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In Greek mythology, Tremilus (Ancient Greek: Τρεμίλου or Τρέμιλος Tremilos) or Tremiles (Τρεμίλης) was the eponym of Tremile which was afterwards called Lycia. Other variant of his name was Termilus.



Tremiles was married to the nymph Praxidice, daughter of Ogygus, on silver Sibros beside the whirling river. The couple had four sons: Tloos,[1] Pinarus, Cragus and Xanthus. In one account, all sons were mentioned except Xanthus to be the progeny of Tremiles and Praxidike.[2]



When Tremiles died, Bellerophontes renamed the Tremileis Lycians. Hekataios calls them Tremilas in the 4th book of his Genealogies.[3]


  1. ^ Stephanus of Byzantium, s.v. Tlōs
  2. ^ Tituli Asiae Minoris 2.174, A.16–B2 (Greek text)
  3. ^ Stephanus of Byzantium, s.v. Tremilē (quoting a poem by Panyassis)

