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The Monumenta Germaniae Historica, an important source of German historical documents, is now almost entirely digital. This template creates a complete citation as a link to the digital output that can be found at http://www.dmgh.de.


{{MGH|Series|Volume|Page from|Page to}}

Series must be one of the following abbreviations:

  • AuctAnt (Auctores antiquissimi)
  • SSrerMerov (Scriptores rerum Merovingicarum)
  • SSrerLangob (Scriptores rerum Langobardicarum et Italicarum)
  • GestaPontifRom (Gesta pontificum Romanorum)
  • SS (Scriptores (in Folio))
  • SSrerGermNS (Scriptores rerum Germanicarum, Nova series)
  • SSrerGerm (Scriptores rerum Germanicarum in usum scholarum separatim editi)
  • DtChron (Deutsche Chroniken)
  • Ldl (Libelli de lite imperatorum et pontificum)
  • Staatsschriften (State publications (Staatsschriften) of the Late Middle Ages)
  • DD (Diplomata)
  • Epp (Epistolae (in Quart))
  • EppKaiserzeit (Letters of the German imperial era)
  • EppSpaetMA (Letters of the Late Middle Ages)
  • EppSaecXIII (Epistolae saeculi XIII e regestis pontificum Romanorum selectae)
  • Poetae (Poetae Latini medii aevi)

Several series of the MGH (Leges, Necrologia usw.) are not yet supported, but will follow.

Volume must be the volume number, as given in the series overview at http://www.dmgh.de (Exception: Diplomata are not number on the web page; here a sequential number is to be given: from 1 = Merowinger to 31 = Mathilde von Tuszien).

The page numbers are optional. In entering the pages they are directly linked to Page from.


''Annales Sangallenses''. In: {{MGH|SS|1|61|85}}
