J = N m = kg m2 s−2 M L2 T−2
Work done ON mechanical system, Work done BY WON, WBY J = N m = kg m2 s−2 M L2 T−2
Potential energy φ, Φ, U, V, Ep J = N m = kg m2 s−2 M L2 T−2
Mechanical power P W = J s−1 M L2 T−3

Every conservative force has a potential energy. By following two principles one can consistently assign a non-relative value to U:

  • Wherever the force is zero, its potential energy is defined to be zero as well.
  • Whenever the force does work, potential energy is lost.

Generalized mechanics

Quantity (common name/s) (Common) symbol/s Defining equation SI units Dimension
Generalized coordinates q, Q varies with choice varies with choice
Generalized velocities varies with choice varies with choice
Generalized momenta p, P varies with choice varies with choice
Lagrangian L where and p = p(t) are vectors of the generalized coords and momenta, as functions of time J M L2 T−2
Hamiltonian H J M L2 T−2
Action, Hamilton's principal function S, J s M L2 T−1



In the following rotational definitions, the angle can be any angle about the specified axis of rotation. It is customary to use θ, but this does not have to be the polar angle used in polar coordinate systems. The unit axial vector

defines the axis of rotation, = unit vector in direction of r, = unit vector tangential to the angle.

Translation Rotation
Velocity Average:


Angular velocityRotating rigid body:
Acceleration Average:


Angular acceleration

Rotating rigid body:

Jerk Average:


Angular jerk

Rotating rigid body:


Translation Rotation
Momentum Momentum is the "amount of translation"

For a rotating rigid body:

Angular momentum

Angular momentum is the "amount of rotation":

and the cross-product is a pseudovector i.e. if r and p are reversed in direction (negative), L is not.

In general I is an order-2 tensor, see above for its components. The dot · indicates tensor contraction.

Force and Newton's 2nd law Resultant force acts on a system at the center of mass, equal to the rate of change of momentum:

For a number of particles, the equation of motion for one particle i is:[7]

where pi = momentum of particle i, Fij = force on particle i by particle j, and FE = resultant external force (due to any agent not part of system). Particle i does not exert a force on itself.


Torque τ is also called moment of a force, because it is the rotational analogue to force:[8]

For rigid bodies, Newton's 2nd law for rotation takes the same form as for translation:

Likewise, for a number of particles, the equation of motion for one particle i is:[9]

Yank Yank is rate of change of force:

For constant mass, it becomes;


Rotatum Ρ is also called moment of a Yank, because it is the rotational analogue to yank:

Impulse Impulse is the change in momentum:

For constant force F:

Twirl/angular impulse is the change in angular momentum:

For constant torque τ:



The precession angular speed of a spinning top is given by:

where w is the weight of the spinning flywheel.



The mechanical work done by an external agent on a system is equal to the change in kinetic energy of the system:

General work-energy theorem (translation and rotation)


The work done W by an external agent which exerts a force F (at r) and torque τ on an object along a curved path C is:

where θ is the angle of rotation about an axis defined by a unit vector n.

Kinetic energy


The change in kinetic energy for an object initially traveling at speed and later at speed is:

Elastic potential energy


For a stretched spring fixed at one end obeying Hooke's law, the elastic potential energy is

where r2 and r1 are collinear coordinates of the free end of the spring, in the direction of the extension/compression, and k is the spring constant.

Euler's equations for rigid body dynamics


Euler also worked out analogous laws of motion to those of Newton, see Euler's laws of motion. These extend the scope of Newton's laws to rigid bodies, but are essentially the same as above. A new equation Euler formulated is:[10]

where I is the moment of inertia tensor.

General planar motion


The previous equations for planar motion can be used here: corollaries of momentum, angular momentum etc. can immediately follow by applying the above definitions. For any object moving in any path in a plane,

the following general results apply to the particle.

Kinematics Dynamics



Angular momenta


The centripetal force is

where again m is the mass moment, and the Coriolis force is

The Coriolis acceleration and force can also be written:

Central force motion


For a massive body moving in a central potential due to another object, which depends only on the radial separation between the centers of masses of the two objects, the equation of motion is:

Equations of motion (constant acceleration)


These equations can be used only when acceleration is constant. If acceleration is not constant then the general calculus equations above must be used, found by integrating the definitions of position, velocity and acceleration (see above).

Linear motion Angular motion

Galilean frame transforms


For classical (Galileo-Newtonian) mechanics, the transformation law from one inertial or accelerating (including rotation) frame (reference frame traveling at constant velocity - including zero) to another is the Galilean transform.

Unprimed quantities refer to position, velocity and acceleration in one frame F; primed quantities refer to position, velocity and acceleration in another frame F' moving at translational velocity V or angular velocity Ω relative to F. Conversely F moves at velocity (—V or —Ω) relative to F'. The situation is similar for relative accelerations.

Motion of entities Inertial frames Accelerating frames

V = Constant relative velocity between two inertial frames F and F'.

A = (Variable) relative acceleration between two accelerating frames F and F'.

Relative position

Relative velocity

Equivalent accelerations

Relative accelerations

Apparent/fictitious forces


Ω = Constant relative angular velocity between two frames F and F'.

Λ = (Variable) relative angular acceleration between two accelerating frames F and F'.

Relative angular position

Relative velocity

Equivalent accelerations

Relative accelerations

Apparent/fictitious torques

Transformation of any vector T to a rotating frame

Mechanical oscillators


SHM, DHM, SHO, and DHO refer to simple harmonic motion, damped harmonic motion, simple harmonic oscillator and damped harmonic oscillator respectively.

Equations of motion
Physical situation Nomenclature Translational equations Angular equations
  • x = Transverse displacement
  • θ = Angular displacement
  • A = Transverse amplitude
  • Θ = Angular amplitude
Solution: Solution:
Unforced DHM
  • b = damping constant
  • κ = torsion constant
Solution (see below for ω'):

Resonant frequency:

Damping rate:

Expected lifetime of excitation:


Resonant frequency:

Damping rate:

Expected lifetime of excitation:

Angular frequencies
Physical situation Nomenclature Equations
Linear undamped unforced SHO
  • k = spring constant
  • m = mass of oscillating bob
Linear unforced DHO
  • k = spring constant
  • b = Damping coefficient
Low amplitude angular SHO
  • I = Moment of inertia about oscillating axis
  • κ = torsion constant
Low amplitude simple pendulum
  • L = Length of pendulum
  • g = Gravitational acceleration
  • Θ = Angular amplitude
Approximate value

Exact value can be shown to be:

Energy in mechanical oscillations
Physical situation Nomenclature Equations
SHM energy
  • T = kinetic energy
  • U = potential energy
  • E = total energy
Potential energy

Maximum value at x = A:

Kinetic energy

Total energy

DHM energy

Wave theory




General fundamental quantities


A wave can be longitudinal where the oscillations are parallel (or antiparallel) to the propagation direction, or transverse where the oscillations are perpendicular to the propagation direction. These oscillations are characterized by a periodically time-varying displacement in the parallel or perpendicular direction, and so the instantaneous velocity and acceleration are also periodic and time varying in these directions. (the apparent motion of the wave due to the successive oscillations of particles or fields about their equilibrium positions) propagates at the phase and group velocities parallel or antiparallel to the propagation direction, which is common to longitudinal and transverse waves. Below oscillatory displacement, velocity and acceleration refer to the kinematics in the oscillating directions of the wave - transverse or longitudinal (mathematical description is identical), the group and phase velocities are separate.

Quantity (common name/s) (Common) symbol/s SI units Dimension
Number of wave cycles N dimensionless dimensionless
(Oscillatory) displacement Symbol of any quantity which varies periodically, such as h, x, y (mechanical waves), x, s, η (longitudinal waves) I, V, E, B, H, D (electromagnetism), u, U (luminal waves), ψ, Ψ, Φ (quantum mechanics). Most general purposes use y, ψ, Ψ. For generality here, A is used and can be replaced by any other symbol, since others have specific, common uses.

for longitudinal waves,

for transverse waves.

m [L]
(Oscillatory) displacement amplitude Any quantity symbol typically subscripted with 0, m or max, or the capitalized letter (if displacement was in lower case). Here for generality A0 is used and can be replaced. m [L]
(Oscillatory) velocity amplitude V, v0, vm. Here v0 is used. m s−1 [L][T]−1
(Oscillatory) acceleration amplitude A, a0, am. Here a0 is used. m s−2 [L][T]−2
Spatial position

Position of a point in space, not necessarily a point on the wave profile or any line of propagation

d, r m [L]
Wave profile displacement

Along propagation direction, distance travelled (path length) by one wave from the source point r0 to any point in space d (for longitudinal or transverse waves)

L, d, r

m [L]
Phase angle δ, ε, φ rad dimensionless

General derived quantities

Quantity (common name/s) (Common) symbol/s Defining equation SI units Dimension
Wavelength λ General definition (allows for FM):

For non-FM waves this reduces to:

m [L]
Wavenumber, k-vector, Wave vector k, σ Two definitions are in use:

m−1 [L]−1
Frequency f, ν General definition (allows for FM):

For non-FM waves this reduces to:

In practice N is set to 1 cycle and t = T = time period for 1 cycle, to obtain the more useful relation:

Hz = s−1 [T]−1
Angular frequency/ pulsatance ω Hz = s−1 [T]−1
Oscillatory velocity v, vt, v Longitudinal waves:

Transverse waves:

m s−1 [L][T]−1
Oscillatory acceleration a, at Longitudinal waves:

Transverse waves:

m s−2 [L][T]−2
Path length difference between two waves L, ΔL, Δx, Δr m [L]
Phase velocity vp General definition:

In practice reduces to the useful form:

m s−1 [L][T]−1
(Longitudinal) group velocity vg m s−1 [L][T]−1
Time delay, time lag/lead Δt s [T]
Phase difference δ, Δε, Δϕ rad dimensionless
Phase No standard symbol Physically;

upper sign: wave propagation in +r direction

lower sign: wave propagation in −r direction

Phase angle can lag if: ϕ > 0

or lead if: ϕ < 0.

rad dimensionless

Relation between space, time, angle analogues used to describe the phase:

Modulation indices

Quantity (common name/s) (Common) symbol/s Defining equation SI units Dimension
AM index: h, hAM A = carrier amplitude

Am = peak amplitude of a component in the modulating signal

dimensionless dimensionless
FM index: hFM Δf = max. deviation of the instantaneous frequency from the carrier frequency

fm = peak frequency of a component in the modulating signal

dimensionless dimensionless
PM index: hPM Δϕ = peak phase deviation dimensionless dimensionless


Quantity (common name/s) (Common) symbol/s Defining equation SI units Dimension
Acoustic impedance Z v = speed of sound, ρ = volume density of medium kg m−2 s−1 [M] [L]−2 [T]−1
Specific acoustic impedance z S = surface area kg s−1 [M] [T]−1
Sound Level β dimensionless dimensionless



In what follows n, m are any integers (Z = set of integers); .

Standing waves

Physical situation Nomenclature Equations
Harmonic frequencies fn = nth mode of vibration, nth harmonic, (n-1)th overtone

Propagating waves


Sound waves

Physical situation Nomenclature Equations
Average wave power P0 = Sound power due to source
Sound intensity Ω = Solid angle
Acoustic beat frequency f1, f2 = frequencies of two waves (nearly equal amplitudes)
Doppler effect for mechanical waves
  • V = speed of sound wave in medium
  • f0 = Source frequency
  • fr = Receiver frequency
  • v0 = Source velocity
  • vr = Receiver velocity
upper signs indicate relative approach, lower signs indicate relative recession.
Mach cone angle (Supersonic shockwave, sonic boom)
  • v = speed of body
  • vs = local speed of sound
  • θ = angle between direction of travel and conic envelope of superimposed wavefronts
Acoustic pressure and displacement amplitudes
  • p0 = pressure amplitude
  • s0 = displacement amplitude
  • v = speed of sound
  • ρ = local density of medium
Wave functions for sound Acoustic beats

Sound displacement function

Sound pressure-variation

Gravitational waves


Gravitational radiation for two orbiting bodies in the low-speed limit.[11]

Physical situation Nomenclature Equations
Radiated power
  • P = Radiated power from system,
  • t = time,
  • r = separation between centres-of-mass
  • m1, m2 = masses of the orbiting bodies
Orbital radius decay
Orbital lifetime r0 = initial distance between the orbiting bodies

Superposition, interference, and diffraction

Physical situation Nomenclature Equations
Principle of superposition N = number of waves
  • ωd = driving angular frequency (external agent)
  • ωnat = natural angular frequency (oscillator)
Phase and interference
  • Δr = path length difference
  • φ = phase difference between any two successive wave cycles
Constructive interference

Destructive interference

Wave propagation


A common misconception occurs between phase velocity and group velocity (analogous to centres of mass and gravity). They happen to be equal in non-dispersive media. In dispersive media the phase velocity is not necessarily the same as the group velocity. The phase velocity varies with frequency.

The phase velocity is the rate at which the phase of the wave propagates in space.
The group velocity is the rate at which the wave envelope, i.e. the changes in amplitude, propagates. The wave envelope is the profile of the wave amplitudes; all transverse displacements are bound by the envelope profile.

Intuitively the wave envelope is the "global profile" of the wave, which "contains" changing "local profiles inside the global profile". Each propagates at generally different speeds determined by the important function called the dispersion relation. The use of the explicit form ω(k) is standard, since the phase velocity ω/k and the group velocity dω/dk usually have convenient representations by this function.

Physical situation Nomenclature Equations
Idealized non-dispersive media
  • p = (any type of) Stress or Pressure,
  • ρ = Volume Mass Density,
  • F = Tension Force,
  • μ = Linear Mass Density of medium
Dispersion relation Implicit form

Explicit form

Amplitude modulation, AM
Frequency modulation, FM

General wave functions


Wave equations

Physical situation Nomenclature Wave equation General solution/s
Non-dispersive Wave Equation in 3d A = amplitude as function of position and time
Exponentially damped waveform
  • A0 = Initial amplitude at time t = 0
  • b = damping parameter
Korteweg–de Vries equation[12] α = constant

Sinusoidal solutions to the 3d wave equation

N different sinusoidal waves

Complex amplitude of wave n

Resultant complex amplitude of all N waves

Modulus of amplitude

The transverse displacements are simply the real parts of the complex amplitudes.

1-dimensional corollaries for two sinusoidal waves

The following may be deduced by applying the principle of superposition to two sinusoidal waves, using trigonometric identities. The angle addition and sum-to-product trigonometric formulae are useful; in more advanced work complex numbers and fourier series and transforms are used.

Wavefunction Nomenclature Superposition Resultant
Standing wave
Coherent interference




Lorentz force on a charged particle (of charge q) in motion (velocity v), used as the definition of the E field and B field.

Here subscripts e and m are used to differ between electric and magnetic charges. The definitions for monopoles are of theoretical interest, although real magnetic dipoles can be described using pole strengths. There are two possible units for monopole strength, Wb (Weber) and A m (Ampere metre). Dimensional analysis shows that magnetic charges relate by qm(Wb) = μ0 qm(Am).

Initial quantities

Quantity (common name/s) (Common) symbol/s SI units Dimension
Electric charge qe, q, Q C = As [I][T]
Monopole strength, magnetic charge qm, g, p Wb or Am [L]2[M][T]−2 [I]−1 (Wb)

[I][L] (Am)

Electric quantities

Continuous charge distribution. The volume charge density ρ is the amount of charge per unit volume (cube), surface charge density σ is amount per unit surface area (circle) with outward unit normal , d is the dipole moment between two point charges, the volume density of these is the polarization density P. Position vector r is a point to calculate the electric field; r′ is a point in the charged object.

Contrary to the strong analogy between (classical) gravitation and electrostatics, there are no "centre of charge" or "centre of electrostatic attraction" analogues.

Electric transport

Quantity (common name/s) (Common) symbol/s Defining equation SI units Dimension
Linear, surface, volumetric charge density λe for Linear, σe for surface, ρe for volume.

C mn, n = 1, 2, 3 [I][T][L]n
Capacitance C V = voltage, not volume. F = C V−1 [I]2[T]4[L]−2[M]−1
Electric current I A [I]
Electric current density J A m−2 [I][L]−2
Displacement current density Jd A m−2 [I][L]−2
Convection current density Jc A m−2 [I][L]−2

Electric fields

Quantity (common name/s) (Common) symbol/s Defining equation SI units Dimension
Electric field, field strength, flux density, potential gradient E N C−1 = V m−1 [M][L][T]−3[I]−1
Electric flux ΦE N m2 C−1 [M][L]3[T]−3[I]−1
Absolute permittivity; ε F m−1 [I]2 [T]4 [M]−1 [L]−3
Electric dipole moment p a = charge separation directed from -ve to +ve charge C m [I][T][L]
Electric Polarization, polarization density P C m−2 [I][T][L]−2
Electric displacement field, flux density D C m−2 [I][T][L]−2
Electric displacement flux ΦD C [I][T]
Absolute electric potential, EM scalar potential relative to point Theoretical:

Practical: (Earth's radius)

φ ,V V = J C−1 [M] [L]2 [T]−3 [I]−1
Voltage, Electric potential difference ΔφV V = J C−1 [M] [L]2 [T]−3 [I]−1

Magnetic quantities


Magnetic transport

Quantity (common name/s) (Common) symbol/s Defining equation SI units Dimension
Linear, surface, volumetric pole density λm for Linear, σm for surface, ρm for volume.

Wb mn

A m(−n + 1),

n = 1, 2, 3

[L]2[M][T]−2 [I]−1 (Wb)

[I][L] (Am)

Monopole current Im Wb s−1

A m s−1

[L]2[M][T]−3 [I]−1 (Wb)

[I][L][T]−1 (Am)

Monopole current density Jm Wb s−1 m−2

A m−1 s−1

[M][T]−3 [I]−1 (Wb)

[I][L]−1[T]−1 (Am)

Magnetic fields

Quantity (common name/s) (Common) symbol/s Defining equation SI units Dimension
Magnetic field, field strength, flux density, induction field B T = N A−1 m−1 = Wb m−2 [M][T]−2[I]−1
Magnetic potential, EM vector potential A T m = N A−1 = Wb m3 [M][L][T]−2[I]−1
Magnetic flux ΦB Wb = T m2 [L]2[M][T]−2[I]−1
Magnetic permeability V·s·A−1·m−1 = N·A−2 = T·m·A−1 = Wb·A−1·m−1 [M][L][T]−2[I]−2
Magnetic moment, magnetic dipole moment m, μB, Π Two definitions are possible:

using pole strengths,

using currents:

a = pole separation

N is the number of turns of conductor

A m2 [I][L]2
Magnetization M A m−1 [I] [L]−1
Magnetic field intensity, (AKA field strength) H Two definitions are possible:

most common:

using pole strengths,[13]

A m−1 [I] [L]−1
Intensity of magnetization, magnetic polarization I, J T = N A−1 m−1 = Wb m−2 [M][T]−2[I]−1
Self Inductance L Two equivalent definitions are possible:

H = Wb A−1 [L]2 [M] [T]−2 [I]−2
Mutual inductance M Again two equivalent definitions are possible:

1,2 subscripts refer to two conductors/inductors mutually inducing voltage/ linking magnetic flux through each other. They can be interchanged for the required conductor/inductor;

H = Wb A−1 [L]2 [M] [T]−2 [I]−2
Gyromagnetic ratio (for charged particles in a magnetic field) γ Hz T−1 [M]−1[T][I]

Electric circuits


DC circuits, general definitions

Quantity (common name/s) (Common) symbol/s Defining equation SI units Dimension
Terminal Voltage for

Power Supply

Vter V = J C−1 [M] [L]2 [T]−3 [I]−1
Load Voltage for Circuit Vload V = J C−1 [M] [L]2 [T]−3 [I]−1
Internal resistance of power supply Rint Ω = V A−1 = J s C−2 [M][L]2 [T]−3 [I]−2
Load resistance of circuit Rext Ω = V A−1 = J s C−2 [M][L]2 [T]−3 [I]−2
Electromotive force (emf), voltage across entire circuit including power supply, external components and conductors E V = J C−1 [M] [L]2 [T]−3 [I]−1

AC circuits

Quantity (common name/s) (Common) symbol/s Defining equation SI units Dimension
Resistive load voltage VR V = J C−1 [M] [L]2 [T]−3 [I]−1
Capacitive load voltage VC V = J C−1 [M] [L]2 [T]−3 [I]−1
Inductive load voltage VL V = J C−1 [M] [L]2 [T]−3 [I]−1
Capacitive reactance XC Ω−1 m−1 [I]2 [T]3 [M]−2 [L]−2
Inductive reactance XL Ω−1 m−1 [I]2 [T]3 [M]−2 [L]−2
AC electrical impedance Z Ω−1 m−1 [I]2 [T]3 [M]−2 [L]−2
Phase constant δ, φ dimensionless dimensionless
AC peak current I0 A [I]
AC root mean square current Irms A [I]
AC peak voltage V0 V = J C−1 [M] [L]2 [T]−3 [I]−1
AC root mean square voltage Vrms V = J C−1 [M] [L]2 [T]−3 [I]−1
AC emf, root mean square V = J C−1 [M] [L]2 [T]−3 [I]−1
AC average power W = J s−1 [M] [L]2 [T]−3
Capacitive time constant τC s [T]
Inductive time constant τL s [T]

Magnetic circuits

Quantity (common name/s) (Common) symbol/s Defining equation SI units Dimension
Magnetomotive force, mmf F, N = number of turns of conductor A [I]



Electric fields


General Classical Equations

Physical situation Equations
Electric potential gradient and field
Point charge
At a point in a local array of point charges
At a point due to a continuum of charge
Electrostatic torque and potential energy due to non-uniform fields and dipole moments

Magnetic fields and moments


General classical equations

Physical situation Equations
Magnetic potential, EM vector potential
Due to a magnetic moment
Magnetic moment due to a current distribution
Magnetostatic torque and potential energy due to non-uniform fields and dipole moments

Electric circuits and electronics


Below N = number of conductors or circuit components. Subscript net refers to the equivalent and resultant property value.

Physical situation Nomenclature Series Parallel
Resistors and conductors
  • Ri = resistance of resistor or conductor i
  • Gi = conductance of resistor or conductor i
Charge, capacitors, currents
  • Ci = capacitance of capacitor i
  • qi = charge of charge carrier i
  • Li = self-inductance of inductor i
  • Lij = self-inductance element ij of L matrix
  • Mij = mutual inductance between inductors i and j
Circuit DC Circuit equations AC Circuit equations
Series circuit equations
RC circuits Circuit equation

Capacitor charge

Capacitor discharge

RL circuits Circuit equation

Inductor current rise

Inductor current fall

LC circuits Circuit equation

Circuit equation

Circuit resonant frequency

Circuit charge

Circuit current

Circuit electrical potential energy

Circuit magnetic potential energy

RLC Circuits Circuit equation

Circuit equation

Circuit charge

Special relativity

  1. ^ Feynman, R.P.; Leighton, R.B.; Sand, M. (1964). "Operators". The Feynman Lectures on Physics. Vol. 3. Addison-Wesley. pp. 20–7. ISBN 0-201-02115-3.
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  3. ^ Keenan, Thermodynamics, Wiley, New York, 1947
  4. ^ Physical chemistry, P.W. Atkins, Oxford University Press, 1978, ISBN 0 19 855148 7
  5. ^ "Section: Moments and center of mass".
  6. ^ R.P. Feynman; R.B. Leighton; M. Sands (1964). Feynman's Lectures on Physics (volume 2). Addison-Wesley. pp. 31–7. ISBN 978-0-201-02117-2.
  7. ^ "Relativity, J.R. Forshaw 2009"
  8. ^ "Mechanics, D. Kleppner 2010"
  9. ^ "Relativity, J.R. Forshaw 2009"
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  11. ^ "Gravitational Radiation" (PDF). Archived from the original (PDF) on 2012-04-02. Retrieved 2012-09-15.
  12. ^ Encyclopaedia of Physics (2nd Edition), R.G. Lerner, G.L. Trigg, VHC publishers, 1991, (Verlagsgesellschaft) 3-527-26954-1, (VHC Inc.) 0-89573-752-3
  13. ^ M. Mansfield; C. O'Sullivan (2011). Understanding Physics (2nd ed.). John Wiley & Sons. ISBN 978-0-470-74637-0.