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Tripuri cuisine

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Tripuri traditional dishes at a food festival in Aguli (Agartala)
Tripuri Mairang (Thali) at a restaurant

Tripuri cuisine is the type of food served in Tripura, in northeastern India. The Tripuri cuisine reflect the organic lifestyle and evolving cultural trend with times from its natural Jhum (Huk) to now settled farming.[1]





Soups and stews


Tripuri meal have a prominent stew dish known as Berma Bwtwi. These stews are prepared from different vegetables ingredients with the flavouring of fermented fish Berma.



Mosdeng are a popular side-dish of a Tripuri meal. It is prepared with chilli, herbs, onion, and any kind of seasonal vegetable.[2]




See also



  1. ^ Debbarma, Narendra. Chahmung Borok (The Dishes of the Borok people). Kokborok Tei Hukumu Mission.
  2. ^ "Mosdeng Serma To Gudok: Tried These Dishes Of Tripura?". Slurrp. Retrieved 6 March 2024.