This hook will add up 10 additional notes. It should be attached to the |HOOK_NOTE= parameter in conjunction with the /notecounter hook. The syntax is:
note 1– pass this parameter through to trigger any defined note. Eg: note 1={{{needs-photo|}}}, then by including |needs-photo=yes on the talk page. Up to ten notes can be specified in the hook.
NOTE_1_TEXT – the text of note 1. E.g.: This page has been marked as needing a photograph. If this is left blank there is no visual output.
NOTE_1_IMAGE – an image can be defined for each note. Remember that all images must be free, not fair-use. Eg: Gnome-dev-camera.svg
NOTE_1_SIZE – the size of the image
NOTE_1_FORMAT – optional formatting (colour, etc.) for the table cell which contains the image, if any, for the note. Eg: style="background:blue"