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This template creates a note directing the reader to the other wikipedia main pages, for example; in the Article english wikipedia, this template can be used as; {{WPMP|english wikipedia|en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Main_Page|Main Page}} which shows a result of;

Usage example



  • Example:
{{WPMP|English Wikipedia|en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Main_Page|Main Page}}
{{WPMP|Dhivehi Wikipedia|dv.wikipedia.org|މައި ޞަފްޙާ}}


This is an error, DO NOT USE "https://". https:// in the template may not work in the 2nd parameter.
  • Do not repeat the URL example; {{WPMP|English Wikipedia|en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Main_Page|en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Main_Page|Main Page}} which maybe a result of;
In this case, the text to be displayed will be, "the link"

Template parameters

Parameter Description Status
|1= English Wikipedia Required
|2= The Wikipedia main page link Required
|3= Text to be displayed (eg;"Portada", which means "Main Page" in Spanish. {{WPMP|Spanish Wikipedia|en.wikipedia.org|Portada}} Required